Runtime Parameters Documentation for FLASH Release 4.8

    bndPriorityOne [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
        indicates which direction (IAXIS, JAXIS, or KAXIS) gets top priority
        when applying boundary conditions in corner guardcells We define three
        values for edges left, center, right, of which center represents
        interior, while left and right represent the corresponding guardcells.
        We define a corner where more than one dimension has its its guardcells,
        so the application must determine which direction gets to fill them. In
        2-D, there are four corners: (left,left), (left,right), (right,left) and
        (right,right). In 3-D case, the following corners are possible :
    bndPriorityThree [INTEGER] [3]
        Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
        the least priority dimension in applying boundary conditions
    bndPriorityTwo [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 1, 2, 3
        the second priority dimension in applying boundary conditions
    convertToConsvdForMeshCalls [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        indicates if appropriate variables are converted from primitive to
        conserved form during propagation before control is passed to Paramesh
        for refinement, derefinement, or guardcell filling.  This is the old way
        of ensuring that solution variables are in the correct form for
        interpolation. It involves unnecessary conversions back and forth and
        should be obsoleted by the newer mechanism enabled by runtime parameter
        "convertToConsvdInMeshInterp".  The name is a replacement for the old
        "conserved_var" which many people have found to be very confusing
    eosMode [STRING] ["dens_ie_recal_gather"]
        Valid Values: "dens_ie", "dens_pres", "dens_temp", "dens_ie_all",
        "dens_ie_scatter", "dens_ie_gather", "dens_ie_sele_gather",
        "dens_temp_equi", "dens_temp_all", "dens_temp_gather",
        "dens_ie_recal_gather", "dens_ie_mat_gather_pradscale"
        determines how to operate on thermodynamic quantities. Possible values
        are "dens_ie", where density and internal energy are supplied and
        pressure and temperature are returned; "dens_pres", where density and
        pressure are given and energy and temperature are computed;  and
        "dens_temp", where density and temperature are given and pressure and
        energy are computed. Other values may also be available as, depending on
        whether a multiTemp Eos is used and on implementation of additional
        physics. For 3T simulations, the best choice is "dens_ie_recal_gather",
        since this mode will ensure that total energy is conserved when
        refinement changes occur.
    eosModeInit [STRING] ["dens_ie"]
        Valid Values: "dens_ie", "dens_pres", "dens_temp", "dens_ie_all",
        "dens_ie_scatter", "dens_ie_gather", "dens_temp_equi", "dens_temp_all",
        "dens_temp_gather", "eos_nop"
        determines how to operate on thermodynamic quantities for the initial
        conditions.  A call to Simulation_initBlock sets initial conditions on
        each block, and an eos call follows which ensures the initial values are
        thermodynamically consistent.  The value of eosModeInit determines the
        mode in which these eos calls operate.  Possible values are "dens_ie",
        where density and internal energy are supplied and pressure and
        temperature are returned; "dens_pres", where density and pressure are
        given and energy and temperature are computed; and "dens_temp", where
        density and temperature are given and pressure and energy are computed. 
        Other values may also be available as, depending on whether a multiTemp
        Eos is used and on implementation of additional physics.
    geometry [STRING] ["cartesian"]
        Valid Values: "cartesian", "polar", "cylindrical", "spherical"
        Grid geometry
    geometryOverride [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        whether to bypass some geometry sanity checks - use at your own risk.
    gr_bcEnableApplyMixedGds [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        whether to enable the Grid_bcApplyToRegionMixedGds interface for
        implementing boundary conditions with access to the variables of mixed
        GDSs (in particlular, cell-centered UNK varsiables and face variables).
        This only has an effect if the GridBoundaryConditions subunit is
        included and the simulation actually supplies an implementation of
    reduceGcellFills [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    smalle [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for energy
    smallx [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for abundances
    unbiased_geometry [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        attempt to remove floating point bias from geometry discretization. Not
        implemented in FLASH3.
    xl_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower (left) boundary condition in x dir
    xmax [REAL] [1.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        physical domain upper bound in x dir
    xmin [REAL] [0.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        physical domain lower bound in x dir
    xr_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper (right) boundary condition in x dir
    yl_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower boundary condition in y dir
    ymax [REAL] [1.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        physical domain upper bound in y dir
    ymin [REAL] [0.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        physical domain lower bound in y dir
    yr_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper boundary condition in y dir
    zl_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower boundary condition in z dir
    zmax [REAL] [1.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        physical domain lower bound in x dir
    zmin [REAL] [0.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        physical domain lower bound in z dir
    zr_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper boundary condition in z dir

    verbosity [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY

    BRMeshRefineBlockFactor [INTEGER] [8]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY

    BRMeshRefineBufferSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY

    BRMeshRefineFillRatio [REAL] [0.75]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0

