Runtime Parameters Documentation for FLASH Release 4.7.1

    useEnergyDeposition [BOOLEAN] CONSTANT [FALSE]
        flag indicating whether to use EnergyDeposition unit

    useEnergyDeposition [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Use Energy deposition module

    ed_RungeKuttaMethod [STRING] ["CashKarp45"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Specifies the Runge Kutta method to be used for ray tracing.
    ed_adjustBeamsTargetIntensity [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Should 1D/2D beams target intensity be adjusted to mimic circular 3D
    ed_adjustBySymmetryX [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Adjust ray power and ray count to account for multiple counting in x
    ed_adjustBySymmetryY [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Adjust ray power and ray count to account for multiple counting in y
    ed_adjustBySymmetryZ [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Adjust ray power and ray count to account for multiple counting in z
    ed_adjustInitialRaySpeed_1 [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Adjust initial ray speed when crossing domain border ? 1
    ed_adjustInitialRaySpeed_2 [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Adjust initial ray speed when crossing domain border ? 2
    ed_adjustInitialRaySpeed_3 [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Adjust initial ray speed when crossing domain border ? 3
    ed_adjustInitialRaySpeed_4 [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Adjust initial ray speed when crossing domain border ? 4
    ed_adjustInitialRaySpeed_5 [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Adjust initial ray speed when crossing domain border ? 5
    ed_adjustInitialRaySpeed_6 [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Adjust initial ray speed when crossing domain border ? 6
    ed_beamsCheckExpandX [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In ed_beamsCheck, expand domain in x for reflecting or periodic
    ed_beamsCheckExpandY [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In ed_beamsCheck, expand domain in y for reflecting or periodic
    ed_beamsCheckExpandZ [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In ed_beamsCheck, expand domain in z for reflecting or periodic
    ed_cellStepTolerance [REAL] [1.0e-06]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The allowed cell fractional error (unit = cell edge) for a ray path step
    ed_cellTimeEnergyDeposition [BOOLEAN] [false]
        If true, calculates cell energy deposition based only on time spent in
    ed_cellWallThicknessFactor [REAL] [1.0e-06]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Fraction of the shortest cell edge defining the cell wall thickness
    ed_computeGradNeleP [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Should the phi-component of the number of electrons gradient be
    ed_computeGradNeleR [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Should the r-component of the number of electrons gradient be computed?
    ed_computeGradNeleT [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Should the theta-component of the number of electrons gradient be
    ed_computeGradNeleX [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Should the x-component of the number of electrons gradient be computed?
    ed_computeGradNeleY [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Should the y-component of the number of electrons gradient be computed?
    ed_computeGradNeleZ [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Should the z-component of the number of electrons gradient be computed?
    ed_createRaysExpandX [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In ed_createRays, expand domain in x for reflecting and periodic
    ed_createRaysExpandY [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In ed_createRays, expand domain in y for reflecting and periodic
    ed_createRaysExpandZ [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In ed_createRays, expand domain in z for reflecting and periodic
    ed_crossSectionFunctionType_1 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Function type which sets the irradiance pattern for beam 1
    ed_crossSectionFunctionType_2 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Function type which sets the irradiance pattern for beam 2
    ed_crossSectionFunctionType_3 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Function type which sets the irradiance pattern for beam 3
    ed_crossSectionFunctionType_4 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Function type which sets the irradiance pattern for beam 4
    ed_crossSectionFunctionType_5 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Function type which sets the irradiance pattern for beam 5
    ed_crossSectionFunctionType_6 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Function type which sets the irradiance pattern for beam 6
    ed_cubicInterpolationZeroDerv [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Set all cubic interpolation vertex derivatives = 0 (default
    ed_depoReuseMaxSteps [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1 to INFTY
        Maximum number of time steps for which a computed energy deposition rate
        (stored in the ed_depoVar variable) can be reused. If 0, the rate can
        still be reused in the same timestep; this can make a difference when a
        split Driver implementation is used which calls EnergyDeposition more
        than once per time step. Set to -1 to completely disable reuse of depo
    ed_depoVarName [STRING] ["depo"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Name of the variable used for storing the computed deposition rate for
        reuse; the default is "depo". Note that "depo" can refer to either
        DEPO_VAR or DEPO_MSCALAR in the Flash code, depending on whether a
        VARIABLE or a MASS_SCALAR statement is used to declare the variable.
