[FLASH-USERS] Non-constant Magnetic Resistivity

Ryan Farber rjfarber at umich.edu
Thu Aug 20 13:26:07 EDT 2020

Hi FLASH-users,

I expect there is an embarrassingly simple solution to my problem but since
I'm at my wit's end:

I successfully modified the following files to make the magnetic
resistivity eta = eta(x) for a test problem. However, when I do eta =
eta(x,y), compilation fails with the following error in

Files modified:

Error message:

hy_uhd_getFaceFlux.F90(333): error #6285: There is no matching specific
subroutine for this generic subroutine call.   [MAGNETICRESISTIVITY]

                 call MagneticResistivity(xCenter(i),yCenter(j),U(:,i,j,k),


compilation aborted for hy_uhd_getFaceFlux.F90 (code 1)

make: *** [hy_uhd_getFaceFlux.o] Error 1

make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

Excerpt from getFaceFlux:

#if defined(FLASH_USM_MHD)

  if (hy_useMagneticResistivity) then

    !! Get magnetic viscosity

    *call* MagneticResistivity(xCenter(i),yCenter(j),U(:,i,j,k), &




Excerpt from MagneticResistivity_interface:

  interface MagneticResistivity

     subroutine MagneticResistivity(xx,yy,temp,dens,xn,magResist)

       real, intent(IN) :: xx,yy

       real, intent(IN)  :: temp, dens

       real, intent(IN), dimension(NSPECIES)  :: xn

       real, intent(OUT) :: magResist

     end subroutine MagneticResistivity

I'm flummoxed since all I did was add "yCenter(j)" to the call of
MagneticResistivity (and accordingly modified its arguments in the
subroutine and in the interface).

If you can point out what silly thing I'm missing, that would be great!

Ryan Farber
University of Michigan
PhD Candidate
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