[FLASH-USERS] [EXT] Re: laser setup in cylindrical geometry

Eddie Hansen ehansen at pas.rochester.edu
Thu Sep 10 07:02:33 EDT 2020

Not sure what else you have going on in your simulation, but why not rotate
your frame of reference? The 1 beam coming in at 45 degrees is still just 1
beam pointed towards the center of a sphere. You could have it come from 0
deg (the equator), and then it will look symmetric.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2020, 2:55 AM 方可 <kfang at iphy.ac.cn> wrote:

> Hi Shu:
> Thank you for your explanation, this make sense and now i understand why
> at the pole end the intensity is always stronger. I will try some other
> methods like 3D simulation.
> Best regards,
> -Ke Fang
> -----原始邮件-----
> *发件人:*"Shu Zhang" <shz133 at eng.ucsd.edu>
> *发送时间:*2020-09-10 12:34:17 (星期四)
> *收件人:* "方可" <kfang at iphy.ac.cn>
> *抄送:* "flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu" <flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu>
> *主题:* Re: [FLASH-USERS] laser setup in cylindrical geometry
> Hi Ke,
> After 3D-in-2D projection, the simulation is working like you have a ring
> of lasers injected at 45 deg. So at the pole, you have higher overlapped
> intensity, but at the equator, the averaged intensity is lower. This is real when
> multiple large spot beams are injected at 45 deg.
> -Shu
> On Sep 9, 2020, at 8:32 PM, 方可 <kfang at iphy.ac.cn> wrote:
> Shu:
> Thank you very much for your answer, but i think there is still some
> problem.  What i mean is when i inject the laser with 45 deg, truly the
> intensity and energy is not uniform, but i think it should be symmetrically
> to the 45 degree injection axis.
> When i use the cartesian geometry without 3Din2D laser setup, the results
> is symmetrical, but I need run this in cylindrical geometry. I added 2
> screenshot of these results of pressure distribution in the mail
> attachment.
> Thank you for your help!
> -Ke Fang
> -----原始邮件-----
> *发件人:*"Shu Zhang" <shuzhang at princeton.edu>
> *发送时间:*2020-09-10 10:56:45 (星期四)
> *收件人:* "方可" <kfang at iphy.ac.cn>
> *抄送:* "flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu" <flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu>
> *主题:* Re: [FLASH-USERS] laser setup in cylindrical geometry
> Hi Ke,
> Your settings are correct. The 3D in 2D laser ray tracing is calculating
> the laser ray deflection and the energy deposition in 3D and then project
> the energy deposition on the 2D RZ coordinates. Thus, when the laser is
> injected in 45 deg, naturally the projected energy deposition is not really
> uniform. It would look like uniform if you have a planar target normal to
> the Z(Y) axis.
> -Shu
> On Sep 9, 2020, at 7:42 PM, 方可 <kfang at iphy.ac.cn> wrote:
> Hi, everyone:
> My simulation is using one laser beam irradiate on a spherical shell, and
> this laser beam have a 45 degree angle to x-axis. I used the cylindrical
> geometry, and from the output hdf5 files, I found that the intensity of
> laser is not symmetrically on the surface of the shell. But when i used the
> cartesian geometry with same 45 degree incident laser, the intensity on the
> shell is uniform and symmetrically.
> I guess here are some problems when i'm seting up the laser beam. My laser
> setup in the .par file is as follows:
> useEnergyDeposition = .true.
> ed_maxRayCount      = 20000
> ed_gradOrder        = 2
> # Activate 3D-in-2D ray trace:
> ed_laser3Din2D           = .true.
> ed_laser3Din2DwedgeAngle = 0.1
> ed_useLaserIO                  = .true.
> ed_laserIOMaxNumberOfPositions = 10000
> ed_laserIOMaxNumberOfRays      = 128
> ed_numberOfPulses = 1
> # Define Pulse 1:
> ed_numberOfSections_1 = 4
> ed_time_1_1  = 0.0
> ed_time_1_2  = 0.01e-09
> ed_time_1_3  = 0.50e-09
> ed_time_1_4  = 0.51e-09
> ed_power_1_1 = 0.0
> ed_power_1_2 = 1.52e+012
> ed_power_1_3 = 1.52e+012
> ed_power_1_4 = 0.0
> ed_numberOfBeams = 1
> # Setup Gaussian Beam:
> ed_lensX_1                    =  10.0
> ed_lensZ_1                    =  10.0
> ed_lensY_1                    =  0.0
> ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_1        =  3.0e-01
> ed_targetX_1                  =  212.0e-04
> ed_targetZ_1                  =  212.0e-04
> ed_targetY_1                  =  0.0
> ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_1      =  225.0e-04
> ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_1      =  225.0e-04
> ed_pulseNumber_1              =  1
> ed_wavelength_1               =  0.351
> ed_crossSectionFunctionType_1 = "gaussian2D"
> ed_gaussianExponent_1         =  4.0
> ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_1      =  212e-04
> ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_1      =  212e-04
> ed_numberOfRays_1             =  4096
> ed_gridType_1                 = "radial2D"
> ed_gridnRadialTics_1          =  64
> ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_1=  0.0
> ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_1 = "x"
> And in mesh parameters:
> geometry = "cylindrical"
> And, this shell is a hollow spherical shell with outer radius 300 microns
> and inner radius 150 microns.
> So, what should i do to let the intensity of the laser on the shell to be
> symmetrically to the 45 degree incident axis?
> Thank you for your attention and help !
> Best regards,
> ------------------------------
> Ke Fang
> phd student
> Chinese Academy of Sciences
> <45degree_cartesian.PNG><45degree_cylindrical.PNG>
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