    QuadCFInterp [BOOLEAN] [False]
        Whether to use quadratic coarse-fine boundary interpolation.
    convertToConsvdForMeshCalls [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        indicates if appropriate variables are converted from primitive to
        conserved form during propagation before control is passed to Chombo for
        refinement, derefinement, or guardcell filling.
    convertToConsvdInMeshInterp [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        indicates if appropriate variables are converted to conserved form
        during propagation within the interpolation routines invoked by Chombo. 
        This applies to interpolation (both "prolongation" and "restriction") in
        the course of refinement, derefinement, or guardcell filling.  This is
        not yet implemented, but needs to get implemented soon because manually
        converting in several different FLASH Fortran Grid leads to the
        possibility of overlooking at least one FLASH Fortran Grid subroutine.
    derefine_cutoff_1 [REAL] [0.2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger derefinement for refine_var_1
    derefine_cutoff_2 [REAL] [0.2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger derefinement for refine_var_2
    derefine_cutoff_3 [REAL] [0.2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger derefinement for refine_var_3
    derefine_cutoff_4 [REAL] [0.2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger derefinement for refine_var_4
    earlyBlockDistAdjustment [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        If true, let Paramesh redistribute blocks across processors early, so
        that the block distribution chosen by Paramesh will be in effect when
        time evolution begins after restart. If earlyBlockDistAdjustment is
        false, the block distribution enacted by the IO unit when it read a
        checkpoint file will normally still be in effect when time evolution
        begins after a restart. This flag is ignored if not restarting from a
    enableMaskedGCFill [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        When enableMaskedGCFill is FALSE, Grid_fillGuardCells is forced to
        always ignore optional mask arguments when present in calls. This is the
        default behavior. Set enableMaskedGCFill TRUE to enable masked guard
        cell filling.
    flux_correct [BOOLEAN] [true]
        turns on or off flux correction
    gr_lrefineMaxRedDoByLogR [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Softly force effectively a lower lrefine_max depending on distance from
        center. See gr_lrefineMaxRedRadiusFact.
    gr_lrefineMaxRedDoByTime [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Lower the effective lrefine_max as a function of time. See runtime
        parameters gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef, gr_lrefineMaxRedTimeScale, and
    gr_lrefineMaxRedLogBase [REAL] [10.0]
        Valid Values: 1.0 to INFTY
        Logarithm base for determining when repeated reductions in effective
        lrefine_max should happen. The nth reduction will happen at
    gr_lrefineMaxRedRadiusFact [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        factor that determines a minimum resolution (and thus maximum refinement
        level) based on distance from a center. See x_refine_center,
        y_refine_center, z_refine_center for the center coordinates.  This is
        approximately (linearly) equivalent to requiring a minimum *angular*
        resolution, within the limits set by the global lrefine_min and
        lrefine_max.  Only used when gr_lrefineMaxRedDoByLogR is TRUE.
    gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        reference time for time-based max level reduction. The effective
        reduction of lrefine_max only kicks in for times greater than
        gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef. The first time lrefine_max is effectively lowered
        actually happens at t=gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef+gr_lrefineMaxRedTimeScale.
    gr_lrefineMaxRedTimeScale [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: TINY to INFTY
        the time scale for effectively lowering lrefine_max: The first reduction
        takes place at t=gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef+gr_lrefineMaxRedTimeScale.
    iGridSize [INTEGER] [16]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        Global number of interior cells in the i direction
    interpol_order [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2
        the default interpolation order when using "monotonic" interpolation
    jGridSize [INTEGER] [16]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        Global number of interior cells in the j direction
    kGridSize [INTEGER] [16]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        Global number of interior cells in the k direction
    lrefine_del [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Try to reduce the maximum refinement level by this number of levels on a
    lrefine_max [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        maximum AMR refinement level
    lrefine_min [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1
        minimum AMR refinement level
    maxBlockSize [INTEGER] [16]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY

    max_particles_per_blk [INTEGER] [100]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        integer  if the number of particles in a block exceeds this, it must
        refine  when particle count is a refinement criterion
    min_particles_per_blk [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        integer  if the number of particles in a block is below this, it must
        derefine when particle count is a refinement criterion
    nrefs [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        refine/derefine AMR grid every nrefs timesteps
    refRatio [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        The integer refinement jump between levels
    refine_cutoff_1 [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger refinement for refine_var_1
    refine_cutoff_2 [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger refinement for refine_var_2
    refine_cutoff_3 [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger refinement for refine_var_3
    refine_cutoff_4 [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger refinement for refine_var_4
    refine_filter_1 [REAL] [0.01]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        prevents error calculations to determine refinement from diverging
        numerically for refine_var_1
    refine_filter_2 [REAL] [0.01]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        prevents error calculations to determine refinement from diverging
        numerically for refine_var_1
    refine_filter_3 [REAL] [0.01]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        prevents error calculations to determine refinement from diverging
        numerically for refine_var_3
    refine_filter_4 [REAL] [0.01]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        prevents error calculations to determine refinement from diverging
        numerically for refine_var_4
    refine_on_particle_count [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        if true, the count of particles in blocks act as a refinement criterion
    refine_var_1 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        indicates 1st variable on which to refine
    refine_var_2 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        indicates 2nd variable on which to refine
    refine_var_3 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        indicates 3rd variable on which to refine
    refine_var_4 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        indicates 4th variable on which to refine
    refine_var_count [INTEGER] [4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        count of maximum allowed variable to be used
    restrictBeforeGhostExchange [BOOLEAN] [True]
        Whether to restrict all data before
    small [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value ... DEV: for what?
    smallp [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for pressure
    smallt [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for temperature
    smallu [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for velocity
    smlrho [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for density
    tagRadius [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY

    x_refine_center [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        First coordinate of center for distance-based refinement patterns
    y_refine_center [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Second coordinate of center for distance-based refinement patterns
    z_refine_center [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Third coordinate of center for distance-based refinement patterns

    compute_grid_size [BOOLEAN] [true]
        compute grid size in the case of non-fixed-block size, non fixed block
        size mode means block dims are not specified at compile time
    flux_correct [BOOLEAN] [false]
        turns flux correction on or off in UG always false since all blocks on
        same level
    iGridSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Global number of interior cells in the i direction ONLY needed when
        running in NON_FIXED_BLOCKSIZE mode (ie. don't need for Paramesh or
        simple Uniform Grid)
    iguard [INTEGER] [4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of guardcells in i direction.  Not yet in use.
    jGridSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Global number of interior cells in the j direction ONLY needed when
        running in NON_FIXED_BLOCKSIZE mode (ie. don't need for Paramesh or
        simple Uniform Grid)
    jguard [INTEGER] [4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of guardcells in j direction, this is only implemented for nfbs
    kGridSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Global number of interior cells in the k direction ONLY needed when
        running in NON_FIXED_BLOCKSIZE mode (ie. don't need for Paramesh or
        simple Uniform Grid)
    kguard [INTEGER] [4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of guardcells in k direction
    nblockx [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of blocks along X - ignored by UG Grid
    nblocky [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of blocks along Y - ignored by UG Grid
    nblockz [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of blocks along Z - ignored by UG Grid
    smallp [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for pressure
    smallt [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for temperature
    smallu [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for velocity
    smlrho [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for density

