physics/sourceTerms/Burn useBurn [BOOLEAN] [FALSE] shall I burn? physics/sourceTerms/Burn/BurnMain enucDtFactor [REAL] [1.e30] Valid Values: Unconstrained Limit timestep to limit total energy deposited by burning is kept artificially high to effectively turn off limiting by default useShockBurn [BOOLEAN] [FALSE] Is burning allowed within shocks? physics/sourceTerms/Burn/BurnMain/nuclearBurn algebra [INTEGER] [1] Valid Values: 1 to 2 choice of linear algebra package & 1 = MA28 ; 2 = GIFT nuclearDensMax [REAL] [1.0E14] Valid Values: 0 to INFTY Max burning density nuclearDensMin [REAL] [1.0E-10] Valid Values: 0 to INFTY Min burning density nuclearNI56Max [REAL] [1.0] Valid Values: 0 to INFTY Max Ni56 mass frac. for burning nuclearTempMax [REAL] [1.0E12] Valid Values: 0 to INFTY Max burning temperature nuclearTempMin [REAL] [1.1E8] Valid Values: 0 to INFTY Min burning temperature odeStepper [INTEGER] [1] Valid Values: 1 to 2 choice of ode time stepper 1 = Bader-Deuflhard variable order 2 = Rosenbrock 4th order useBurnTable [BOOLEAN] [FALSE] choice of rate evaluation FALSE = analytic rates TRUE = table interpolation