Runtime Parameters Documentation for FLASH Release 4.8

        Whether Hydro calculations should be performed.

    UnitSystem [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        System of Units
    cfl [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Courant factor
    irenorm [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Renormalize the abundances before eos
    threadHydroBlockList [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    threadHydroWithinBlock [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    updateHydroFluxes [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        whether fluxes computed by Hydro should be used to update the solution
        (currently, probably only used in split PPM Hydro)
    useHydro [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Should any Hydro calculations be performed?
    use_cma_advection [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Use the CMA advection with partial masses being primary variables; thos
        parameter only affects the unsplit PPM hydro solver.
    use_cma_flattening [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Use the flattening procedure for the abundances as described in the CMA
        paper; this parameter only affects the unsplit PPM hydro solver.
    use_steepening [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    RoeAvg [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    hall_parameter [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    hyperResistivity [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    irenorm [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    killdivb [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    small [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value
    smalle [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for energy
    smallp [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for pressure
    smallt [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for temperature
    smallu [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for velocity
    smallx [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for abundances
    smlrho [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for density

    charLimiting [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        use characteristic variables for slope limiting
    cvisc [REAL] [0.1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Artificial viscosity constant
    dp_sh [REAL] [0.33]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    dp_sh_md [REAL] [0.33]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        pressure jump for multi-dimensional shock detection
    epsiln [REAL] [0.33]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        PPM shock detection parameter
    hy_eosModeAfter [STRING] ["dens_ie"]
        Valid Values: "dens_ie", "dens_pres", "dens_temp", "dens_ie_all",
        "dens_ie_scatter", "dens_ie_gather", "dens_ie_sele_gather",
        "dens_ie_shocksele_gather", "dens_temp_equi", "dens_temp_all",
        "dens_temp_gather", "dens_ie_recal_gather"
        Eos mode to apply at the end of a hydro sweep, after hy_ppm_updateSoln
        is done. Some meaningful choices are (1): == eosMode (traditional), (2):
        "dens_ie" for MODE_DENS_EI (which are normally the same!).
    hy_fluxRepresentation [STRING] ["fluxes"]
        Valid Values: "hybrid", "fluxes", "auto"
        determines the nature of the data stored in flux arrays. With this
        parameter set to "fluxes", the fluxes and cell volumes used in the Hydro
        method are calculated correctly using geometry measures (in units
        matching those in which coordinates are represented). If
        hy_fluxRepresentation is "hybrid", fluxes are calculated in a simpler
        way; for example, the fluxes in Cartesian coordinates use the convention
        Face Area == 1 (and thus Cell Volume == dx during the X sweep, etc.).
        Both settings lead to a correct algorithm, because what is ultimately
        applied in the Hydro update is of the form fluxes times dt/CellVolume,
        so cell areas (thus fluxes) and volumes can be multiplied by an
        arbitrary constant (as long as it is done consistently) without changing
        results (except for rounding effects). The setting here must match
        Paramesh's understanding of what the "fluxes" are that it is being
        passed if Grid_conserveFluxes is called: If hy_fluxRepresentation is
        "fluxes", then Paramesh4 should have set consv_fluxes==.true., 
        consv_flux_densities==.false. If hy_fluxRepresentation is "hybrid", then
        Paramesh4 should have set consv_fluxes==.false.,
        consv_flux_densities==.true. Hydro_init will try to set Paramesh to the
        right mode if possible, this requires Paramesh to be compiled in LIBRARY
        mode. If this fails, the flux representation will be modified to
        correspond to what the Grid unit supports. A third possible value for
        hy_fluxRepresentation is "auto", in which case the Hydro code unit will
        pick either "fluxes" or "hybrid" based on geometry and support in Grid.
    hybrid_riemann [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        use HLLE in shocks to remove odd-even decoupling
    igodu [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Use Godunov method
    iplm [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Use linear profiles
    leveque [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        modify states due to gravity -- leveque's way.
    nriem [INTEGER] [10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        No. of iterations in Riemann solver
    omg1 [REAL] [0.75]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        PPM dissipation parameter omega1
    omg2 [REAL] [10.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        PPM dissipation parameter omega2
    ppmEintCompFluxConstructionMeth [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to 7