        The Samrai Unit is not yet implemented!!!!!
    combineEfficiency [REAL] [0.9]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    effTolerance [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    flux_correct [BOOLEAN] [true]

    iGridSize [INTEGER] [32]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    iProcs [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    iguard [INTEGER] [4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    imaxPatchSize [INTEGER] [64]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    iminPatchSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    jGridSize [INTEGER] [32]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    jProcs [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    jguard [INTEGER] [4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    jmaxPatchSize [INTEGER] [64]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    jminPatchSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    kGridSize [INTEGER] [32]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    kProcs [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    kguard [INTEGER] [4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    kmaxPatchSize [INTEGER] [64]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    kminPatchSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    maxPatches [INTEGER] [10000]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    priority_dir1 [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    priority_dir2 [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    refine_ratio [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    compute_grid_size [BOOLEAN] [true]
        compute grid size in the case of non-fixed-block size, non fixed block
        size mode means block dims are not specified at compile time
    flux_correct [BOOLEAN] [false]
        turns flux correction on or off in UG always false since all blocks on
        same level
    iGridSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Global number of interior cells in the i direction ONLY needed when
        running in NON_FIXED_BLOCKSIZE mode (ie. don't need for Paramesh or
        simple Uniform Grid)
    iguard [INTEGER] [6]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of guardcells in i direction, not yet used. Meant for nofbs.
    jGridSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Global number of interior cells in the j direction ONLY needed when
        running in NON_FIXED_BLOCKSIZE mode (ie. don't need for Paramesh or
        simple Uniform Grid)
    jguard [INTEGER] [6]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of guardcells in j direction, not yet used. Meant for nofbs.
    kGridSize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Global number of interior cells in the k direction ONLY needed when
        running in NON_FIXED_BLOCKSIZE mode (ie. don't need for Paramesh or
        simple Uniform Grid)
    kguard [INTEGER] [6]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of guardcells in k direction, not yet used. Meant for nofbs.
    nblockx [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of blocks along X - ignored by UG Grid
    nblocky [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of blocks along Y - ignored by UG Grid
    nblockz [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of blocks along Z - ignored by UG Grid
    smallp [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for pressure
    smallt [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for temperature
    smallu [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for velocity
    smlrho [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for density

