[FLASH-USERS] multispecies ionmix not found
Marissa Adams
marissa at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 12 11:16:09 EST 2020
On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 12:30 AM Aodhan McIlvenny <amcilvenny01 at qub.ac.uk>
> Hi all,
> I have 2 questions which I hope are easy to answer; I am a bit stuck when
> trying to change the material in the laserslab example.
> - I am trying to use the polystyrene ionmix4 file which is in the same
> format as the aluminium one however it returns an error that it can't be
> found. Any ideas why this is so?
> Where are you running the executable? Perhaps you have not moved that
particular file to the directory where you are running the ./flash4
executable. If you are running the executable in the *object* directory
where you have configured and made it, then the default Simulation module
for the *LaserSlab* problem will have not moved that particular file there.
You can change this by editing the *Config* file. For instance, I can see
that in my version of the *LaserSlab* problem, it will only copy these
files to the object directory:
DATAFILES al-imx-002.cn4
DATAFILES al-imx-003.cn4
DATAFILES he-imx-005.cn4
e.g. Tables for aluminum and helium as found in the *Config* file in
> - Secondly, can I track the carbon and proton species separately from
> this one material? Ideally I would like to return the position and
> temperature of carbon and protons separately. Is there a partciular syntax
> for looking at each ion species from 1 material?
> In order to track the in particular just the *carbon* elements of a
plastic material such as CH, that will require your own scientific inquiry;
from my naive experience, I've never heard of someone doing that in a
Eulerian fluid code but I am sure I one can google it if it's been done.
However, if you want to do standardized extractions of the species you're
using as materials in FLASH, as well as acquire information such as the
electron and ion densities, make sure you're using 3T and take a gander at
page 539/section 34.7 of the user manual.
> I have attached my .par file. I would much appreciate some help! I am
> using FLASH.4.6.2 and setup command was
> ./setup -auto LaserSlab -2d +cylindrical -nxb=16 -nyb=16 +hdf5typeio
> species=cham,targ +mtmmmt +laser +uhd3t +mgd mgd_meshgroups=6
> -parfile=VulcanTest2.par
> Thanks in advance,
> Aodhan
Marissa B. P. Adams
Phd Candidate, University of Rochester
NDVS, University of Chicago
*E-mail:* marissa at flash.uchicago.edu
*Website:* https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~madams
*Twitter:* https://twitter.com/mbpadams
*Current Location:*
553 ERC
Flash Center for Computational Science
5640 S. Ellis Ave, ERC 553
Chicago, IL 60637
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