    ppmEintFluxConstructionMeth [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: -1, 0 to 2, 4 to 6
        selects a method for constructing energy fluxes, for internal energy,
        from the results of calling the Riemann solver. Note that the eintSwitch
        runtime parameter controls whether internal energy fluxes, rather than
        total energy fluxes, are sometimes used for updating the energy
        variables (both internal and total) in a given cell (depending on the
        ratio of kinetic to internal energy in that cell).
    ppmEnerCompFluxConstructionMeth [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to 7, 11 to 17, 20 to 27

    ppmEnerFluxConstructionMeth [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to 2, 4 to 6, 11 to 12, 14 to 16, 20 to 27
        selects a method for constructing energy fluxes, for total
        (internal+kinetic) energy, from the results of calling the Riemann
    ppm_modifystates [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        modify states due to gravity -- our way.
    rieman_tol [REAL] [1.0e-5]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Converge factor for Riemann solver
    small [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value ... DEV: for what?
    smalle [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for energy
    smallp [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for pressure
    smallt [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for temperature
    smallu [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for velocity
    smallx [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for abundances
    smlrho [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for density
    vgrid [REAL] [0.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Scale factor for grid velocity

    chomboLikeUpdateSoln [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Use a simplified hy_ppm_updateSoln
    excludeGradPresFromFlux [BOOLEAN] [false]
        PLUTO like excludeGradPresFromFlux=.true., FLASH like

    hy_3Ttry_Arelated [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        a code switch for hydro_1d, determines how fluxes for eint-without-PdV
        are computed. TRUE: eia (Energy Internal Advected) fluxes always based
        on eint fluxes calculation. FALSE: eia fluxes always calculated based on
        advecting eint like any old mass scalar. Difference should matter only
        for ppmEintCompFluxConstructionMeth=0,4. Eia fluxes themselves only
        matter for cases B0,B1, or for E1 (with D2 or D3).
    hy_3Ttry_B [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2, 3
        How to deal with "work" term
    hy_3Ttry_B_rad [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
        How to deal with "work" term for radiation, i.e. for Erad, -1 means same
        as hy_3Ttry_B
    hy_3Ttry_D [REAL] [2.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 1.875, 2.0, 3.0
        How to consolidate energies. Values: 0. Do not, 1. Trust Eele, discard
        Eion, 1.5 Trust Eele, discard Eion, 2. Trust combined Eint, recalibrate
        both components, etc.
    hy_3Ttry_E [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1, 2
        How to recalibrate (if D2 or D3)
    hy_3Ttry_F [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 2, 3
        What to consolidate/recalibrate (if E2)
    hy_3Ttry_G [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 0, 1
        What to use for component P (if B1)
    hy_3Ttry_Q [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to 2
        Whether to implement preferential allocation of shock heating (over and
        above heating through adiabatic compression) to ions; 2 for additional
        debug info from rieman.
    hy_3Ttry_useShockDetect [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        a code switch for multiTemp hy_ppm_updateSoln, determines whether some
        special handling (currently, code to implement correct preferention
        shock heating of ions, as for hy_3Ttry_B3) is done only in cells where a
        "shock has been detected". Shock detection depends on runtime parameter
        dp_sh_md, see the Hydro_detectShock routine.
    hy_dbgReconstConsvSele [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        whether to reconstruct electron entropy ("Sele") in conservative form.
    hy_eosModeAfter [STRING] ["dens_ie_gather"]
        Valid Values: "dens_ie", "dens_pres", "dens_temp", "dens_ie_all",
        "dens_ie_scatter", "dens_ie_gather", "dens_ie_sele_gather",
        "dens_ie_shocksele_gather", "dens_temp_equi", "dens_temp_all",
        "dens_temp_gather", "dens_ie_recal_gather"
        Eos mode to apply at the end of a hydro sweep, after hy_ppm_updateSoln
        is done. Some meaningful choices are (1): == eosMode (traditional), (2):
        "dens_ie_sele_gather" for MODE_DENS_EI_SELE_GATHER.