    convertToConsvdInMeshInterp [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        indicates if appropriate variables are converted to conserved form
        during propagation within the interpolation routines invoked by
        Paramesh. This applies to interpolation (both "prolongation" and
        "restriction") in the course of refinement, derefinement, or guardcell
        filling. This is the newer way of ensuring that solution variables are
        interpolated in the correct form. It avoids unnecessary conversions back
        and force and should replace the old mechanism enabled by runtime
        parameter "convertToConsvdForMeshCalls". However, it is only available
        with PARAMESH 3 or later.
    derefine_cutoff_1 [REAL] [0.2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger derefinement for refine_var_1
    derefine_cutoff_2 [REAL] [0.2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger derefinement for refine_var_2
    derefine_cutoff_3 [REAL] [0.2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger derefinement for refine_var_3
    derefine_cutoff_4 [REAL] [0.2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger derefinement for refine_var_4
    earlyBlockDistAdjustment [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        If true, let Paramesh redistribute blocks across processors early, so
        that the block distribution chosen by Paramesh will be in effect when
        time evolution begins after restart. If earlyBlockDistAdjustment is
        false, the block distribution enacted by the IO unit when it read a
        checkpoint file will normally still be in effect when time evolution
        begins after a restart. This flag is ignored if not restarting from a
    flux_correct [BOOLEAN] [true]
        turns on or off flux correction
    gr_lrefineMaxByTime [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        This parameter activates the ability to manually specify values for
        lrefine_max as a function of time. You can change the value of
        lrefine_max a total of 20 times. The parameters gr_lrefmaxTime_N (where
        N is a number from 1 to 20) tell FLASH the times at which lrefine_max
        changes will occur. The analogous parameters gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_N
        (where N is a number from 1 to 20) tell FLASH  the value of lrefine_max
        to use at time gr_lrefmaxTime_N. For example, specifying the following
        lines in your flash.par file tells FLASH to use an lrefine_max value of
        10 at t = 1.0e-09 s and a value of 11 at t = 2.0e-09 s: 
        gr_lrefmaxTime_1 = 1.0e-09 gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_1 = 10 gr_lrefmaxTime_2 =
        2.0e-09 gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_2 = 10 . NOTE: the time values must be in
        sequential order!
    gr_lrefineMaxRedDoByLogR [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Softly force effectively a lower lrefine_max depending on distance from
        center. See gr_lrefineMaxRedRadiusFact.
    gr_lrefineMaxRedDoByTime [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Lower the effective lrefine_max as a function of time. See runtime
        parameters gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef, gr_lrefineMaxRedTimeScale, and
    gr_lrefineMaxRedLogBase [REAL] [10.0]
        Valid Values: 1.0 to INFTY
        Logarithm base for determining when repeated reductions in effective
        lrefine_max should happen. The nth reduction will happen at
    gr_lrefineMaxRedRadiusFact [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        factor that determines a minimum resolution (and thus maximum refinement
        level) based on distance from a center. See x_refine_center,
        y_refine_center, z_refine_center for the center coordinates.  This is
        approximately (linearly) equivalent to requiring a minimum *angular*
        resolution, within the limits set by the global lrefine_min and
        lrefine_max.  Only used when gr_lrefineMaxRedDoByLogR is TRUE.
    gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        reference time for time-based max level reduction. The effective
        reduction of lrefine_max only kicks in for times greater than
        gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef. The first time lrefine_max is effectively lowered
        actually happens at t=gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef+gr_lrefineMaxRedTimeScale.
    gr_lrefineMaxRedTimeScale [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: TINY to INFTY
        the time scale for effectively lowering lrefine_max: The first reduction
        takes place at t=gr_lrefineMaxRedTRef+gr_lrefineMaxRedTimeScale.
    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_1 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_10 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_11 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_12 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_13 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_14 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_15 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_16 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_17 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_18 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_19 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_2 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_20 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_3 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_4 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_5 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_6 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_7 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_8 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTimeValue_9 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_1 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_10 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_11 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_12 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_13 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_14 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_15 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_16 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_17 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_18 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_19 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_2 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_20 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_3 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_4 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_5 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_6 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_7 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_8 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_lrefmaxTime_9 [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_restrictAllMethod [INTEGER] [3]
        Valid Values: 0 to 3
        select a method to use for data restriction all the way up the tree of
        blocks.  This this global data restriction is usually done when
        IO_output is called, before the actual writing of plot or checkpoint
        data, so that non-leaf blocks in plot and checkpoint files will have
        meaningful data. Data restrictions that happen as part of guard cell
        filling or within multigrid solvers are not affected by this setting.
        For PARAMESH 2, this runtime parameter is currently ignored. With
        PARAMESH 4, the following values are recognized:  0: No restriction is
        done. 1: The original method, implemented in gr_restrictTree. 2: New
        method, implemented using mpi_amr_restrict_fulltree. 3: New method,
        implemented using Grid_restrictByLevels.
    interpol_order [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2
        the default interpolation order when using "monotonic" interpolation
    lrefine_del [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Try to reduce the maximum refinement level by this number of levels on a
    lrefine_max [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        maximum AMR refinement level
    lrefine_min [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        minimum AMR refinement level
    lrefine_min_init [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        minimum AMR refinement level for initialization
    max_particles_per_blk [INTEGER] [100]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        integer  if the number of particles in a block exceeds this, it must
        refine  when particle count is a refinement criterion
    min_particles_per_blk [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        integer  if the number of particles in a block is below this, it may
        derefine when particle count is a refinement criterion
    nblockx [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        num initial blocks in x dir
    nblocky [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        num initial blocks in y dir
    nblockz [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        num initial blocks in z dir
    nrefs [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        refine/derefine AMR grid every nrefs timesteps
    refine_cutoff_1 [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger refinement for refine_var_1
    refine_cutoff_2 [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger refinement for refine_var_2
    refine_cutoff_3 [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger refinement for refine_var_3
    refine_cutoff_4 [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        threshold value to trigger refinement for refine_var_4
    refine_filter_1 [REAL] [0.01]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        prevents error calculations to determine refinement from diverging
        numerically for refine_var_1
    refine_filter_2 [REAL] [0.01]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        prevents error calculations to determine refinement from diverging
        numerically for refine_var_1
    refine_filter_3 [REAL] [0.01]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        prevents error calculations to determine refinement from diverging
        numerically for refine_var_3
    refine_filter_4 [REAL] [0.01]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        prevents error calculations to determine refinement from diverging
        numerically for refine_var_4
    refine_on_particle_count [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        if true, the count of particles in blocks act as a refinement criterion
    refine_var_1 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        indicates 1st variable on which to refine
    refine_var_2 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        indicates 2nd variable on which to refine
    refine_var_3 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        indicates 3rd variable on which to refine
    refine_var_4 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        indicates 4th variable on which to refine
    refine_var_count [INTEGER] [4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        count of maximum allowed variable to be used
    small [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value ... DEV: for what?
    smallp [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for pressure
    smallt [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for temperature
    smallu [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for velocity
    smlrho [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for density
    x_refine_center [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        First coordinate of center for distance-based refinement patterns
    y_refine_center [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Second coordinate of center for distance-based refinement patterns
    z_refine_center [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Third coordinate of center for distance-based refinement patterns

    msgbuf [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        triggers consolication of MPI messages in PM2. 1 indicates to
        "consolidate". PM2 specific, should always stay at 1

    grid_monotone_hack [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        If .true., apply radical monotonicity constraints to interpolants (i.e.,
        completely flatten them if they violate monotonicity)

    enableMaskedGCFill [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        When enableMaskedGCFill is FALSE, Grid_fillGuardCells is forced to
        always ignore optional mask arguments when present in calls. This is the
        default behavior. Set enableMaskedGCFill TRUE to enable masked guard
        cell filling. It has been set to TRUE here for testing purposes.
    gr_sanitizeDataMode [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
        What to do when gr_sanitizeDataAfterInterp is called to check for
        acceptable values in the dens, ener, and eint cell-centered variables
        after a Grid operation may have resulted in grid interpolation. 0: Do
        nothing. 1: Check (if variable is not masked out) and report (see
        sanitizeVerbosity). 2: Check (ignoring variable mask) and report (see
        sanitizeVerbosity). 3: Check (if variable is not masked out) and fix
        (apply floor value). 4: Check (if variable is not masked out) and abort
        if cell is found below floor value.
    gr_sanitizeVerbosity [INTEGER] [5]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 4, 5
        How to write information about unacceptable values in the dens, ener,
        and eint cell-centered variables if gr_sanitizeDataAfterInterp finds
        value that are below the acceptable floor. This reporting is in addition
        to other actions selected with gr_sanitizeDataMode=3 or 4. 0: Be quiet.
        1: Only write a log file message per block if unacceptable value found
        on MASTER_PE. 4: As 1, and each proc writes a line to standard output
        for each block with bad values. 5: As 4, and each proc writes lines
        showing the values in all cells of the block (in 1D/2D) or a 2D slice
        (in 3D).

