[FLASH-USERS] Need Help with Non-positive/Zero dt in MHD rz Simulation.

Sheth, Nishka phc027 at usask.ca
Fri Jun 30 19:24:38 EDT 2023

Hello Flash users,

I am currently  trying to simulate an MHD flux tube using FLASH 4.6.2. The simulation is set up in a 2D rz cylindrical geometry, with initial conditions consisting of uniform density and pressure. I have introduced magnetic field components, B_r(r,z) and B_z(r,z), while the velocity field has not been incorporated yet.

I am facing an issue of dt getting non positive/ zero after few steps. I want to simulate my problem till t = 20 while I am receiving this error at around t = 1e-02.

I have made attempts to address the problem by adjusting the CFL number (like 0.1, 0.5, 0.8), simulating in the normalized units and experimenting with different Riemann solvers, but the issue remains unresolved. I am seeking guidance on how to overcome this error.

Furthermore, I have observed that this error consistently arises when I include the B_z field in my simulations, regardless of the magnetic field profile. Could anyone offer suggestions or insights on important considerations when incorporating the B_z field?

I would greatly appreciate any assistance in resolving these challenges.

Thank you in advance.

Nishka Sheth
Physics Graduate Student
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
phc027 at usask.ca

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