    reconType [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Order of reconstruction
    small [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value
    smalle [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for energy
    smallp [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for pressure
    smallt [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for temperature
    smallu [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for velocity
    smallx [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for abundances
    smlrho [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for density

    EOSforRiemann [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Turn on/off calls to Eos for thermo of reconstructed face states
    LimitedSlopeBeta [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Any real value specific for the Limited Slope limiter
    PosKappa1 [REAL] [0.4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        A constant value to determine shock strengths for positivity preserving
    PosKappa2 [REAL] [0.4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        A constant value to determine shock strengths for positivity preserving
    RiemannSolver [STRING] ["HLLC"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Roe, HLL, HLLC, Marquina, MarquinaModified, Hybrid or local
        Lax-Friedrichs, plus HLLD for MHD
    addThermalFlux [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    charLimiting [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Apply limiting for characteristic variable
    conserveAngMom [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Conservative formulation for cylindrical coordinates regarding the
        toroidal momentum
    cvisc [REAL] [0.1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    entropy [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Entropy Fix routine for the Roe Riemann solver
    entropyFixMethod [STRING] ["HARTENHYMAN"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Entropy fix method for the Roe Riemann solver: Harten or HartenHyman
    gp_elldel [REAL] [12.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    gp_radius [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        radius for GP stencil
    gp_sigdel [REAL] [2.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    hy_3Torder [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 1, 2, 3, 5
        Reconstruction order for eint, eele, eion, erad in HEDP simulations
    hy_cflFallbackFactor [REAL] [0.9]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        factor for scaling CFL factor when it is lowered because of fallback in
        problematic cells
    hy_eosModeGc [STRING] ["see eosMode"]
        Valid Values: "see eosMode", "eos_nop", "dens_ie_gather",
        "dens_ie_recal_gather", "dens_ie_scatter", "dens_ie_all",
        "dens_ie_sele_gather", "dens_temp_equi", "dens_temp_all",
        Eos mode that the Hydro unit should apply to guard cells before the
        first major loop, i.e., before computing Riemann input states by
        reconstruction etc. The special value "see eosMode" can be used to
        indicate the mode set by the runtime parameter "eosMode". Other values
        are as for "eosMode".
    hy_fPresInMomFlux [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Percentage of the pressure gradient (values range from 0 to 1) that is
        treated as part of momentum fluxes
    hy_fallbackLowerCFL [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Lower the simulation CFL if fallin back to a lower reconstruction order
        in problematic cells
    hy_fullSpecMsFluxHandling [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Are species and mass scalars updated with fluxes that have undergone the
        full treatment applied to other fluxes, including fine-coarse-boundary
        flux correction if that is done to fluxes of other conserved variables?
    hy_useFluxEqn [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    hybridOrderKappa [REAL] [0.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        A constant value to determine shock strengths for hybrid order
    hydroComputeDtOption [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0, 1
        An option where to compute hydro dt. Choices are integer values [-1, 0,
        1] as follows: -1: Hydro_computeDt.F90,  the old standard way that has
        most extensive supports and well-tested; 0: hy_uhd_energyFix.F90, a
        light weighted version without calling a global loop Hydro_computeDt; 1:
        hy_getFaceFlux.F90,   another light weighted dt call during flux
    irenorm [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Renormalize abundances
    order [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
        1st order Godunov scheme, 2nd MUSCL-Hancock scheme, or 3rd PPM, 5th WENO
    shockDetect [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to use a strong compressive shock detection
    shockLowerCFL [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Lower the simulation CFL if shocks are detected
    slopeLimiter [STRING] ["vanLeer"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        mc, vanLeer, vanLeer1.5, minmod, hybrid, limited
    small [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value
    smalle [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for energy
    smallp [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for pressure
    smallt [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for temperature
    smallu [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for velocity
    smallx [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for abundances
    smlrho [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for density
    tiny [REAL] [1.e-16]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        A threshold value for an arbitrarily small number
    transOrder [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
        order of approximating transeverse flux derivative in data
    use_3dFullCTU [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Turn on/off the full CTU scheme that gives CFL <= 1 for 3D.  Ignored in
        1D and 2D.
    use_PosPreserv [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch for self adjusting positivity preservation in dens, pres and eint
    use_auxEintEqn [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Turn on/off solving the auxilary internal energy equation
    use_avisc [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    use_flattening [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch for PPM flattening
    use_gravHalfUpdate [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Include gravitational accelerations to hydro coupling at n+1/2
    use_hybridOrder [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Apply RH jump condition to check monotonicity of reconstructed values
    use_steepening [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch for steepening contact discontinuities for 3rd order PPM
    use_upwindTVD [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Turn on/off upwinding TVD slopes
    wenoMethod [STRING] ["WENO5"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    E_modification [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Switch for modified electric fields calculation from flux
    E_upwind [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch for upwind update for induction equations
    ForceHydroLimit [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to force B=0 limit, i.e., the solver will not update B fields
    VresistMax [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to limit the maximum Resistive velocity automatically with the
        current time step and cfl
    conserveAngField [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Turn on/off alternate formulation for toroidal induction
    crossFieldFlCoef [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cross-field limiter coefficient
    crossFieldFlMode [STRING] ["fl_none"]
        Valid Values: "fl_none", "fl_harmonic", "fl_minmax", "fl_larsen"
        Cross-field limiter mode
    currFlCoef [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        current limiter coefficient
    currFlMode [STRING] ["fl_none"]
        Valid Values: "fl_none", "fl_harmonic", "fl_minmax", "fl_larsen"
        current limiter mode
    energyFix [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch for an energy correction for CT scheme
    hallVelocity [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to use u_ele = u - J/(ne qe)
    hy_bier1TA [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Atomic number to use for 1T Biermann Battery term
    hy_bier1TZ [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Ionization number to use for 1T Biermann Battery term
    hy_biermannCoef [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Coefficient of Biermann Battery flux
    hy_biermannSource [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to implement battery term as an external source
    killdivb [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Switch for maintaing solenoidal field
    killdivb8w [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch for maintaing solenoidal field using Powell's 8wave
    nernstFlCoef [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Nernst limiter coefficient
    nernstFlMode [STRING] ["fl_none"]
        Valid Values: "fl_none", "fl_harmonic", "fl_minmax", "fl_larsen"
        Nernst limiter mode
    prolMethod [STRING] ["INJECTION_PROL"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Injection or Balsara's method in prolongation
    useCrossField_limMode [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to limit cross-field convection only for the components
        perpendicular to the advecting velocity
    useCrossMagRes [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to turn on use of cross magnetic resistivity (added to Hall term)
    useHall_limMode [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to limit Hall convection only for the components perpendicular to
        the advecting velocity
    useNernst_limMode [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to limit Nernst convection only for the components perpendicular
        to the advecting velocity
    useResistive_limMode [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to limit Resistive convection only for the components
        perpendicular to the advecting velocity
    use_Biermann [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to add the Battery term for B-field generation
    use_Biermann1T [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to add the 1T Battery term for B-field generation
    use_Biermann3T [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to add the 3T Battery term for B-field generation
    use_CrossFIeld [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    use_Hall [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to add the Hall term in the induction equation
    use_Nernst [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to add nernst effect in the induction equation (and heat flux)
    use_Seebeck [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to add Seebeck effect in the induction equation (and heat flux)