    gr_pmrpAdvanceAllLevels [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter advance_all_levels
    gr_pmrpAmrErrorChecking [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter amr_error_checking
    gr_pmrpCartesianPm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter cartesian_pm This will be
        adjusted by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
    gr_pmrpConserve [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter conserve
    gr_pmrpConsvFluxDensities [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter consv_flux_densities This will
        be adjusted by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
    gr_pmrpConsvFluxes [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter consv_fluxes This will be
        adjusted by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
    gr_pmrpCurvilinear [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter curvilinear. This will be
        adjusted by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
    gr_pmrpCurvilinearConserve [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter curvilinear_conserve. This
        will be adjusted by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
        However, if you manually set gr_pmrpCurvilinear to TRUE, you probably
        should also set gr_pmrpCurvilinearConserve TRUE.
    gr_pmrpCylindricalPm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter cylindrical_pm This will be
        adjusted by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
    gr_pmrpDiagonals [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter diagonals
    gr_pmrpDivergenceFree [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0, 1
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter divergence_free. 0 means
        FALSE, 1 means TRUE. -1 means: let FLASH determine the value based on
        how it has been set up; currently that means to check whether a
        preprocessor symbol DIVERGENCE_FREE is defined.
    gr_pmrpEdgeValue [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter edge_value This will be
        adjusted by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
    gr_pmrpEdgeValueInteg [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter edge_value_integ This will be
        adjusted by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
    gr_pmrpEmptyCells [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter empty_cells
    gr_pmrpForceConsistency [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter force_consistency
    gr_pmrpIfaceOff [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter iface_off
    gr_pmrpL2p5d [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: -1, 0, 1
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter l2p5d. -1 means: let FLASH
        determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpLsingularLine [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter lsingular_line
    gr_pmrpMaxblocks [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter maxblocks. -1 means: let FLASH
        determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpMflags [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter mflags
    gr_pmrpNboundaries [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 2 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nboundaries
    gr_pmrpNdim [INTEGER] CONSTANT [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter ndim.
    gr_pmrpNedgevar1 [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nedgevar1. -1 means: let FLASH
        determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpNfacevar [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nfacevar
    gr_pmrpNfieldDivf [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nfield_divf. -1 means: let
        FLASH determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpNfluxvar [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nfluxvar. -1 means: let FLASH
        determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpNguard [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nguard. -1 means: let FLASH
        determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpNguardWork [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nguard_work. -1 means: let
        FLASH determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpNoPermanentGuardcells [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter no_permanent_guardcells
    gr_pmrpNvar [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nvar. -1 means: let FLASH
        determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpNvarWork [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nvar_work
    gr_pmrpNvarcorn [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nvarcorn
    gr_pmrpNvaredge [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nvaredge
    gr_pmrpNxb [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nxb. -1 means: let FLASH
        determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpNyb [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: -1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nyb. -1 means: let FLASH
        determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpNzb [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 to INFTY
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter nzb. -1 means: let FLASH
        determine the value based on how it has been set up.
    gr_pmrpOutputDir [STRING] ["./"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_pmrpPolarPm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter polar_pm This will be adjusted
        by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
    gr_pmrpPredCorr [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter pred_corr
    gr_pmrpSphericalPm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter spherical_pm This will be
        adjusted by FLASH at runtime if necessary, so don't worry much.
    gr_pmrpTimingMpi [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter timing_mpi
    gr_pmrpTimingMpix [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter timing_mpix
    gr_pmrpVarDt [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        sets value for PARAMESH runtime parameter var_dt

    use_flash_surr_blks_fill [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    use_reduced_orrery [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    gr_ptNumToReduce [INTEGER] [10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        integer  if particles are to be removed at runtime, how many
    gr_ptRemove [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        boolean.  This is a switch which determines the action if the number
    gr_ptRemoveAlgo [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        integer  The algorithm used in determining which particles to remove
    keepLostParticles [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_ptMaxPerProcBlockFactor [REAL] [0.70]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        When the effective max_particles_per_blk is lowered on a processor
        because refinement criteria based on the number of particles PER
        PROCESSOR are used, then the new effective max_particles_per_blk is set
        to (gr_ptMaxPerProcBlockFactor * pt_maxPerProc). In addition, when the
        effective min_particles_per_blk is lowered on a processor because
        refinement criteria based on the number of particles PER PROCESSOR are
        used, then the new effective min_particles_per_blk is set to (0.5^NDIM *
        gr_ptMaxPerProcBlockFactor * pt_maxPerProc).
    gr_ptMaxPerProcBlockNoFuzz [INTEGER] [3]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        A safety margin for estimating the size of basically unpredictable
        changes of the number of blocks on a processor when remeshing happens.
    gr_ptMaxPerProcLowerThresh [REAL] [0.0625]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        A threshold. When the number of particles on a processor gets above
        (ptMaxPerProcLowerThresh * number of blocks on the processor), the
        effective min_particles_per_blk for blocks on this processor may be
    gr_ptMaxPerProcUpperThresh [REAL] [0.25]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        A threshold. When the number of particles on a processor gets above
        (ptMaxPerProcUpperThresh * number of blocks on the processor), the
        effective max_particles_per_blk for blocks on this processor may be
    gr_ptNumToReduce [INTEGER] [10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        integer  if particles are to be removed at runtime, how many
    gr_ptRefineOnPtMaxPerProc [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        controls whether refinement criteria based on the number of particles
        PER PROCESSOR are used. These work by strengthening refinement criteria
        requested through the max_particles_per_blk and min_particles_per_blk
        RPs.  Requires RP refine_on_particle_count to be TRUE.
    gr_ptRemove [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        boolean.  This is a switch which determines the action if the number
    gr_ptRemoveAlgo [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        integer  The algorithm used in determining which particles to remove
    gr_ptSieveCheckFreq [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        integer the frequency for checking the convergence of the

    gr_bhPhysMACComm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        - if true, physical MACs are used for calculation during communication
        of block trees
    gr_bhPhysMACTW [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        - if true, physical MACs are used for calculation during tree walk
    gr_bhTWMaxQueueSize [INTEGER] [10000]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        - maximum number of elements in the priority queue
    gr_bhTreeLimAngle [REAL] [0.5]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        - limit opening angle (if only geometric MAC is used)
    gr_bhTreeMaxcellmass [REAL] [1.0d99]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        For debugging: maximum mass allowed in a cell of block-trees
    gr_bhTreeMincellmass [REAL] [1.0d-99]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        For debugging: minimum mass allowed in a cell of block-trees
    gr_bhTreeSafeBox [REAL] [1.2]
        Valid Values: -INFTY to INFTY
        - relative (w.r.t. to the block size) size of a cube around each block
        in which the target cell cannot be located in tree walk during
        interaction of the target cell with this block
    gr_bhUseUnifiedTW [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        - if true, the unified tree walk (Barnes-Hut type) is used; otherwise,
        MAC for long distance interaction (with non-leaf block) is evaluated
        only once for all cells in the block

    bipcgs_max_cycles [INTEGER] [1000]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    bipcgs_max_residual_norm [REAL] [1.E-6]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    bipcgs_print_norm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreAbsTol [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        If > 0.0, directly sets a_tol (absolute tolerance) for the HYPRE
        iterative solver. Convergence criteria:    <= max( a_tol^2,
        r_tol^2 *  ). Note: default for a_tol is 0.0, so relative
        residual criteria is used unless user specifies a_tol, or sets r_tol =
        0.0, which means absolute tol only is checked. See also
        gr_hypreSolverAutoAbsTolFact, for another way of setting a_tol.
        Currently only used when gr_hypreSolverType is "HYPRE_PCG".
    gr_hypreCfTol [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        If > 0.0, enable in the iterative HYPRE solver an pptional test to see
        if adequate progress is being made. The average convergence factor is
        recorded and compared against the tolerance 'cf_tol'. The weighting
        factor is intended to pay more attention to the test when an accurate
        estimate for average convergence factor is available. Currently only
        used when gr_hypreSolverType is "HYPRE_PCG". Example suggested values:
        something like 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99.
    gr_hypreFloor [REAL] [1.0e-12]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        floor value for using HYPRE to advance diffusion.
    gr_hypreInfoLevel [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        : Flag to output solver specific information such as Relative Residue,
    gr_hypreMagFloor [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        floor value for using HYPRE to advance magnetic diffusion.
    gr_hypreMaxIter [INTEGER] [500]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Max iterations of linear solver.
    gr_hypreMaxIterMag [INTEGER] [500]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Max iterations of linear solver for magnetic diffusion.
    gr_hypreMinIter [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Min iterations of linear solver (only for GMRES).
    gr_hyprePCType [STRING] ["HYPRE_AMG"]
        "hypre_ilu", "hypre_amg", "hypre_parasails", "hypre_none"

    gr_hyprePrintSolveInfo [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        : Flag to output solver specific information such as Relative Residue,
    gr_hypreRecomputeResidual [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        If TRUE, don't trust the convergence test until we've recomputed the
        residual from scratch.  This is expensive in the usual case where an the
        norm is the energy norm. This calculation is coded on the assumption
        that the accuracy of the residual r is only a concern for problems where
        CG takes many iterations. Currently only used when gr_hypreSolverType is
    gr_hypreRecomputeResidualP [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        If > 0, recompute the residual every gr_hypreRecomputeResidualP
        iterations. Currently only used when gr_hypreSolverType is "HYPRE_PCG".
    gr_hypreRelChange [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        At user request, don't treat an approximation of the solution x in the
        HYPRE iterative solver  as converged unless x didn't change much in the
        last iteration. Currently only used when gr_hypreSolverType is
    gr_hypreRelTol [REAL] [1.0e-8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Relative tolerence r_tol of HYPRE linear solver.
    gr_hypreRelTolMag [REAL] [1.0e-8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Relative tolerence r_tol of HYPRE linear solver for magnetic diffusion.
    gr_hypreSlopeLimType [STRING] ["HYPRESL_MC"]
        "HYPRESL_NONE", "hypresl_mc", "hypresl_minmod", "hypresl_vanleer",
        : Type of slope limiter to be used on transverse temperature gradients.
    gr_hypreSolverAutoAbsTolFact [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        If not 0.0, automatically set a_tol (absolute tolerance) for the HYPRE
        iterative solver. If also gr_hypreAbsTol > 0, then the maximum of
        gr_hypreAbsTol and the automatically determined value is taken. See
        description of gr_hypreAbsTol for the use if a_tool in the HYPRE solver.
        If gr_hypreSolverAutoAbsTolFact > 0, then set f =
        gr_hypreSolverAutoAbsTolFact. If gr_hypreSolverAutoAbsTolFact < 0, then
        set f = |gr_hypreSolverAutoAbsTolFact|*gr_hypreRelTol. In either case,
        the automatically determined value for a_tol is
        f*sqrt(). Here  is a rough
        estimate of the smallest possible value of the inverse of the diagonal
        part of the matrix C representing the preconditioner. In that estimate,
        bfloor is a vector that represents a worst-case tolerable error in b
        (the RHS of the equation to be solved, A*x=b). Currently, bfloor is set
        to a vector whose every element is set to gr_hypreFloor. If
        gr_hypreAbsTol > 0 in addition to gr_hypreSolverAutoAbsTolFact .ne. 0.0,
        then the maximum of gr_hypreAbsTol and the automatically determined
        value is taken. Currently only used when gr_hypreSolverType is
    gr_hypreSolverType [STRING] ["HYPRE_PCG"]
        "HYPRE_SPLIT", "hypre_pcg", "hypre_amg", "hypre_gmres",
        "hypre_bicgstab", "hypre_split"
        : Type of HYPRE solver to be used.
    gr_hypreUse2Norm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        whether to use L2 norm for exit condition in iterative solver (instead
        of L1 norm). Currently only used when gr_hypreSolverType is "HYPRE_PCG".
    gr_hypreUseFloor [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        whether to apply gr_hypreFloor to floor results from HYPRE. Should
        probably be TRUE when using HYPRE to advance diffusion, FALSE otherwise.
        However, flooring will always be turned off when using the HYPRE
        implementation of Grid_solvePoisson, independent of the value of the
        gr_hypreUseFloor runtime parameter.
    gr_hypreUseMagFloor [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        whether to apply gr_hypreMagFloor to floor results from HYPRE (magnetic
    useMagHarmonicAvg [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Flag to use harmonic average of resistivity at cell faces.
    useViscHarmonicAvg [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Flag to use harmonic average of resistivity at cell faces.

