[FLASH-USERS] multispecies ionmix not found

Aodhan McIlvenny amcilvenny01 at qub.ac.uk
Wed Feb 12 20:07:40 EST 2020

Hi Marissa,

Thanks for the help, it's now running.

I noticed this page in the manual previously, since it noted that it 
tracked the average ionization and average atomic number only. I was 
hoping that there would be a quick change to the input file that allowed 
the output of each ion species within 1 material, since the IONMIX file 
has a relative abundance of each ion species, they must be being 
computed but maybe not output. I will continue to look into this.

All the best,


On 13/02/2020 01:16, Marissa Adams wrote:
> *This message is from an external sender. Please take care when 
> responding, clicking links or opening attachments.*
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 12:30 AM Aodhan McIlvenny 
> <amcilvenny01 at qub.ac.uk <mailto:amcilvenny01 at qub.ac.uk>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I have 2 questions which I hope are easy to answer; I am a bit
>     stuck when trying to change the material in the laserslab example.
>       * I am trying to use the polystyrene ionmix4 file which is in
>         the same format as the aluminium one however it returns an
>         error that it can't be found. Any ideas why this is so?
> Where are you running the executable? Perhaps you have not moved that 
> particular file to the directory where you are running the ./flash4 
> executable. If you are running the executable in the /object/ 
> directory where you have configured and made it, then the default 
> Simulation module for the /LaserSlab/ problem will have not moved that 
> particular file there. You can change this by editing the /Config/ 
> file. For instance, I can see that in my version of the /LaserSlab/ 
> problem, it will only copy these files to the object directory:
> DATAFILES al-imx-002.cn4
> DATAFILES al-imx-003.cn4
> DATAFILES he-imx-005.cn4
> e.g. Tables for aluminum and helium as found in the /Config/ file in 
> //source/Simulation/SimulationMain/LaserSlab//
>       * Secondly, can I track the carbon and proton species separately
>         from this one material? Ideally I would like to return the
>         position and temperature of carbon and protons separately. Is
>         there a partciular syntax for looking at each ion species from
>         1 material?
> In order to track the in particular just the *carbon* elements of a 
> plastic material such as CH, that will require your own scientific 
> inquiry; from my naive experience, I've never heard of someone doing 
> that in a Eulerian fluid code but I am sure I one can google it if 
> it's been done. However, if you want to do standardized extractions of 
> the species you're using as materials in FLASH, as well as acquire 
> information such as the electron and ion densities, make sure you're 
> using 3T and take a gander at page 539/section 34.7 of the user manual.
>     I have attached my .par file. I would much appreciate some help! I
>     am using FLASH.4.6.2 and setup command was
>     ./setup -auto LaserSlab -2d +cylindrical -nxb=16 -nyb=16
>     +hdf5typeio species=cham,targ +mtmmmt +laser +uhd3t +mgd
>     mgd_meshgroups=6 -parfile=VulcanTest2.par
>     Thanks in advance,
>     Aodhan
> Best,
> Marissa
> -- 
> %---------------------------------------------%
> Marissa B. P. Adams
> (she/her/hers)
> Phd Candidate, University of Rochester
> NDVS, University of Chicago
> *E-mail:* marissa at flash.uchicago.edu <mailto:marissa at flash.uchicago.edu>
> *Website:* https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~madams 
> <http://www.pas.rochester.edu/~madams>
> *Twitter:* https://twitter.com/mbpadams
> *Current Location:*
> 553 ERC
> Flash Center for Computational Science
> 5640 S. Ellis Ave, ERC 553
> Chicago, IL 60637
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