    hy_3TMode [STRING] ["ragelike"]
        Valid Values: "ragelike", "crashlike", "entropy"
        Indictates the 3T model to use
    hy_3T_rageLikeMaxIterations [INTEGER] [100]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        max number of iterations to use in the ragelike PdV & energy advections
    hy_3Ttry_B [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2
        How to deal with component energy "work" term
    hy_3Ttry_B_rad [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0, 1, 2
        How to deal with "work" term for radiation, i.e. for Erad, -1 means same
        as hy_3Ttry_B
    hy_3Ttry_D [REAL] [2.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0, 2.0, 3.0
        How to consolidate energies. Values: 0. Do not, 1. Trust Eele, discard
        Eion, 1.5 Trust Eele, discard Eion, 2. Trust combined Eint, recalibrate
        both components.
    hy_3Ttry_E [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1, 2
        How to recalibrate component energy (if D2)
    hy_3Ttry_F [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 2, 3
        What to consolidate/recalibrate (if E2)
    hy_3Ttry_G [INTEGER] [4]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2, 4
        What to use for component P (if B1)
    hy_3Ttry_I [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    hy_eosModeAfter [STRING] ["dens_ie_gather"]
        Valid Values: "dens_ie", "dens_pres", "dens_temp", "dens_ie_all",
        "dens_ie_scatter", "dens_ie_gather", "dens_ie_sele_gather",
        "dens_temp_equi", "dens_temp_all", "dens_temp_gather",
        Eos mode to apply at the end of a state advance, before Hydro returns.
        This is currently ONLY used with multiTemp, and ignored otherwise! Some
        meaningful choices are (1): == eosMode (traditional), (2):
        "dens_ie_sele_gather" for MODE_DENS_EI_SELE_GATHER.

