[FLASH-USERS] Issue with LaserSLab using MHD solver: negative Energy

BolañOs, Simon sbolanos at UCSD.EDU
Wed May 29 18:52:26 EDT 2024

Hello everyone,
I need a bit of help since I encountered some issues after modifying the LaserSlab: using the MHD solver usm (in order to add an external B field) and a 2D cartesian grid. Enclosed is the input deck with the setup, initBlock.f90, flash.par, and all the required files to compile and run the simulations.
Basically, the simulation stopped because of the negative energy: DRIVER_ABORT: [hy_uhd_unsplitUpdateMultiTemp] Negative 3T internal energy, CHECK LOG.
Surprisingly the error is not raised if I compile the code using the hydro solver (uhd) or using a cylindrical grid. I tried to increase the temperature of the different components, modify the EoS table, or even decrease the CFL, but nothing worked.
Do you have any idea what could be the cause of the negative internal energy? And could I solve it?
Thank you for your help,

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