Runtime Parameters Documentation for FLASH Release 3.2

    useGravity [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Whether gravity calculations should be performed.

    useGravity [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Should the gravity calculations be performed?

    gconst [REAL] [-981.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Gravitational acceleration constant
    gdirec [STRING] ["x"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Direction of acceleration ("x", "y", "z")

    gravsoft [REAL] [.0001]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        softening length
    ptdirn [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        x = 1, y = 2, z = 3
    ptmass [REAL] [10000.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        mass of the point
    ptxpos [REAL] [1.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        location of the point mass, in the ptdirn direction

    gravsoft [REAL] [0.001]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    ptmass [REAL] [10000.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    ptxpos [REAL] [1.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    ptypos [REAL] [-10.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    ptzpos [REAL] [0.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    grav_temporal_extrp [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        extrapolate or otherwise rescale
    point_mass [REAL] [0.e0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        mass of the central point-like object
    point_mass_rsoft [REAL] [0.e0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        softening radius for the point-like mass (in units of
    updateGravity [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        allow gravity value to be updated