Runtime Parameters Documentation for FLASH Release 4.8

    useParticles [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        Whether to advance particles [TRUE] or not [FALSE]

    pt_resetTag [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

        Lattice uniformly distributes the particles throughout physical domain
    pt_initialRadius [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        maximum distance from center of domain for particle initialization -- by
        default = -1.0 (i.e. no minimum)
    pt_initialXMax [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        maximum value in x for particle initialization -- by default = xmax
    pt_initialXMin [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        minimum value in x for particle initialization -- by default = xmin
    pt_initialYMax [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        maximum value in y for particle initialization -- by default = ymax
    pt_initialYMin [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        minimum value in y for particle initialization -- by default = ymin
    pt_initialZMax [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        maximum value in z for particle initialization -- by default = zmax
    pt_initialZMin [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        minimum value in z for particle initialization -- by default = zmin
    pt_numX [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    pt_numY [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    pt_numZ [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    pt_numParticlesWanted [INTEGER] [100]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Number of tracer particles to use (not guaranteed to get exactly this
    pt_pRand [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        A number which affects the initial seed for the random number generator.
        We set the default value to 1 to make it more likely that the initial
        seed is within the integer range given by the IBM XL documentation which
        is "A valid seed must be a whole number between 1.0 and 2147483647.0
        (2.0**31-1)", as long as the number of MPI tasks is less than that

        This is completely untested, don't use without further work

    particle_attribute_1 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    particle_attribute_10 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    particle_attribute_2 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    particle_attribute_3 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    particle_attribute_4 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    particle_attribute_5 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    particle_attribute_6 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    particle_attribute_7 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    particle_attribute_8 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    particle_attribute_9 [STRING] ["none"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    pt_dtChangeTolerance [REAL] [0.4]
        Valid Values: 0.0 to INFTY
        EstiMidpoint does predictor step if time step change is less than this
        percentage. Set to 0 to always do Euler, set to huge number to always
        use estim. midpoints
    pt_dtFactor [REAL] [0.5]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Factor multiplying dx/|v| in setting particle timestep limit
    pt_logLevel [INTEGER] [700]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        controls the level of logging for some conditions. See Particles.h for
        relevant PT_LOGLEVEL_* definitions.
    pt_maxPerProc [INTEGER] [1000]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum number of particles per processor -- too small will cause a
        crash at reallocation
    pt_numAtOnce [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        To be used when reading the particles from some file
    pt_small [REAL] [1.0E-10]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        If velocities are greater than this, then time stepping may be limited
    useParticles [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]
        Whether to advance particles [TRUE] or not [FALSE]

    pt_dpdLambda [REAL] [0.65]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    pt_dpdUpdateCycle [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    jeans_ncells_deref [REAL] [64.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    jeans_ncells_ref [REAL] [32.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    refineOnJeansLength [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    refineOnSinkParticles [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    sink_AdvanceSerialComputation [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    sink_EwaldFieldNx [INTEGER] [64]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of x cells in Ewald correction field
    sink_EwaldFieldNy [INTEGER] [64]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of y cells in Ewald correction field
    sink_EwaldFieldNz [INTEGER] [64]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of z cells in Ewald correction field
    sink_EwaldFileName [STRING] ["sink_ewald.txt"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Filename for storing the Ewald field (used on restart)
    sink_EwaldSeriesN [INTEGER] [5]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Ewald series max integer n, h
    sink_GasAccretionChecks [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    sink_accretion_radius [REAL] [1.0e14]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        accretion radius of sink particle
    sink_convergingFlowCheck [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    sink_density_thresh [REAL] [1.0e-14]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        density threshold for sink creation and accretion
    sink_dt_factor [REAL] [0.5]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        glocal timestep safety factor for sinks
    sink_integrator [STRING] ["leapfrog"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        time step integrator (euler, leapfrog)
    sink_jeansCheck [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    sink_maxSinks [INTEGER] [1024]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        maximum number of sink particles
    sink_merging [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        activate/deactivate sink particle merging
    sink_negativeEtotCheck [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    sink_offDomainSupport [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]

    sink_potentialMinCheck [BOOLEAN] [TRUE]

    sink_softening_radius [REAL] [1.0e14]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        gravitational softening radius
    sink_softening_type_gas [STRING] ["linear"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        gravitational softening gas--sinks
    sink_softening_type_sinks [STRING] ["spline"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        gravitational softening sinks--sinks
    sink_subdt_factor [REAL] [0.01]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        timestep safety factor for subcycling
    useSinkParticles [BOOLEAN] [FALSE]
        switch sink particles on/off

    pt_picCdensMin [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Minimum charge density as a fraction of the initial
    pt_picGam [REAL] [-1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Adiabatic exponent for electrons
    pt_picNsub [INTEGER] [3]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        number of B-field update subcycles (must be odd)
    pt_picPcharge_1 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Charge of particle species 1 [e]
    pt_picPcharge_2 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Charge of particle species 2 [e]
    pt_picPdensity_1 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Initial number density for particle species 1 [m^-3]
    pt_picPdensity_2 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Initial number density for particle species 2 [m^-3]
    pt_picPmass_1 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Mass of particle species 1 [amu]
    pt_picPmass_2 [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Mass of particle species 2 [amu]
    pt_picPname_1 [STRING] ["H+"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Name of species number 1
    pt_picPname_2 [STRING] ["H+ beam"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Name of species number 2
    pt_picPpc_1 [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Macro particles per cell of species 1
    pt_picPpc_2 [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Macro particles per cell of species 2
    pt_picPtemp_1 [REAL] [1.5e5]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Initial temperature for particle species 1 [K]
    pt_picPtemp_2 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Initial temperature for particle species 2 [K]
    pt_picPvelx_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Initial x bulk velocity for particle species 1 [m/s]
    pt_picPvelx_2 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Initial x bulk velocity for particle species 1 [m/s]
    pt_picPvely_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Initial y bulk velocity for particle species 1 [m/s]
    pt_picPvely_2 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Initial y bulk velocity for particle species 1 [m/s]
    pt_picPvelz_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Initial z bulk velocity for particle species 1 [m/s]
    pt_picPvelz_2 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Initial z bulk velocity for particle species 1 [m/s]
    pt_picResistivity [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    pt_picResistivityHyper [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained

    pt_picRng_seed [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Seed for the RNG if >= 0; if < 0, do not explicitly initialize the RNG
        seed for the hybrid PIC implementation.
    pt_picTe [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: 0 to INFTY
        Initial electron temperature [K]

    pt_dtChangeToleranceDown [REAL] [0.8]
        Valid Values: 0.00 to 1.01
        controls Euler vs. estimated midpoint step in
        EstiMidpoint2Passive/Particles_advance when time step increases.
    pt_dtChangeToleranceUp [REAL] [5.0]
        Valid Values: 0.00 to INFTY
        controls Euler vs. estimated midpoint step in
        EstiMidpoint2Passive/Particles_advance when time step increases.

    smearLen [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained