[FLASH-USERS] New user question, Config vs flash.par

Ryan Farber rjfarber at umich.edu
Fri Jan 10 12:16:32 EST 2025

Hi Joe,

Let's say you wanted to add a new runtime parameter to the Sod simulation.
You would need to:
1. Declare the fortran variable storing that runtime parameter value in a
module file (usually: Simulation_data.F90)
2. Instruct a fortran subroutine to set your fortran variable based on the
value in your parameter file (usually: Simulation_init.F90 for the
subroutine and flash.par for the parameter file)
3. Actually have the runtime value (with a name matching the
RuntimeParameters_get first argument) in flash.par
4. In order for RuntimeParameters_get to actually process flash.par for the
requested parameter, it requires that parameter being set in Config (I'm
not sure why this design choice was made but possibly there's a good reason
for it; if you're curious you can take a look at nameValueLL_get.F90).

Long story short: you NEED runtime parameters present in both Config and

Best wishes,

On Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 8:58 AM Joe Frisch <joseffrisch at google.com> wrote:

> I'm getting set up to use FLASH and looking at the Sod test problem.
> sim_xangle and sim_yangle  appear in both Config and in flash.par  in the
> sod2 simulation directory.
> It looks like flash.par from the Simulation/SimulationMain/Sod
> generates the final flash.par file in object, but are the same values in
> Simulation/SimulationMain/Sod/Config doing anything?
> Should both config and flash.par be edited to change the angle?
> In general what parameters go in Config vs flash.par?
> --- Joe Frisch
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