        Further note that if a VARIABLE statement is used, it can be combined
        with either TYPE: PER_MASS or TYPE: PER_VOLUME to get difference
        variants of reuse.
    ed_enforcePositiveNele [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Rescale the number of electrons gradient such that it is always >= 0?
    ed_enforcePositiveTele [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Rescale the electron temperature gradient such that it is always >= 0?
    ed_gaussianCenterMajor_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the major semiaxis for beam 1
    ed_gaussianCenterMajor_2 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the major semiaxis for beam 2
    ed_gaussianCenterMajor_3 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the major semiaxis for beam 3
    ed_gaussianCenterMajor_4 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the major semiaxis for beam 4
    ed_gaussianCenterMajor_5 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the major semiaxis for beam 5
    ed_gaussianCenterMajor_6 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the major semiaxis for beam 6
    ed_gaussianCenterMinor_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the minor semiaxis for beam 1
    ed_gaussianCenterMinor_2 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the minor semiaxis for beam 2
    ed_gaussianCenterMinor_3 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the minor semiaxis for beam 3
    ed_gaussianCenterMinor_4 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the minor semiaxis for beam 4
    ed_gaussianCenterMinor_5 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the minor semiaxis for beam 5
    ed_gaussianCenterMinor_6 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian center location along the minor semiaxis for beam 6
    ed_gaussianExponent_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian exponent for beam 1
    ed_gaussianExponent_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian exponent for beam 2
    ed_gaussianExponent_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian exponent for beam 3
    ed_gaussianExponent_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian exponent for beam 4
    ed_gaussianExponent_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian exponent for beam 5
    ed_gaussianExponent_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian exponent for beam 6
    ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the major semiaxis for beam 1
    ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the major semiaxis for beam 2
    ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the major semiaxis for beam 3
    ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the major semiaxis for beam 4
    ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the major semiaxis for beam 5
    ed_gaussianRadiusMajor_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the major semiaxis for beam 6
    ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the minor semiaxis for beam 1
    ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the minor semiaxis for beam 2
    ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the minor semiaxis for beam 3
    ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the minor semiaxis for beam 4
    ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the minor semiaxis for beam 5
    ed_gaussianRadiusMinor_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The gaussian e-folding length along the minor semiaxis for beam 6
    ed_gradOrder [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 1, 2
        Gradient order. 1 = no gradient, 2 = first order differencing
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMajor_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the major semiaxis for delta defined grids 1
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMajor_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the major semiaxis for delta defined grids 2
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMajor_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the major semiaxis for delta defined grids 3
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMajor_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the major semiaxis for delta defined grids 4
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMajor_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the major semiaxis for delta defined grids 5
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMajor_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the major semiaxis for delta defined grids 6
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMinor_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the minor semiaxis for delta defined grids 1
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMinor_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the minor semiaxis for delta defined grids 2
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMinor_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the minor semiaxis for delta defined grids 3
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMinor_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the minor semiaxis for delta defined grids 4
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMinor_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the minor semiaxis for delta defined grids 5
    ed_gridDeltaSemiAxisMinor_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The tic spacing for the minor semiaxis for delta defined grids 6
    ed_gridType_1 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: "rectangular2D", "square2D", "delta2D", "radial2D",
        "statistical2D", "regular1D", "statistical1D", " "
        The type of beam grid 1
    ed_gridType_2 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: "rectangular2D", "square2D", "delta2D", "radial2D",
        "statistical2D", "regular1D", "statistical1D", " "
        The type of beam grid 2
    ed_gridType_3 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: "rectangular2D", "square2D", "delta2D", "radial2D",
        "statistical2D", "regular1D", "statistical1D", " "
        The type of beam grid 3
    ed_gridType_4 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: "rectangular2D", "square2D", "delta2D", "radial2D",
        "statistical2D", "regular1D", "statistical1D", " "
        The type of beam grid 4
    ed_gridType_5 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: "rectangular2D", "square2D", "delta2D", "radial2D",
        "statistical2D", "regular1D", "statistical1D", " "
        The type of beam grid 5
    ed_gridType_6 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: "rectangular2D", "square2D", "delta2D", "radial2D",
        "statistical2D", "regular1D", "statistical1D", " "
        The type of beam grid 6
    ed_gridnAngularTics_1 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of angular ray positions for radial type grids 1
    ed_gridnAngularTics_2 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of angular ray positions for radial type grids 2
    ed_gridnAngularTics_3 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of angular ray positions for radial type grids 3
    ed_gridnAngularTics_4 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of angular ray positions for radial type grids 4
    ed_gridnAngularTics_5 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of angular ray positions for radial type grids 5
    ed_gridnAngularTics_6 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of angular ray positions for radial type grids 6
    ed_gridnRadialTics_1 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of radial ray positions for radial type grids 1
    ed_gridnRadialTics_2 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of radial ray positions for radial type grids 2
    ed_gridnRadialTics_3 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of radial ray positions for radial type grids 3
    ed_gridnRadialTics_4 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of radial ray positions for radial type grids 4
    ed_gridnRadialTics_5 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of radial ray positions for radial type grids 5
    ed_gridnRadialTics_6 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of radial ray positions for radial type grids 6
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMajorTics_1 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of major semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 1
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMajorTics_2 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of major semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 2
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMajorTics_3 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of major semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 3
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMajorTics_4 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of major semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 4
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMajorTics_5 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of major semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 5
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMajorTics_6 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of major semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 6
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMinorTics_1 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of minor semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 1
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMinorTics_2 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of minor semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 2
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMinorTics_3 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of minor semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 3
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMinorTics_4 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of minor semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 4
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMinorTics_5 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of minor semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 5
    ed_gridnSemiAxisMinorTics_6 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of minor semiaxis ray positions for rectangular type grids 6
    ed_ignoreBoundaryCondition_1 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Option to ignore domain boundary conditions for beam 1
    ed_ignoreBoundaryCondition_2 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Option to ignore domain boundary conditions for beam 2
    ed_ignoreBoundaryCondition_3 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Option to ignore domain boundary conditions for beam 3
    ed_ignoreBoundaryCondition_4 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Option to ignore domain boundary conditions for beam 4
    ed_ignoreBoundaryCondition_5 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Option to ignore domain boundary conditions for beam 5
    ed_ignoreBoundaryCondition_6 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Option to ignore domain boundary conditions for beam 6
    ed_irradVarName [STRING] ["lase"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Name of the variable used for storing the computed laser radiation field
        energy density; the default is "lase". Note that "lase" should refer to
        LASE_VAR in the Flash code, and a VARIABLE statement should be used to
        declare the variable. Further note that the VARIABLE statement should
        declare TYPE: PER_VOLUME.
    ed_laser3Din2D [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Use the 3D rays in a 2D cylindrical grid ray tracing?
