[FLASH-USERS] multiTemp/Gamma EOS implementation in LaserSlab

Marissa Adams marissa at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 12 11:56:24 EST 2020

On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 2:35 PM Acharya, Nitish <nachary2 at ur.rochester.edu>

> Dear flash-users,
> I am trying to implement multiTemp/Gamma EOS to one of the materials in
> the LaserSlab and just use the tabulated EOS for the rest. There was no
> error during code compilation. However, I tried to modify couple lines from
> the following EOS routines:
> i) eos_idealGamma.F90
> ii) eos_idealGamma3T.F90
> These routines were located in .../Eos/EosMain/MultiTemp/Gamma/Ye
> I modified the expression for pressure and comibinedGamc calculation.
> However, I dont see any changes while I plot the gamc and pres variable in

Are you modifying these files in the *source/physics/blah/blah *(from here
on I'll refer to it just as *source*, even though the *Simulation* module
is also apart of the source but that is the part users should really just
mess with I suppose) code directly, or in the *object* directory in which
you have made the executable?

I would recommend not touching the source so that you can always maintain a
copy of what you downloaded, but always making new *Simulation/SimulationMain/
*directories. In that *Simulation/SimulationMain/* directory copy the files
from the source that you want to edit. Then when you configure and make
your flash4 you can make sure that the files you've copied and symbolically
linked to your *Simulation/SimulationMain/* directory rather than the
source. From there edit your files and debug until it makes, then ./flash4,
rinse and repeat until you feel as if you have debugged your simulation
thoroughly and it provides results you may anticipate.

I think that may alleviate a lot of problems like this because the first
question that pops into my head is whether or not the *object* directory is
actually seeing that file you have edited, especially if you're claiming
results are unchanged.

**** You can also do standard print statement wizardry to see if the code
it getting to where you want it to be at execution.

**** Also are you putting whatever you've calculated into the UNK
variables? e.g. U(PRES_VAR,i,j,k) = Nitish_Pressure make sure you put those
in #IFDEF statements so the compiler is kept in the loop (haha) with what
you're trying to do.

Someone else who wrote those routines and knows when they are called etc.
might be better to assist but this is just the quick take that I can put
together in the 20 mins it took me to write this.

I would recommend the following before answering anything else:

0. Make sure you're following the recipe I described in the second
paragraph above, where one makes sure to keep the original source and you
know exactly what you are manipulating and changing. Then you can diff the
files you have edited with those from the source. I am just trying to
encourage appropriate version control, which I know I also fail at keeping
up with sometimes, but that always seems to be the crux to many of the
problems I see folks having if they can't nail down a specific question.

1. Once you have configured and made your executable in such an *object*
directory, add print statements in the routines you have edited. When you
run the code do you see them in the standard out?

> 1) For my case of implementation, how is pressure initialized and
> calculated later in the simulation? It seems I'm modifying the lines in
> wrong EOS routines.
2) In the params file, I set gammaEle = 2.4, gammaIon = 2.4 and gammaRad =
> 1.33. When I plot gamc in ViSit, it shows 2.348. How is gamc initialized
> and calculated later in the simulation?
I have attached my Config files and .f90 files.
> Thanks so much,
> Nitish
> ---------------------------
> Nitish Acharya
> PhD Student
> Department of Mechanical Engineering
> University of Rochester


Marissa B. P. Adams
Phd Candidate, University of Rochester
NDVS, University of Chicago
*E-mail:* marissa at flash.uchicago.edu
*Website:* https://www.pas.rochester.edu/~madams
*Twitter:* https://twitter.com/mbpadams
*Current Location:*
553 ERC
Flash Center for Computational Science
5640 S. Ellis Ave, ERC 553
Chicago, IL 60637
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