    EOSforRiemann [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Turn on/off calls to Eos for thermo of reconstructed face states
    LimitedSlopeBeta [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Any real value specific for the Limited Slope limiter
    RiemannSolver [STRING] ["HLLC"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Roe, HLL, HLLC, Marquina, MarquinaModified, Hybrid or local
        Lax-Friedrichs, plus HLLD for MHD
    addThermalFlux [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    charLimiting [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Apply limiting for characteristic variable
    conserveAngMom [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Conservative formulation for cylindrical coordinates regarding the
        toroidal momentum
    cvisc [REAL] [0.1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    entropy [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Entropy Fix routine for the Roe Riemann solver
    entropyFixMethod [STRING] ["HARTENHYMAN"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Entropy fix method for the Roe Riemann solver: Harten or HartenHyman
    hy_3Torder [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 1, 2, 3, 5
        Reconstruction order for eint, eele, eion, erad in HEDP simulations
    hy_cflFallbackFactor [REAL] [0.9]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        factor for scaling CFL factor when it is lowered because of fallback in
        problematic cells
    hy_eosModeGc [STRING] ["see eosMode"]
        Valid Values: "see eosMode", "eos_nop", "dens_ie_gather",
        "dens_ie_recal_gather", "dens_ie_scatter", "dens_ie_all",
        "dens_ie_sele_gather", "dens_temp_equi", "dens_temp_all",
        Eos mode that the Hydro unit should apply to guard cells before the
        first major loop, i.e., before computing Riemann input states by
        reconstruction etc. The special value "see eosMode" can be used to
        indicate the mode set by the runtime parameter "eosMode". Other values
        are as for "eosMode".
    hy_fPresInMomFlux [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Fraction of the pressure gradient (values range from 0 to 1) that is
        treated as part of momentum fluxes
    hy_fallbackLowerCFL [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Lower the simulation CFL if fallin back to a lower reconstruction order
        in problematic cells
    hy_fullSpecMsFluxHandling [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Are species and mass scalars updated with fluxes that have undergone the
        full treatment applied to other fluxes, including fine-coarse-boundary
        flux correction if that is done to fluxes of other conserved variables?
    hybridOrderKappa [REAL] [0.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        A constant value to determine shock strengths for hybrid order
    hydroComputeDtOption [INTEGER] [-1]
        Valid Values: -1, 0, 1
        An option where to compute hydro dt. Choices are integer values [-1, 0,
        1] as follows: -1: Hydro_computeDt.F90,  the old standard way that has
        most extensive supports and well-tested; 0: hy_uhd_energyFix.F90, a
        light weighted version without calling a global loop Hydro_computeDt; 1:
        hy_getFaceFlux.F90,   another light weighted dt call during flux
    irenorm [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Renormalize abundances
    order [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
        1st order Godunov scheme, 2nd MUSCL-Hancock scheme, or 3rd PPM, 5th WENO
    radiusGP [REAL] [2.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    shockDetect [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch to use a strong compressive shock detection
    shockLowerCFL [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Lower the simulation CFL if shocks are detected
    sigmaGP [REAL] [3.]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    slopeLimiter [STRING] ["vanLeer"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        mc, vanLeer, vanLeer1.5, minmod, hybrid, limited
    small [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value
    smalle [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for energy
    smallp [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for pressure
    smallt [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for temperature
    smallu [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for velocity
    smallx [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for abundances
    smlrho [REAL] [1.E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Cutoff value for density
    tiny [REAL] [1.e-16]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        A threshold value for an arbitrarily small number
    transOrder [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
        order of approximating transeverse flux derivative in data
    use_3dFullCTU [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Turn on/off the full CTU scheme that gives CFL <= 1 for 3D
    use_auxEintEqn [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Turn on/off solving the auxilary internal energy equation
    use_avisc [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    use_flattening [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch for PPM flattening
    use_gravHalfUpdate [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Include gravitational accelerations to hydro coupling at n+1/2
    use_hybridOrder [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Apply RH jump condition to check monotonicity of reconstructed values
    use_steepening [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Switch for steepening contact discontinuities for 3rd order PPM
    use_upwindTVD [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Turn on/off upwinding TVD slopes
    wenoMethod [STRING] ["WENO5"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    hy_3TMode [STRING] ["ragelike"]
        Valid Values: "ragelike", "crashlike", "entropy", "castrolike"
        Indictates the 3T model to use
    hy_3Ttry_B [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2
        How to deal with component energy "work" term
    hy_3Ttry_B_rad [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: -1, 0, 1, 2
        How to deal with "work" term for radiation, i.e. for Erad, -1 means same
        as hy_3Ttry_B
    hy_3Ttry_D [REAL] [2.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0, 2.0, 3.0
        How to consolidate energies. Values: 0. Do not, 1. Trust Eele, discard
        Eion, 1.5 Trust Eele, discard Eion, 2. Trust combined Eint, recalibrate
        both components.
    hy_3Ttry_E [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 1, 2
        How to recalibrate component energy (if D2)
    hy_3Ttry_F [INTEGER] [2]
        Valid Values: 2, 3
        What to consolidate/recalibrate (if E2)
    hy_3Ttry_G [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: 0, 1, 2, 4, 5
        What to use for component P (if B1)
    hy_eosModeAfter [STRING] ["dens_ie_gather"]
        Valid Values: "dens_ie", "dens_pres", "dens_temp", "dens_ie_all",
        "dens_ie_scatter", "dens_ie_gather", "dens_ie_sele_gather",
        "dens_temp_equi", "dens_temp_all", "dens_temp_gather",
        Eos mode to apply at the end of a state advance, before Hydro returns.
        This is currently ONLY used with multiTemp, and ignored otherwise! Some
        meaningful choices are (1): == eosMode (traditional), (2):
        "dens_ie_sele_gather" for MODE_DENS_EI_SELE_GATHER.
    hy_lam3ScaleFactor [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        experimental scaling factor for lambda terms in FLA Hydro
    hy_maxSmoothVarVal [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        upper bound of value range where smoothing is applied.
    hy_minSmoothVarVal [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        lower bound of value range where smoothing is applied.
    hy_mtPresRatLambda3Min [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        experimental minimum value for the 3*lambda factor to scale updated
        pressure ratios (from Eos call) in hy_uhd_ragelike with radflah.
    hy_mtScaleAccel [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        experimental scaling factor for per-component kinetic energy change
        terms in hy_uhd_unsplitUpdateCastroLike
    hy_mtScaleLorentz [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        experimental scaling factor for component Lorentz coupling terms in
    hy_mtScaleWork [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        experimental scaling factor for component work terms in
    hy_smoothCoeff [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        smoothing coefficient, used in some SOR-like methods
    hy_smoothIterations [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        number of smoothing iterations, 0 means no smoothing is applied.
    hy_smoothMethod [STRING] ["SMOOTH_3POINT"]
        smoothing method
    hy_useMaxSmoothVarVal [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Use upper bound on values to be smoothed?
    hy_useMinSmoothVarVal [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Use lower bound on values to be smoothed?