[FLASH-USERS] hdf5 puzzle

Ryan Farber rjfarber at umich.edu
Wed Jun 22 17:59:49 EDT 2022

Hi Sylvain,

I haven't used FLASH3 before. But I'd suggest using an older version of
HDF5. For reference, I typically use hdf5 v1.8.10. I'd guess for an older
version of FLASH it'd be ideal to use an even older version of HDF5
(ideally what was at use during the time of development).


On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 11:13 PM Sylvain Turcotte <sturcott at ubishops.ca>

>  Hi all,
> I am running FLASH3.0 and cannot restart runs from checkpoint files
> produced because the "string runtime parameters" section is absent from the
> checkpoint file.
> I have compared outputs from FLASH4.4 and FLASH3.0 for the same setup
> making sure that the same compilation options are used and that the
> relevant parts of* io_h5write_lists.c are* the same in both versions.
> The checkpoint file from FLASH4.4 is ok, but not the one from FLASH3.0.
> For some reason I have not figured out, it seems the section is not
> created by * h5Dcreate() *in FLASH3.0. This is the only difference I have
> found between the output files of the two versions. This build of FLASH3.0
> has worked with no issues in the past (a couple of years ago).
> I currently use (on the graham and cedar clusters of compute Canada):
> HDF5_PATH   = /cvmfs/
> soft.computecanada.ca/easybuild/software/2017/avx2/MPI/intel2016.4/openmpi2.1/hdf5-mpi/1.8.18
> CFLAGS_HDF5  = -I$(HDF5_PATH)/include -DH5_USE_16_API
> LIB_HDF5    = -L$(HDF5_PATH)/lib -lhdf5 -lz  -lpthread
> Any ideas are welcome.
> Sylvain
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