    ed_laser3Din2DwedgeAngle [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Wedge angle (degrees, must be < 180) for laser 3D in 2D simulations
    ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Lens major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 1
    ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Lens major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 2
    ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Lens major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 3
    ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Lens major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 4
    ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Lens major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 5
    ed_lensSemiAxisMajor_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Lens major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 6
    ed_lensX_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the lens for beam 1
    ed_lensX_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the lens for beam 2
    ed_lensX_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the lens for beam 3
    ed_lensX_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the lens for beam 4
    ed_lensX_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the lens for beam 5
    ed_lensX_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the lens for beam 6
    ed_lensY_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the lens for beam 1
    ed_lensY_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the lens for beam 2
    ed_lensY_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the lens for beam 3
    ed_lensY_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the lens for beam 4
    ed_lensY_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the lens for beam 5
    ed_lensY_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the lens for beam 6
    ed_lensZ_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the lens for beam 1
    ed_lensZ_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the lens for beam 2
    ed_lensZ_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the lens for beam 3
    ed_lensZ_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the lens for beam 4
    ed_lensZ_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the lens for beam 5
    ed_lensZ_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the lens for beam 6
    ed_maxRayCount [INTEGER] [100]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum number of rays per processor
    ed_numberOfBeams [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Total number of laser beams
    ed_numberOfPulses [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Total number of laser pulses
    ed_numberOfRays_1 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of rays to launch per timestep for beam 1
    ed_numberOfRays_2 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of rays to launch per timestep for beam 2
    ed_numberOfRays_3 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of rays to launch per timestep for beam 3
    ed_numberOfRays_4 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of rays to launch per timestep for beam 4
    ed_numberOfRays_5 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of rays to launch per timestep for beam 5
    ed_numberOfRays_6 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of rays to launch per timestep for beam 6
    ed_numberOfSections_1 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of time/power pairs (sections) for laser pulse 1
    ed_numberOfSections_2 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of time/power pairs (sections) for laser pulse 2
    ed_numberOfSections_3 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of time/power pairs (sections) for laser pulse 3
    ed_numberOfSections_4 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of time/power pairs (sections) for laser pulse 4
    ed_numberOfSections_5 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The number of time/power pairs (sections) for laser pulse 5
    ed_powerStepTolerance [REAL] [1.0e-06]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The allowed power fractional error (unit = current power) for a ray path
    ed_power_1_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 1
    ed_power_1_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 10
    ed_power_1_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 11
    ed_power_1_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 12
    ed_power_1_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 13
    ed_power_1_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 14
    ed_power_1_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 15
    ed_power_1_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 16
    ed_power_1_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 17
    ed_power_1_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 18
    ed_power_1_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 19
    ed_power_1_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 2
    ed_power_1_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 20
    ed_power_1_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 3
    ed_power_1_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 4
    ed_power_1_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 5
    ed_power_1_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 6
    ed_power_1_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 7
    ed_power_1_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 8
    ed_power_1_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 1 section 9
    ed_power_2_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 1
    ed_power_2_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 10
    ed_power_2_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 11
    ed_power_2_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 12
    ed_power_2_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 13
    ed_power_2_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 14
    ed_power_2_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 15
    ed_power_2_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 16
    ed_power_2_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 17
    ed_power_2_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 18
    ed_power_2_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 19
    ed_power_2_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 2
    ed_power_2_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 20
    ed_power_2_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 3
    ed_power_2_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 4
    ed_power_2_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 5
    ed_power_2_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 6
    ed_power_2_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 7
    ed_power_2_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 8
    ed_power_2_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 2 section 9
    ed_power_3_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 1
    ed_power_3_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 10
    ed_power_3_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 11
    ed_power_3_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 12
    ed_power_3_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 13
    ed_power_3_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 14
    ed_power_3_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 15
    ed_power_3_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 16
    ed_power_3_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 17
    ed_power_3_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 18
    ed_power_3_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 19
    ed_power_3_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 2
    ed_power_3_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 20
    ed_power_3_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 3
    ed_power_3_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 4
    ed_power_3_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 5
    ed_power_3_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 6
    ed_power_3_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 7
    ed_power_3_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 8
    ed_power_3_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 3 section 9
    ed_power_4_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 1
    ed_power_4_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 10
    ed_power_4_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 11
    ed_power_4_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 12
    ed_power_4_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 13
    ed_power_4_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 14
    ed_power_4_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 15
    ed_power_4_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 16
    ed_power_4_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 17
    ed_power_4_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 18
    ed_power_4_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 19
    ed_power_4_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 2
    ed_power_4_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 20
    ed_power_4_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 3
    ed_power_4_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 4
    ed_power_4_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 5
    ed_power_4_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 6
    ed_power_4_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 7
    ed_power_4_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 8
    ed_power_4_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 4 section 9
    ed_power_5_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 1
    ed_power_5_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 10
    ed_power_5_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 11
    ed_power_5_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 12
    ed_power_5_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 13
    ed_power_5_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 14
    ed_power_5_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 15
    ed_power_5_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 16
    ed_power_5_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 17
    ed_power_5_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 18
    ed_power_5_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 19
    ed_power_5_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 2
    ed_power_5_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 20
    ed_power_5_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 3
    ed_power_5_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 4
    ed_power_5_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 5
    ed_power_5_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 6
    ed_power_5_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 7
    ed_power_5_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 8
    ed_power_5_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The power (W) for laser pulse 5 section 9
    ed_printBeams [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Print details about each beam?
    ed_printMain [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Print details about the main laser energy depoition run?
    ed_printPulses [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Print details about each pulse?
    ed_printRays [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Print details about each ray initially generated?
    ed_pulseNumber_1 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The pulse number to use for beam 1
    ed_pulseNumber_2 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The pulse number to use for beam 2
    ed_pulseNumber_3 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The pulse number to use for beam 3
    ed_pulseNumber_4 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The pulse number to use for beam 4
    ed_pulseNumber_5 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The pulse number to use for beam 5
    ed_pulseNumber_6 [INTEGER] [-HUGE(1)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The pulse number to use for beam 6
    ed_radial3Dcontraction_1 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Do a radial contraction distribution of rays for 3D beams ? 1
    ed_radial3Dcontraction_2 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Do a radial contraction distribution of rays for 3D beams ? 2
    ed_radial3Dcontraction_3 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Do a radial contraction distribution of rays for 3D beams ? 3
    ed_radial3Dcontraction_4 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Do a radial contraction distribution of rays for 3D beams ? 4
    ed_radial3Dcontraction_5 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Do a radial contraction distribution of rays for 3D beams ? 5
    ed_radial3Dcontraction_6 [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Do a radial contraction distribution of rays for 3D beams ? 6
    ed_rayZeroPower [REAL] [1.0e-06]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Below this value (erg/s), the ray is considered to have zero power
    ed_saveOutOfDomainRays [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Should the rays exiting the domain be saved (for diagnostics) ?
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Major semiaxis/{x,y,z} axis rotation angle (in degrees) for beam 1
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Major semiaxis/{x,y,z} axis rotation angle (in degrees) for beam 2
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Major semiaxis/{x,y,z} axis rotation angle (in degrees) for beam 3
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Major semiaxis/{x,y,z} axis rotation angle (in degrees) for beam 4
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Major semiaxis/{x,y,z} axis rotation angle (in degrees) for beam 5
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAngle_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Major semiaxis/{x,y,z} axis rotation angle (in degrees) for beam 6
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_1 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        {x,y,z} axis to use for rotating major semiaxis for beam1
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_2 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        {x,y,z} axis to use for rotating major semiaxis for beam2
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_3 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        {x,y,z} axis to use for rotating major semiaxis for beam3
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_4 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        {x,y,z} axis to use for rotating major semiaxis for beam4
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_5 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        {x,y,z} axis to use for rotating major semiaxis for beam5
    ed_semiAxisMajorTorsionAxis_6 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        {x,y,z} axis to use for rotating major semiaxis for beam6
    ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 1
    ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 2
    ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 3
    ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 4
    ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 5
    ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target major elliptical semiaxis length for beam 6
    ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target minor elliptical semiaxis length for beam 1
    ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target minor elliptical semiaxis length for beam 2
    ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target minor elliptical semiaxis length for beam 3
    ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target minor elliptical semiaxis length for beam 4
    ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target minor elliptical semiaxis length for beam 5
    ed_targetSemiAxisMinor_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Target minor elliptical semiaxis length for beam 6
    ed_targetX_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the target for beam 1
    ed_targetX_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the target for beam 2
    ed_targetX_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the target for beam 3
    ed_targetX_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the target for beam 4
    ed_targetX_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the target for beam 5
    ed_targetX_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the target for beam 6
    ed_targetY_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the target for beam 1
    ed_targetY_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the target for beam 2
    ed_targetY_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the target for beam 3
    ed_targetY_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the target for beam 4
    ed_targetY_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the target for beam 5
    ed_targetY_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the target for beam 6
    ed_targetZ_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the target for beam 1
    ed_targetZ_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the target for beam 2
    ed_targetZ_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the target for beam 3
    ed_targetZ_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the target for beam 4
    ed_targetZ_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the target for beam 5
    ed_targetZ_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the target for beam 6
    ed_time_1_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 1
    ed_time_1_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 10
    ed_time_1_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 11
    ed_time_1_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 12
    ed_time_1_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 13
    ed_time_1_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 14
    ed_time_1_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 15
    ed_time_1_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 16
    ed_time_1_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 17
    ed_time_1_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 18
    ed_time_1_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 19
    ed_time_1_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 2
    ed_time_1_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 20
    ed_time_1_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 3
    ed_time_1_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 4
    ed_time_1_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 5