    gr_hypreMagZ_AbsTol [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_CfTol [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_Floor [REAL] [1.0e-12]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_FloorType [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_InfoLevel [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_MaxIter [INTEGER] [500]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_MinIter [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_PCType [STRING] ["HYPRE_AMG"]
        "hypre_ilu", "hypre_amg", "hypre_parasails", "hypre_none"

    gr_hypreMagZ_PrintSolveInfo [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreMagZ_RecomputeResidual [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreMagZ_RecomputeResidualP [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_RelChange [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreMagZ_RelTol [REAL] [1.e-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_SlopeLimType [STRING] ["HYPRESL_MC"]
        "HYPRESL_NONE", "hypresl_mc", "hypresl_minmod", "hypresl_vanleer",

    gr_hypreMagZ_SolverAutoAbsTolFact [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMagZ_SolverType [STRING] ["HYPRE_GMRES"]
        "HYPRE_SPLIT", "hypre_pcg", "hypre_amg", "hypre_gmres",
        "hypre_bicgstab", "hypre_split"

    gr_hypreMagZ_Use2Norm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreMag_AbsTol [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_CfTol [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_Floor [REAL] [1.0e-12]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_FloorType [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_InfoLevel [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_MaxIter [INTEGER] [500]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_MinIter [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_PCType [STRING] ["HYPRE_AMG"]
        "hypre_ilu", "hypre_amg", "hypre_parasails", "hypre_none"

    gr_hypreMag_PrintSolveInfo [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreMag_RecomputeResidual [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreMag_RecomputeResidualP [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_RelChange [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreMag_RelTol [REAL] [1.e-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_SlopeLimType [STRING] ["HYPRESL_MC"]
        "HYPRESL_NONE", "hypresl_mc", "hypresl_minmod", "hypresl_vanleer",

    gr_hypreMag_SolverAutoAbsTolFact [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreMag_SolverType [STRING] ["HYPRE_GMRES"]
        "HYPRE_SPLIT", "hypre_pcg", "hypre_amg", "hypre_gmres",
        "hypre_bicgstab", "hypre_split"

    gr_hypreMag_Use2Norm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreViscosity_AbsTol [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_CfTol [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_Floor [REAL] [1.0e-12]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_FloorType [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_InfoLevel [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_MaxIter [INTEGER] [500]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_MinIter [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_PCType [STRING] ["HYPRE_AMG"]
        "hypre_ilu", "hypre_amg", "hypre_parasails", "hypre_none"

    gr_hypreViscosity_PrintSolveInfo [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreViscosity_RecomputeResidual [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreViscosity_RecomputeResidualP [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_RelChange [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    gr_hypreViscosity_RelTol [REAL] [1.0e-8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_SlopeLimType [STRING] ["HYPRESL_MC"]
        "HYPRESL_NONE", "hypresl_mc", "hypresl_minmod", "hypresl_vanleer",

    gr_hypreViscosity_SolverAutoAbsTolFact [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gr_hypreViscosity_SolverType [STRING] ["HYPRE_PCG"]
        "HYPRE_SPLIT", "hypre_pcg", "hypre_amg", "hypre_gmres",
        "hypre_bicgstab", "hypre_split"

    gr_hypreViscosity_Use2Norm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    mpole_lmax [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum multipole moment to use
    octant [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In 3d cartesian geometry, assume symmetry about left-facing volume faces
    quadrant [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In 2d cylindrical coords, assume symmetry about grid bottom to evolve a

    mg_maxCorrections [INTEGER] [100]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum number of correction V-cycles to employ.
    mg_maxResidualNorm [REAL] [1.E-6]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Apply V-cycle corrections until this residual norm is reached or
        mg_maxCorrections V-cycles have been performed.
    mg_printNorm [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        If .true., print the ratio of the residual norm to the source norm as
        each V-cycle is completed.
    quadrant [BOOLEAN] [false]
        True if only one quadrant is being calculated in 2-d cylindrical

    maxDirectSolveLevel [INTEGER] [9999]
        Valid Values: 1 to 9999
        Level that will be used to perform direct FFT solve.
    xl_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower (left) boundary condition in x dir
    xr_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper (right) boundary condition in x dir
    yl_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower boundary condition in y dir
    yr_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper boundary condition in y dir
    zl_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower boundary condition in z dir
    zr_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper boundary condition in z dir

    gr_mgDiffOpDiscretize [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 2, 4
        Spatial Differential operator discretization: gr_mgDiffOpDiscretize=2
        for 2nd order central; gr_mgDiffOpDiscretize=4 for 4th order central.

    mgrid_max_iter_change [REAL] [1.E-3]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum change in the norm of the residual from one iteration to the
    mgrid_max_residual_norm [REAL] [1.E-6]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum ratio of the norm of the residual to that of the right-hand side
    mgrid_max_vcycles [INTEGER] [100]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum number of V-cycles to take
    mgrid_npossmooth [INTEGER] [8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mgrid_npresmooth [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mgrid_print_norm [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        If .true., print residual norm to stdout after each V-cycle
    mgrid_smooth_tol [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Convergence criterion for the smoother
    mgrid_smoother [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1, 2
        Type of smoother, either RBGS=1 or ZEBRA=2.
    mgrid_solve_max_iter [INTEGER] [5000]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum number of iterations for solution on
    quadrant [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        In 2d cylindrical coords, assume symmetry about the y=0 axis to evolve a

    maxDirectSolveLevel [INTEGER] [9999]
        Valid Values: 1 to 9999
        Level that will be used to perform direct FFT solve.
    xl_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower (left) boundary condition in x dir
    xr_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper (right) boundary condition in x dir
    yl_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower boundary condition in y dir
    yr_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper boundary condition in y dir
    zl_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower boundary condition in z dir
    zr_mg_boundary_type [STRING] ["periodic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper boundary condition in z dir

