Runtime Parameters Documentation for FLASH Release 4.8

    useProtonEmission [BOOLEAN] CONSTANT [FALSE]
        flag indicating whether to use the ProtonEmission unit

    pem_RungeKuttaMethod [STRING] ["CashKarp45"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The Runge Kutta method to be used for proton tracing.
    pem_appendOldDetectorFiles [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Should protons be appended to existing detector files (for restart
    pem_cellStepTolerance [REAL] [1.0e-06]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The allowed cell fractional error (units = cell edge) for a proton path
    pem_cellWallThicknessFactor [REAL] [1.0e-06]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Fraction of the shortest cell edge defining the cell wall thickness
    pem_detailedTiming [BOOLEAN] [false]
        If true, proton creation, transport and detector file writing is timed
    pem_detectorCenterX_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the square detector center 1
    pem_detectorCenterY_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the square detector center 1
    pem_detectorCenterZ_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the square detector center 1
    pem_detectorFileNameTimeStamp [BOOLEAN] [true]
        If true, a time stamp is added to each detector file name
    pem_detectorNormalX_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the square detector normal vector 1
    pem_detectorNormalY_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the square detector normal vector 1
    pem_detectorNormalZ_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the square detector normal vector 1
    pem_detectorPinholeDist2Det_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The pinhole center distance from the detector center 1
    pem_detectorPinholeRadius_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The pinhole radius 1
    pem_detectorSideLength_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The side length of the square detector 1
    pem_detectorSideTiltingAngle_1 [REAL] [-HUGE(1.0)]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Side tilting angle (degrees) from tilting axis 1
    pem_detectorSideTiltingAxis_1 [STRING] [" "]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Global tilting axis to be used for side tilting 1
    pem_detectorXYwriteFormat [STRING] ["es20.10"]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Format string for writing out proton (x,y) pairs to detector file(s)
    pem_emissionAmplificationFactor [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Globally amplifies the number of emitted protons in each cell
    pem_emissionBoxCornerLX_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the lower bounding box corner 1
    pem_emissionBoxCornerLY_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the lower bounding box corner 1
    pem_emissionBoxCornerLZ_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the lower bounding box corner 1
    pem_emissionBoxCornerUX_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The x coordinate of the upper bounding box corner 1
    pem_emissionBoxCornerUY_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The y coordinate of the upper bounding box corner 1
    pem_emissionBoxCornerUZ_1 [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The z coordinate of the upper bounding box corner 1
    pem_emissionConeCenterX [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The center global x-coordinate position of the proton emission cone
    pem_emissionConeCenterY [REAL] [0.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The center global y-coordinate position of the proton emission cone
    pem_emissionConeCenterZ [REAL] [1.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The center global z-coordinate position of the proton emission cone
    pem_emissionConeHalfApexAngle [REAL] [180.0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        The proton emission half apex cone angle (in degrees, range 0-180)
    pem_ignoreElectricalField [BOOLEAN] [true]
        If true, the effect of the electrical field is ignored (default).
    pem_ignoreMagneticField [BOOLEAN] [false]
        If true, the effect of the magnetic field is ignored (default).
    pem_maxProtonCount [INTEGER] [100000]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Maximum number of protons per processor
    pem_numberOfDetectors [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Total number of proton detectors
    pem_numberOfEmissionBoxes [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Total number of emission boxes (if none, whole domain will emit)
    pem_numberOfProtonReactions [INTEGER] [0]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Total number of proton reactions to be used as proton sources
    pem_opaqueBoundaries [BOOLEAN] [true]
        If true, the protons do not go through cells belonging to boundaries
    pem_printDetectors [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Print details about each detector?
    pem_printEmissionBoxes [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Print details about each emmission box?
    pem_printMain [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Print details about the proton emission run?
    pem_printProtons [BOOLEAN] [false]
        Print details about each proton initially generated?
    pem_protonDeterminism [BOOLEAN] [false]
        If true, the Grid Unit will use the Sieve Algorithm to move proton
    pem_randomNumberSeedIncrement [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Sets the seed increment for the random number generator
    pem_randomNumberSeedInitial [INTEGER] [1]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Sets the initial seeds for the random number generator
    pem_screenProtonBucketSize [INTEGER] [100000]
        Valid Values: Unconstrained
        Bucket size for flushing out screen protons to disk.
    pem_useMaxTempReactivity [BOOLEAN] [true]
        If true, maximum temperature reactivity is used when T > validity limit.
    pem_useMinTempReactivity [BOOLEAN] [true]
        If true, minimum temperature reactivity is used when T < validity limit.
    pem_useParabolicApproximation [BOOLEAN] [true]
        If true, the parabolic path approximation is used (enhanced
    threadProtonTrace [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Use threading when tracing the protons through each block?
    useProtonEmission [BOOLEAN] [true]
        Use the proton emission?