    ed_time_1_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 6
    ed_time_1_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 7
    ed_time_1_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 8
    ed_time_1_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 1 section 9
    ed_time_2_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 1
    ed_time_2_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 10
    ed_time_2_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 11
    ed_time_2_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 12
    ed_time_2_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 13
    ed_time_2_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 14
    ed_time_2_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 15
    ed_time_2_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 16
    ed_time_2_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 17
    ed_time_2_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 18
    ed_time_2_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 19
    ed_time_2_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 2
    ed_time_2_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 20
    ed_time_2_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 3
    ed_time_2_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 4
    ed_time_2_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 5
    ed_time_2_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 6
    ed_time_2_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 7
    ed_time_2_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 8
    ed_time_2_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 2 section 9
    ed_time_3_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 1
    ed_time_3_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 10
    ed_time_3_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 11
    ed_time_3_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 12
    ed_time_3_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 13
    ed_time_3_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 14
    ed_time_3_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 15
    ed_time_3_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 16
    ed_time_3_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 17
    ed_time_3_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 18
    ed_time_3_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 19
    ed_time_3_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 2
    ed_time_3_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 20
    ed_time_3_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 3
    ed_time_3_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 4
    ed_time_3_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 5
    ed_time_3_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 6
    ed_time_3_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 7
    ed_time_3_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 8
    ed_time_3_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 3 section 9
    ed_time_4_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 1
    ed_time_4_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 10
    ed_time_4_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 11
    ed_time_4_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 12
    ed_time_4_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 13
    ed_time_4_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 14
    ed_time_4_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 15
    ed_time_4_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 16
    ed_time_4_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 17
    ed_time_4_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 18
    ed_time_4_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 19
    ed_time_4_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 2
    ed_time_4_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 20
    ed_time_4_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 3
    ed_time_4_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 4
    ed_time_4_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 5
    ed_time_4_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 6
    ed_time_4_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 7
    ed_time_4_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 8
    ed_time_4_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 4 section 9
    ed_time_5_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 1
    ed_time_5_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 10
    ed_time_5_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 11
    ed_time_5_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 12
    ed_time_5_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 13
    ed_time_5_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 14
    ed_time_5_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 15
    ed_time_5_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 16
    ed_time_5_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 17
    ed_time_5_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 18
    ed_time_5_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 19
    ed_time_5_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 2
    ed_time_5_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 20
    ed_time_5_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 3
    ed_time_5_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 4
    ed_time_5_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 5
    ed_time_5_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 6
    ed_time_5_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 7
    ed_time_5_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 8
    ed_time_5_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The time (s)  for laser pulse 5 section 9
    ed_useRayCoords2GetBlockID [BOOLEAN] [false]
        If true, the Grid Unit uses ray coordinates to determine the block ID
    ed_velocityStepTolerance [REAL] [1.0e-06]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The allowed velocity fractional error for a ray path step
    ed_wavelength_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The wave length [in microns] of beam 1
    ed_wavelength_2 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The wave length [in microns] of beam 2
    ed_wavelength_3 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The wave length [in microns] of beam 3
    ed_wavelength_4 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The wave length [in microns] of beam 4
    ed_wavelength_5 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The wave length [in microns] of beam 5
    ed_wavelength_6 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The wave length [in microns] of beam 6
    threadRayTrace [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Use threading when tracing the rays through each block?
    useEnergyDeposition [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Use Laser energy deposition?

    ed_commChannelSize [INTEGER] [100]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY

    ed_commDebug [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    ed_commLog [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    ed_commRaysBetweenMsgTest [INTEGER] [50]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY

    ed_laserIOMaxNumberOfPositions [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum number of positions to store for each IO ray
    ed_laserIOMaxNumberOfRays [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum number of IO rays to write out accross each process
    ed_useLaserIO [BOOLEAN] [false]
        This flag controls whether Laser IO is active