    mpole_3daxisymmetric [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In 3d cartesian geometry, use only m=0 multipole moments
    mpole_dumpMoments [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Should the Moment array be dumped at each timestep?
    mpole_lmax [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum multipole moment to use
    mpole_r12 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mpole_r23 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mpole_rscale1 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mpole_rscale2 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mpole_rscale3 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mpole_scaleType1 [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mpole_scaleType2 [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mpole_scaleType3 [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    mpole_subSample [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1 to 12
        Integer which controls the sub-sampling in the mpole_potential routine
        and mpole_moments routine.  Set to smaller numbers to make potential
        calculations (slightly) less smooth and faster. Was hardcoded in Flash2
        as Nint6 = 6 in mpole_potential and Nint=2 in mpole_moments Defines the
        3 zones (r12,r23 are fractions of rMax) Scaling factor for each zones.
        Scaling Type for each of the regions, can be Constant,  Logarthmic
    mpole_useMatrixMPI [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Switch added during the DAT to calculate MPI_allreduce in a matrix
        fashion & Set to .false. to retain the previous behaviour
    octant [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In 3d cartesian geometry, assume symmetry about left-facing volume faces
    quadrant [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In 2d cylindrical coords, assume symmetry about grid bottom to evolve a

    mpole_2DSymmetryPlane [BOOLEAN] [false]
        In 2D coordinates, assume a plane of symmetry at the grid bottom. Can be
        used for symmetrical problems to reduce computational domain.
    mpole_3DAxisymmetry [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Assumes rotational invariance around the main (z) axis in 3D cartesian
        geometry domains, even if this holds only approximately. In effect it
        uses only M=0 multipole moments.
    mpole_DumpMoments [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Should the Moment array be dumped at each timestep? Use this option only
        with care, as the moments will be printed for each radial bin.
    mpole_IgnoreInnerZone [BOOLEAN] [false]
        If this is set .true., the inner zone will not be recognized and all
        inner zone radii will be treated statistically. This can be used only if
        Lmax is sufficiently low.
    mpole_InnerZoneResolution [REAL] [0.1]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        The resolution spacing for the inner zone in units of the inner zone
        atomic radius. Two inner zone radii will be considered different if they
        are more than the resolution spacing apart. A very tiny number will
        result in a complete separation of all inner zone radii into separate
        bins. However, the resolution cannot be set to exactly zero, because its
        inverse value needs to be calculated at some point in the code.
    mpole_InnerZoneSize [INTEGER] [16]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        The size (radius) defining the inner zone in terms of the inner zone
        atomic radius. This value needs to be an integer, as it will be used to
        define dimensions of certain arrays.
    mpole_Lmax [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Maximum multipole moment to use
    mpole_MaxRadialZones [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1 to INFTY
        The maximum number of radial zones to be used
    mpole_MultiThreading [BOOLEAN] [true]
        If set .true., the code will run in multithreaded mode
    mpole_PrintRadialInfo [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Should the Multipole solver print out detailed radial bin information at
        each timestep?
    mpole_ZoneExponent_1 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: -INFTY to INFTY
        The exponent value 't' in the radial equation r(Q) = s * dr * Q^t or the
        radial equation r(Q) = s * dr * (e^(Qt)-1)/(e^t-1), defining the maximum
        radius of the Q-th radial bin for the 1st zone.
    mpole_ZoneExponent_2 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: -INFTY to INFTY
        Idem for the 2nd radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneExponent_3 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: -INFTY to INFTY
        Idem for the 3rd radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneExponent_4 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: -INFTY to INFTY
        Idem for the 4th radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneRadiusFraction_1 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        The fraction of the maximum radius defining the 1st radial zone limit.
        The total number of fractions given must match the maximum number of
        radial zones specified and the fractions must be in increasing order and
        less than 1. as we move from the 1st zone upwards. The last zone must
        always have a fraction of exactly 1. If not, the code will enforce it.
    mpole_ZoneRadiusFraction_2 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Idem for the 2nd radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneRadiusFraction_3 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Idem for the 3rd radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneRadiusFraction_4 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Idem for the 4th radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneScalar_1 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        The scalar value 's' in the radial equation r(Q) = s * dr * Q^t or the
        radial equation r(Q) = s * dr * (e^(Qt)-1)/(e^t-1), defining the maximum
        radius of the Q-th radial bin for the 1st zone.
    mpole_ZoneScalar_2 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        Idem for the 2nd radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneScalar_3 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        Idem for the 3rd radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneScalar_4 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        Idem for the 4th radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneType_1 [STRING] ["exponential"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        String value containing the zone type for the 1st zone. If set to
        'exponential' then the radial equation r(Q) = s * dr * Q^t is used. If
        set to 'logarithmic' the radial equation r(Q) = s * dr *
        (e^(Qt)-1)/(e^t-1) is used.
    mpole_ZoneType_2 [STRING] ["exponential"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Idem for the 2nd radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneType_3 [STRING] ["exponential"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Idem for the 3rd radial zone.
    mpole_ZoneType_4 [STRING] ["logarithmic"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Idem for the 4th radial zone.

    gr_pfftDiffOpDiscretize [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1, 2
        specifies the approach for discretizing the Laplacian differential
        operator: 2 for second-order finite difference approximation, 1 for
        spectral.  This choice is ignored by solver implementations that have
        one approach hardwired. Currently the HomBcTrigSolver and
        SimplePeriodicSolver implementations honor this runtime parameter.
    pfft_setupOnce [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        This parameter tells Pfft whether it should retain trig tables and other
        mapping information for the entire simulation or not

    gr_testTolL2 [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        Maximum L2 error norm that is tolerable
    gr_testTolLinf [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        Maximum Linf error norm that is tolerable

    sb_NumBodies [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    sb_debug [BOOLEAN] [False]

    sb_ptNumX [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    sb_ptNumY [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    sb_ptNumZ [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained