Runtime Parameters Documentation for FLASH Release 4.8

        flags whether the Opacity unit is being used at all

    useOpacity [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        flags whether the Opacity unit is being used at all

    op_absorbScale [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    op_emitScale [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    op_transScale [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    op_absorbConst [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    op_emitConst [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    op_transConst [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    op_absorbConst [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Constcm2g value for absorption opacity [cm^2/g]
    op_emitConst [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Constcm2g value for emission opacity [cm^2/g]
    op_transConst [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Constcm2g value for transport opacity [cm^2/g]

    opacity_ceiling [REAL] [1.e6]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        ceiling for the opacity values when reading from TOPS tables. Below the
        plasma cut-off frequency TOPS sets the ceiling to 1.e10, which is too
        high for FLASH
    opacity_ignoreLowTemp [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        control parameter indicating if the low temperature capability should be
    opacity_writeOpacityInfo [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        control parameter indicating if detailed info of the opacity unit should
        be written out

    opacity_RombergAccuracy [REAL] [1.E-6]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    opacity_maxQuadratureRoots [INTEGER] [50]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    opacity_printQuadratureData [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    opacity_useQuadrature [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    opacity_useRomberg [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    opacity_ignoreKleinNishina [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    op_tableEnergyTolerance [REAL] [1.0e-04]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        allowed difference between table/FLASH group structure
    opacity_useLogTables [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        control parameter indicating use of logarithmic opacities

    op_absorbConst [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Constcm2g value for absorption opacity [cm^2/g]
    op_emitConst [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Constcm2g value for emission opacity [cm^2/g]
    op_hydrogenMassFrac [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0+ to 1.0
        Fixed value to use for hydrogen mass fraction, used if
        op_hydrogenMassFracVar does not exist
    op_hydrogenMassFracVar [STRING] ["h1"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Variable in unk to use as hydrogen mass fraction, probably something
        like "h1" or "h"
    op_opalMaxLowT [REAL] [1.0e4]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        maximum temperature for which the LowT OPAL tables are to be used; above
        this threshold, the HightT tables are used.
    op_opalNumHydrogenAbundances [INTEGER] [10]
        Valid Values: 0 to 10
        number of hydrogen abundance ranges for which there are OPAL table
    op_opalTableAbundMax_1 [REAL] [0.1]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 1
    op_opalTableAbundMax_10 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 10
    op_opalTableAbundMax_2 [REAL] [0.2]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 2
    op_opalTableAbundMax_3 [REAL] [0.30000000000000004]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 3
    op_opalTableAbundMax_4 [REAL] [0.4]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 4
    op_opalTableAbundMax_5 [REAL] [0.5]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 5
    op_opalTableAbundMax_6 [REAL] [0.6000000000000001]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 6
    op_opalTableAbundMax_7 [REAL] [0.7000000000000001]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 7
    op_opalTableAbundMax_8 [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 8
    op_opalTableAbundMax_9 [REAL] [0.9]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to 1.0
        Upper bound of hydrogen abundance range no. 9
    op_opalTableHighT_1 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 1
    op_opalTableHighT_10 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 10
    op_opalTableHighT_2 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 2
    op_opalTableHighT_3 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 3
    op_opalTableHighT_4 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 4
    op_opalTableHighT_5 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 5
    op_opalTableHighT_6 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 6
    op_opalTableHighT_7 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 7
    op_opalTableHighT_8 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 8
    op_opalTableHighT_9 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        High temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 9
    op_opalTableLowT_1 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 1
    op_opalTableLowT_10 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 10
    op_opalTableLowT_2 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 2
    op_opalTableLowT_3 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 3
    op_opalTableLowT_4 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 4
    op_opalTableLowT_5 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 5
    op_opalTableLowT_6 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 6
    op_opalTableLowT_7 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 7
    op_opalTableLowT_8 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 8
    op_opalTableLowT_9 [STRING] ["-none-"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Low temp OPAL table for hydrogen abundance range no. 9
    opacity_useLogTables [BOOLEAN] CONSTANT [TRUE]
        control parameter indicating use of logarithmic opacities
    opacity_writeOpacityInfo [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        control parameter indicating if detailed info of the opacity unit should
        be written out