"""This module contains code to pre-process text files, code for a FalshUnit class
which parses Config files, code for FlashUnitUnion class to merge FlashUnits, and
a FlashUnitList class which contains a list of unit names together with methods to
manipulate them."""
import re
import os
import sys
import copy
import collections
from warnings import warn
if sys.version_info[0] == 3 or sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7):
from argparse import Namespace
from .._argparse import Namespace
# relative imports needed
from ..utils import strip_comments
# Configuration code
RIF = re.compile(r"^\s*IF\s*(?P<cond>.*)\s*$")
RELIF = re.compile(r"^\s*(?:ELSEIF|ELIF)\s*(?P<cond>.*)\s*$")
RANYIF = re.compile(r"^\s*(?:IF|ELSEIF|ELIF)\s*(?P<cond>.*)\s*$")
RERR = re.compile(r"^\s*SETUPERROR\s*(?P<msg>.*)\s*$")
RELSE = re.compile(r"^\s*ELSE\s*(?:#.*)?$")
RENDIF = re.compile(r"^\s*END\s*IF\s*(?:#.*)?$")
RUSE = re.compile(r"^\s*USESETUPVARS\s+(?P<vars>.*)(?:#.*)?$")
RD = re.compile(r"^\s*D\s+")
RPARAM = re.compile(r"^\s*PARAMETER\s+")
# Must register the restriction on keywords
TOP_UNIT_ERROR = ('Illegal keyword "{0}" in file "{1}", line {2}.\n'
"Only DEFAULT, PARAMETER, and 'D' keywords are "
"allowed in a top-level Config.")
NO_RESTRICT_ERROR = 'Unknown keyword "{0}" in file "{1}", line {2}.'
'VELX', 'VELY', 'VELZ', 'SUMY', 'YE', 'ENTR', 'PRES1',
'PRES2', 'PRES3', 'EINT1', 'EINT2', 'EINT3', 'TEMP1', 'TEMP2',
'TEMP3', 'E1', 'E2', 'E3', 'SELE', 'SRAD',]
EOS_STR = "|".join([x.lower() + "|" + x.upper() for x in EOS_STATIC_LIST])
# Config regular expressions
RE_EOS_STR = '(\s+EOSMAP:\s*(?P<eosmap>' + EOS_STR + ')\s*$)?'
RE_EOS_MAP = 'EOSMAP(INOUT)?:\s*(?P<eosmap>' + EOS_STR + \
')|EOSMAPIN:\s*(?P<eosmapin>' + EOS_STR + \
')|EOSMAPOUT:\s*(?P<eosmapout>' + EOS_STR + ')'
RE_CHILDORDER = re.compile('CHILDORDER\s+(.*)$')
RE_DATAFILES = re.compile('DATAFILES\s+(.*)$')
RE_D = re.compile('D\s*(&|\S+)\s*(.*)$')
RE_FACEVAR = re.compile('FACEVAR\s+(?P<varname>\w+)' + RE_EOS_STR)
RE_VARIABLE = re.compile('VARIABLE\s+(?P<varname>\w+)(\s+)?(?:(' + RE_TYPE + \
'|' + RE_EOS_MAP + r')\s*)*\s*$')
RE_LIBRARY = re.compile('LIBRARY\s+(\S+)\s*(.*)$')
RE_GUARDCELLS = re.compile(r'GUARDCELLS\s+([0-9]+)$')
RE_FLUX = re.compile(r'FLUX\s+(\w+)$')
RE_SCRATCHVAR = re.compile('SCRATCHVAR\s+(?P<varname>\w+)' + RE_EOS_STR)
RE_SCRATCHFACEXVAR = re.compile('SCRATCHFACEXVAR\s+(?P<varname>\w+)' + RE_EOS_STR)
RE_SCRATCHFACEYVAR = re.compile('SCRATCHFACEYVAR\s+(?P<varname>\w+)' + RE_EOS_STR)
RE_SCRATCHFACEZVAR = re.compile('SCRATCHFACEZVAR\s+(?P<varname>\w+)' + RE_EOS_STR)
RE_SPECIES = re.compile(r'SPECIES\s+(?P<name>\w+)(\s+TO\s+(?P<nElec>\d+))?\s*$')
RE_MASS_SCALAR = re.compile(r'MASS_SCALAR\s+(?P<msname>\w+)(\s+)?(?:(NORENORM|RENORM:'
r'(?P<gpname>\S*)|' + RE_EOS_MAP + ')\s*)*\s*$')
RE_PARTICLEPROP = re.compile(r'PARTICLEPROP\s+(?P<name>\w+)\s+(?P<type>INTEGER|REAL)\s*$')
RE_PARTICLETYPE = re.compile(r'PARTICLETYPE\s+(?P<particleType>\w+)\s+INITMETHOD\s+'
RE_PARTICLEMAP = re.compile(r'PARTICLEMAP\s+(TO)\s+(?P<name>\w+)\s+(FROM)\s+(?P<type>'
RE_SUGGEST = re.compile(r'SUGGEST\s+(.*)$')
RE_REQUIRES = re.compile(r'REQUIRES\s+(?P<orList>(?:\S+|\s+OR\s+)+)\s*$')
RE_REQUESTS = re.compile(r'REQUESTS\s+(?P<name>\S+)\s*$')
RE_DEFAULT = re.compile(r'DEFAULT\s+(\S+)$')
RE_EXCLUSIVE = re.compile( r'EXCLUSIVE\s+(.+)$')
RE_KERNEL = re.compile(r'KERNEL(\s+([^ \t]+))?\s*$')
RE_LINKIF = re.compile(r'LINKIF\s+(.+)$')
RE_CONFLICTS = re.compile(r'CONFLICTS\s+(.+)$')
RE_PPDEFINE = re.compile('PPDEFINE\s+(?P<sym>\w+)(?:\s+(?P<val>\w+))?$')
RE_NONREP = re.compile('NONREP\s+(?P<type>MASS_SCALAR|VARIABLE)\s+(?P<name>\w+)'
# HACK for STRING PARAMETERS since "parse" doesn't handle string parameters
RE_PSTRING = re.compile(r'PARAMETER\s+(\w+)\s+STRING\s+(".*")\s*(?:[[](.*)[]])?(?:#.*)?$')
[docs]class Configuration(object):
"""Encapsulates FLASH Unit information as expressed in Config files."""
def __init__(self, conffile=None, top_unit=False, usevars=None, ignore_pp=False,
unitname="", unitpath='', without_units=None):
"""Data is accessed through the appropriate attributes::
conffile : str or file object or None
path to the config file, None for clean instance.
top_unit : bool, optional
whether the configuration file is for a top-level FLASH unit.
usevars : dict or None, optional
dictionary of initial values for attributes. Often given
as flmake.gvars.setup_vars.vars for setting up actual problems.
ignore_pp : bool, optional
Igonore pre-processing for documentation purposes.
unitname : str, optional
Name of the unit, if applicable
unitpath : str, optional
Absolute path to the unit, if applicable. Useful for when conffile
doesn't exist.
without_units : dict or None, optional
Units to not allow, in the case of requests. Bool valued.
self._init_usevars = {} if usevars is None else usevars
self.usevars = {}
self.conffile = conffile
self.filename = conffile if isinstance(conffile, basestring) else ""
self.top_unit = top_unit
self.unitname = unitname
self.unitpath = unitpath
self.without_units = {} if without_units is None else without_units
self.lineno = 0
self.ignore_pp = ignore_pp
self.normalkeywords = ["SETUPERROR"] # keywords to be ignored inside a block
# initial data vaules
self.childorder = []
self.datafiles = []
self.d = {}
self.facevar = {}
self.variable = {}
self.library = {}
self.guardcells = None
self.flux = {}
self.scratchvar = {}
self.scratchcentervar = {}
self.scratchfacexvar = {}
self.scratchfaceyvar = {}
self.scratchfacezvar = {}
self.species = {}
self.mass_scalar = {}
self.particleprop = {}
self.particletype = {}
self.particlemap = {}
self.suggest = []
self.requires = []
self.requests = []
self.parameter = {}
self.default = ""
self.exclusive = []
self.kernel = None
self.linkif = []
self.conflicts = {}
self.ppdefine = {}
self.nonrep = {}
for key, value in self._init_usevars.items():
key = key.lower()
attr = getattr(self, key, None)
if attr is None:
setattr(self, key, copy.copy(value))
# Parse, if we can
if self.conffile is not None:
def parser_set(self):
return TOP_UNIT_PARSER_SET if self.top_unit else NO_RESTRICT_PARSER_SET
def error_message(self):
return TOP_UNIT_ERROR if self.top_unit else NO_RESTRICT_ERROR
[docs] def process_file(self):
"""Processes the config file."""
opened_here = False
if isinstance(self.conffile, basestring):
cf = open(self.conffile, "r")
opened_here = True
cf = self.conffile
# If the first line of the file starts with ##python',
# then we compile it as python and run its genLines method to get the lines
if cf.readline().startswith("##python:genLines"):
# read the rest of the file (doesnt include ##python:genLines line)
# and compile it into code
code = compile(cf.read(), self.filename, "exec")
# initialize a namespace with the prelude code
ns = Namespace()
# execute the code object within the prelude'd namespace
exec code in ns.__dict__
# helper to split multi-line strings and flatten nested
# iterables into one long iterator of strings
def flatten(it):
if type(it) == type(""):
for x in it.split('\n'):
yield x
for x in it:
for y in flatten(x):
yield y
lines = flatten(ns.genLines(self._init_usevars.copy()))
# just a regular config file
lines = cf.readlines()
# exception goes to caller
if self.ignore_pp:
# In this case, this method has been called expressly for
# the purpose of generating documentation, not because we
# are really setting up a problem, so we use "filter_lines"
# to strip everything from the Config file but parameter
# names and values (prefixed by the keyword "PARAMETER")
# and parameter descriptions (prefixed by a capital 'D')
ans = self._filter_lines(lines)
ans = self._process_lines(lines)
if opened_here:
return ans
def _pp_keyword(self, line):
"""Returns "IF,ELSE,ENDIF,USE,None" depending on syntax of line."""
if RIF.match(line):
return "IF"
elif RELIF.match(line):
return "ELIF"
elif RELSE.match(line):
return "ELSE"
elif RENDIF.match(line):
return "ENDIF"
elif RUSE.match(line):
elif RERR.match(line):
return None
def _check_use(self, line):
"""Confirm that variables named in line are present. Otherwise raise a warning."""
m = RUSE.match(line)
if not m:
vars = [x.strip() for x in m.group("vars").split(",")]
badlist = [x for x in vars if x not in self.usevars]
# all declared variables (except for the with* ones)
initvars = [x for x in self.usevars.keys() if not x.startswith("with")]
# found missing variables
if 0 < len(badlist):
msg = ["\nConfiguration Warning: \nRequired uninitialized variables"
" will be initialized to ''"]
msg.append("File: {0}\nUnnitialized Variables: {1}".format(self.filename,
", ".join(badlist)))
msg.append("Initialized Variables: {0}".format(", ".join(initvars)))
msg.append("NOTE: * Variable Names are case sensitive. ")
msg.append(" * The withUNIT variables are not shown in the initialized list.")
msg = "\n".join(msg)
warn(msg, SyntaxWarning)
for x in badlist:
self.usevars[x] = ""
def _handle_pp_cmd(self, cmd, line):
if cmd == "SETUPERROR":
# need to raise an error
merr = RERR.match(line)
if not merr:
halt = "Setup halted by rule defined in {0} (line {1}): "
halt = halt.format(self.filename, self.lineno)
raise SyntaxError(halt + merr.group("msg"))
raise SyntaxError("Programming error. Got unhandled configuration command: " + cmd)
def _eval_cond(self, line):
"""Evaluates condition and returns True/False/None.
Returns None if line has bad syntax"""
# either IFDEF or ELSEIF
m = RANYIF.match(line)
if not m:
return None
cond = m.group("cond")
valcopy = dict(self.usevars)
value = eval(cond, {}, valcopy)
except Exception as e:
msg = 'File: {0}\nLine: {1}\nCondition: {2}\nVariables: {3}\nDetails: {4}'
msg = msg.format(self.filename, self.lineno, cond, self.usevars, e)
raise SyntaxError(msg)
# Warn user about side effect
if valcopy != self.usevars:
msg = ["Configuration SIDEEFFECT Warning: Condition has side effect"]
msg_line = "File: {0}\nLine : {1}\nCode: {2}\nBefore: {3}\nAfter: {4}"
msg_line = msg_line.format(self.filename, self.lineno, cond, self.usevars, valcopy)
msg.append("Trashing Side effects")
msg = "\n".join(msg)
warn(msg, SyntaxWarning)
return value
def _filter_lines(self, lines):
"""Remove everything except for lines starting with 'D '
(param descriptions) and the keyword 'PARAMETER'"""
# lineno being on self prevents this from beinf
ans = []
for self.lineno, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
if RD.match(line) or RPARAM.match(line):
ans.append((self.lineno, line))
return ans
def _process_lines(self, lines):
"""Here we evaluate arbitrarily nested conditionals without using
any recursion. Instead we only use a stack of pairs of truth values:
* Start by pushing True to the stack
* normal lines go through iff top of Stack is True
* An IF line is evaluated and truth value pushed on stack
* An ENDIF pop's the truth value off the stack
* An ELSE negates top of stack
All other variables are to produce good error messages.
To handle ELIF statements we need to push a pair everytime. --- GMK
stack = [(True, True)]
iflines = []
ans = []
nontrivial = 0
for self.lineno, line in enumerate(lines, 1):
state = stack[-1][1] # current truth value part of top of stack
m = self._pp_keyword(line)
# common case first (regular line)
if (not m):
# Replace setupvariables with values
if state:
ans.append((self.lineno, line))
# Got a PPCmd to handle (not conditional)
if m in self.normalkeywords:
# not to be ignored
if state:
self._handle_pp_cmd(m, line)
# Now m is one of the conditional commands
nontrivial = 1
if m == "IF":
# need to evaluate an if
rv = self._eval_cond(line) # exception passed through to caller
stack.append((rv, rv)) # push truth value pair to stack
iflines.append(self.lineno) # note location of IF
elif m == "ELSE":
# switch the most recent state
a, b = stack[-1]
b = not a
stack[-1] = (a, b)
elif m == 'ELIF':
# need to evaluate condition
a, b = stack[-1]
if not a:
# if not already found a true block
rv = self._eval_cond(line) # exception passed through to caller
a, b = rv, rv
# ignore this block
a, b = True, False
stack[-1] = a, b
elif m == "ENDIF":
# pop the most recent state
if not stack:
# stack has become empty
msg = ["Configuration Error: ENDIF found without a corresponding IF"]
endif_msg = "Extra ENDIF found at line {0} in {1}"
endif_msg = endif_msg.format(self.lineno, self.filename)
msg.append("The real error could be located before the specified line also")
raise SetupError("\n".join(msg))
elif m == "USESETUPVARS":
# found a use line
# regular line
raise SetupError("Programming Error")
# finished processing all lines
# we have an unbalanced stack
if len(stack) != 1:
msg = ("Configuration Error: IF found without a corresponding ENDIF\n"
"IF at line {0} in {1} does not have a matching ENDIF")
msg.format(iflines[-1], self.filename)
raise SetupError(msg)
if nontrivial:
msg = "Processed Version of {0}\n".format(self.filename)
for lno, line in ans:
msg += line.replace("\n", "") + '\n'
warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
return ans
# Special Methods
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Alphabetical comparison on unit names (like 'source/io/amr')"""
if isinstance(other, basestring):
return cmp(self.unitname, other)
return cmp(self.unitname, other.unitname)
def __repr__(self):
# Not really a repr string, implement str
return "Configuration instance for {0}".format(self.unitname)
# Normal methods follow
[docs] def parent(self):
"""Returns parent unit's full name, empty string if we're orphans"""
return os.path.split(self.unitname)[0]
[docs] def parse(self):
"""proccess file such that exceptions go all the way to the top."""
gbls = globals()
ans = self.process_file()
for lineno, line in ans:
rawline = line
if rawline and rawline[-1] == '\n':
rawline = rawline[:-1]
line = strip_comments(line)
line = line.strip()
if 0 == len(line):
keyword = line.split()[0]
if keyword not in self.parser_set:
raise KeyError(self.error_message.format(keyword, self.filename, lineno))
# Try to match the line with a regex
self.rawline = rawline # FIXME this is for STRING PARAM hack
re_keyword = gbls['RE_' + keyword.upper()]
mobj = re_keyword.match(line)
if mobj is not None:
parse_method_name = "_parse_" + keyword.lower()
parse_method = getattr(self, parse_method_name)
elif not self.ignore_pp or not (str(msg)[-17:] == " already declared"):
# Do not abort on multiple occurrence of same PARAMETER in the same file
# if we are only parsing for documentation purposes (ignore_pp is true) - KW
m = 'Bad configuation syntax: file {0}, line {1}:\n{2}\n\n{3}'
m = m.format(self.filename, lineno, rawline, str(msg))
raise SyntaxError(m)
def _parse_childorder(self, mobj):
"""CHILDORDER is the order in which some of the children must be processed
remaining children appear later in lexicographic order"""
self.childorder = mobj.group(1).split()
def _parse_datafiles(self, mobj):
"""DATAFILES -> list of wildcard patterns (with absolute path)"""
self.datafiles.extend([os.path.join(self.unitname, x) for x in mobj.group(1).split()])
def _parse_d(self, mobj):
key, comment = mobj.groups()
if key == '&':
if self.dkey in self.d:
self.d[self.dkey] = "{0} {1}".format(self.d[self.dkey], comment)
raise SyntaxError('Improper usage of comment continuation')
self.dkey = key
self.d[key] = comment
def _parse_facevar(self, mobj):
facevar = mobj.group("varname")
eosmap = mobj.group("eosmap")
if not eosmap:
eosmap = "NONEXISTENT"
if facevar in self.facevar:
raise KeyError('FACEVAR {0} already declared'.format(facevar))
self.facevar[facevar] = (eosmap.upper(), eosmap.upper())
def _parse_variable(self, mobj):
variable = mobj.group("varname")
vartype = mobj.group("type")
eosmap = mobj.group("eosmap")
eosmapin = mobj.group("eosmapin")
eosmapout = mobj.group("eosmapout")
if eosmapin and eosmapout and eosmap and (eosmap != eosmapin) and (eosmapout != eosmap):
msg = 'VARIABLE {0} has EOSMAP as well as EOSMAPIN and EOSMAPOUT mappings.'
msg = msg.format(variable)
raise ValueError(msg)
if not eosmapin:
eosmapin = eosmap
if not eosmapout:
eosmapout = eosmap
if not eosmapin:
eosmapin = "NONEXISTENT"
if not eosmapout:
eosmapout = "NONEXISTENT"
if not vartype:
vartype = "GENERIC"
if variable in self.variable:
raise KeyError('VARIABLE {0} already declared'.format(variable))
self.variable[variable] = (vartype.upper(), eosmapin.upper(), eosmapout.upper())
def _parse_library(self, mobj):
libname = mobj.group(1).lower()
libargs = " ".join(mobj.group(2).split()) # trims and removes multiple spaces
self.library[libname] = libargs
def _parse_guardcells(self, mobj):
num = int(mobj.group(1))
if self.guardcells != None:
raise AttributeError('GUARDCELLS already declared')
self.gaurdcells = num
def _parse_flux(self, mobj):
self.flux[mobj.group(1)] = 1
def _parse_scratchvar(self, mobj):
variable = mobj.group("varname")
eosmap = mobj.group("eosmap")
if not eosmap:
eosmap = "NONEXISTENT"
self.scratchvar[variable] = (eosmap.upper(), eosmap.upper())
def _parse_scratchcentervar(self, mobj):
variable = mobj.group("varname")
eosmap = mobj.group("eosmap")
if not eosmap:
eosmap = "NONEXISTENT"
self.scratchcentervar[variable] = (eosmap.upper(), eosmap.upper())
def _parse_scratchfacexvar(self, mobj):
variable = mobj.group("varname")
eosmap = mobj.group("eosmap")
if not eosmap:
eosmap = "NONEXISTENT"
self.scratchfacexvar[variable] = (eosmap.upper(), eosmap.upper())
def _parse_scratchfaceyvar(self, mobj):
variable = mobj.group("varname")
eosmap = mobj.group("eosmap")
if not eosmap:
eosmap = "NONEXISTENT"
self.scratchfaceyvar[variable] = (eosmap.upper(), eosmap.upper())
def _parse_scratchfacezvar(self, mobj):
variable = mobj.group("varname")
eosmap = mobj.group("eosmap")
if not eosmap:
eosmap = "NONEXISTENT"
self.scratchfacezvar[variable] = (eosmap.upper(), eosmap.upper())
def _parse_species(self, mobj):
name = mobj.group("name")
n_elec_str = mobj.group("nElec")
n_elec_str = "" if n_elec_str is None else n_elec_str
#If the number of electrons are specified in the Config file then
#nStrElec is not none. We store the integer representation of this
#value in the dictionary, or a 1 if this value is not specified.
if 0 < len(n_elec_str):
n_elec = int(n_elec_str)
if n_elec < 1:
raise ValueError('Must be at least one electron in each species.')
self.species[name] = n_elec
self.species[name] = 1
def _parse_mass_scalar(self, mobj):
msname = mobj.group("msname")
gpname = mobj.group("gpname")
if gpname:
gpname = str(gpname).upper()
eosmap = mobj.group("eosmap")
eosmapin = mobj.group("eosmapin")
eosmapout = mobj.group("eosmapout")
if eosmapin and eosmapout and eosmap and (eosmap != eosmapin) and (eosmapout != eosmap):
msg = 'MASS_SCALAR {0} has EOSMAP as well as EOSMAPIN and EOSMAPOUT mappings.'
msg = msg.format(msname)
raise ValueError(msg)
if not eosmapin:
eosmapin = eosmap
if not eosmapout:
eosmapout = eosmap
if not eosmapin:
eosmapin = "NONEXISTENT"
if not eosmapout:
eosmapout = "NONEXISTENT"
self.mass_scalar[msname] = (gpname, eosmapin.upper(), eosmapout.upper())
def _parse_particleprop(self, mobj):
name = mobj.group("name")
prop_type = mobj.group("type")
if prop_type == "INTEGER":
msg = ('Particle properties of type INTEGER are currently not supported, '
'use REAL instead to store integer {0} information!')
msg = msg.format(name)
raise ValueError(msg)
if name in self.particleprop:
raise KeyError('PARTICLEPROP {0} already declared'.format(name))
self.particleprop[name] = prop_type
def _parse_particletype(self, mobj):
"""We will store all of the particle type information as a dictionary of tuples.
The particle type will be key, and the values will be the map & init methods."""
particle_type = mobj.group("particleType")
init_method = mobj.group("initMethod")
map_method = mobj.group("mapMethod")
adv_method = mobj.group("advMethod")
if particle_type in self.particletype:
raise KeyError('PARTICLETYPE {0} already declared'.format(particle_type))
self.particletype[particle_type] = (init_method, map_method, adv_method)
def _parse_particlemap(self, mobj):
name = mobj.group("name")
type = mobj.group("type")
varname = mobj.group("varname")
if name in self.particlemap:
raise KeyError('PARTICLEMAP {0} already set'.format(name))
self.particlemap[name] = (type, varname)
def _parse_suggest(self, mobj):
sugset = []
for u in mobj.groups()[0].split():
if u:
if u[0] == ".":
# using relative path
sugset.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.name, u)))
def _parse_requires(self, mobj):
def normpath(path):
if path.startswith("."):
path = os.path.join(self.unitname, path)
return os.path.normpath(path)
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
# Make a list of all units that followed the "REQUIRES" as delimited by "OR"
# If only one unit was given, (i.e. there were no "OR"s), re.split() will
# return a list of one.
units = re.split("\s+OR\s+", mobj.group("orList"))
# change any relative paths to absolute paths; remove any empties
units = [normpath(unit) for unit in units if len(unit) > 0]
# Note that self.requires is a list of lists
# same as REQUIRES except can be negated by a -without-unit in cmd line
# also only one unit at a time
def _parse_requests(self, mobj):
unit = ""
u = mobj.group("name")
if u:
if u[0] == ".": # using relative path
unit = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.unitname, u))
unit = os.path.normpath(u)
# do we need to REQUIRE it or not?
ignore = False # do not ignore this unit
reason = "Unknown"
for x in self.without_units.keys():
if unit == x:
ignore = True
reason = x
elif unit.startswith(x + os.sep):
ignore = True
reason = x
if not ignore:
# pretend this was a REQUIRES
warn("Honoring request for {0}".format(unit), RuntimeWarning)
msg = "Ignoring request for {0} (reason: -without-unit={1})".format(unit, reason)
warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
def _parse_parameter(self, mobj):
name, ptype, pconstant, pvalue, prange = mobj.groups()
if name in self.parameter:
raise KeyError('{0} already declared'.format(name))
if ptype == 'STRING':
# This is a hack. I "forgot" to accomodate parsers that would need
# rawlines when I wrote the general framework.
pname, pvalue, prange = RE_PSTRING.match(self.rawline).groups()
pvalue = pvalue.rstrip()
self.parameter[name] = (ptype, pvalue, pconstant, prange)
def _parse_default(self, mobj):
#self.default = os.path.join(os.path.split(self.filename)[0],
self.default = os.path.join(self.unitname,
def _parse_exclusive(self, mobj):
units = mobj.group(1).split()
# look explicitly for the "*" which means only one directory
# below can be chosen, ie all are exclusive
if units[0] == "*":
name_abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(self.filename)[0])
dirs = os.listdir(name_abspath)
for d in dirs:
if (d[0] != '.') and (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(name_abspath, d))):
#units.append(os.path.join(name_abspath, d))
units.append(os.path.join(self.unitname, d))
#units = [os.path.join(name_abspath, os.path.normpath(x)) for x in units]
units = [os.path.join(self.unitname, os.path.normpath(x)) for x in units]
def _parse_kernel(self, mobj):
msg = "parse kernel: found {0} in {1}".format(mobj.group(2), self)
warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
if not mobj.group(2):
self.kernel = self.name
kname = os.path.join(self.name, mobj.group(2))
self.kernel = kname
msg = "parse kernel: set to {0}.".format(self.kernel)
warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
def _parse_linkif(self, mobj):
"""LINKIF spaces non-spaces spaces non-spaces spaces ENDOFLINE
first set of non-spaces is called "filename" and the second set "unitname"."""
parts = mobj.group(1).split()
# We are appending a pair (filename, unitname)
self.linkif.append((os.path.join(self.name, parts[0]), parts[1]))
def _parse_conflicts(self, mobj):
raise an error if any of MODNAME are also included"""
for unit in mobj.group(1).split():
self.conflicts[unit] = 1
def _parse_ppdefine(self, mobj):
self.ppdefine[mobj.group("sym")] = mobj.group("val")
def _parse_nonrep(self, mobj):
tp = mobj.group("type")
name = mobj.group("name")
nlocs = int(mobj.group("nloc"))
pglob = mobj.group("pglob")
namef = (mobj.group("namef") or "{name}???").format(name=name)
gbls = globals()
tpre = gbls['RE_' + tp.upper()]
parse_method_name = "_parse_" + tp.lower()
tpparse = getattr(self, parse_method_name)
locf = 'NONREP_%s_%X_%%06d' % (name, name.__hash__() & 0xffffffff)
for i in range(nlocs):
tpparse(tpre.match('{0} {1}'.format(tp, locf % (i + 1))))
self.nonrep[name] = {'tp': tp,
'rpcount': pglob,
'nlocs': nlocs,
'locf': locf,
'namef': namef}
# Configuration Union
def _update_var_prop(dictout, dictin, infotext):
"""Updates a configuration keyword if that keyword is stored as a dictionary."""
def check_significant_and_different(l):
if not l[1] or l[1] == 'NONEXISTENT' or l[1] == 'GENERIC':
return False
if not l[0] or l[0] == 'NONEXISTENT' or l[0] == 'GENERIC':
return False
return (l[0] != l[1])
def pick_significant(l):
if not l[1] or l[1]=='NONEXISTENT' or l[1]=='GENERIC':
if l[0] and l[0]!='NONEXISTENT' and l[0]!='GENERIC':
return l[0]
return l[1]
for k, v in dictin.items():
if (k not in dictout) or not isinstance(v, collections.Sequence):
dictout[k] = v
# Now handle tuple and list cases
if not (filter(lambda x: x == 'NONEXISTENT' or x == 'GENERIC', v)):
zipped_vals = zip(dictout[k], v)
sig_and_diff = map(check_significant_and_different, zipped_vals)
cnt_problems = sig_and_diff.count(True)
first_problem = sig_and_diff.index(True) if 0 < cnt_problems else -1
# Put some effort into generating meaningful messages.
if (first_problem >= 0):
if infotext == "VARIABLE":
if first_problem == 0:
attr = "TYPE"
elif first_problem == 1:
if zipped_vals[1][0] == zipped_vals[2][0] and \
zipped_vals[1][1] == zipped_vals[2][1]:
attr = "EOSMAP"
attr = "EOSMAPIN"
elif first_problem == 2:
attr = "EOSMAPOUT"
attr = "EOSMAP"
if first_problem == 0:
if zipped_vals[0][0] == zipped_vals[1][0] and \
zipped_vals[0][1] == zipped_vals[1][1]:
attr = "EOSMAP"
attr = "EOSMAPIN"
elif first_problem==1:
attr = "EOSMAPOUT"
attr = "EOSMAP"
msg = 'Conflicting specifications for {0} {1} {2}: "{3}" and "{4}".'
msg = msg.format(infotext, k, attr, zipped_vals[first_problem][0],
raise ValueError(msg)
dictout[k] = v
zipped_vals = zip(dictout[k], v)
sig_and_diff = map(check_significant_and_different, zipped_vals)
cnt_problems = sig_and_diff.count(True)
first_problem = sig_and_diff.index(True) if 0 < cnt_problems else -1
# Put some effort into generating meaningful messages.
if (first_problem >= 0):
if infotext == "VARIABLE":
if first_problem == 0:
attr = "TYPE"
elif first_problem == 1:
if zipped_vals[1][0] == zipped_vals[2][0] and \
zipped_vals[1][1] == zipped_vals[2][1]:
attr = "EOSMAP"
attr = "EOSMAPIN"
elif first_problem == 2:
attr = "EOSMAPOUT"
attr = "EOSMAP"
if first_problem==0:
if zipped_vals[0][0] == zipped_vals[1][0] and \
zipped_vals[0][1] == zipped_vals[1][1]:
attr = "EOSMAP"
attr = "EOSMAPIN"
elif first_problem==1:
attr = "EOSMAPOUT"
attr = "EOSMAP"
msg = 'Conflicting specifications for %s %s %s: "%s" and "%s".'
msg = msg.format(infotext, k, attr, zipped_vals[first_problem][0],
raise ValueError(msg)
merged_vals = map(pick_significant, zipped_vals)
dictout[k] = merged_vals
[docs]class ConfigurationUnion(object):
"""Container for collation of Configuration instances."""
def __init__(self, configs):
"""Simply takes a list of config files.
configs : sequence
Configuration instances.
self.datafiles = []
self.facevar = {}
self.flux = {}
self.scratchvar = {}
self.scratchcentervar = {}
self.scratchfacexvar = {}
self.scratchfaceyvar = {}
self.scratchfacezvar = {}
self.guardcells = None
self.library = {}
self.particleprop = {}
self.particletype = {}
self.particlemap = {}
self.species = {}
self.mass_scalars = {}
self.mass_scalar_groups = {} # list of names of groups (in arbitrary order)
self.linkif = []
self.variable = {}
self.ppdefines = {}
self.nonrep = {}
self.particles_unit_included = False
# Normal methods follow
[docs] def collate(self, configs):
"""Collates info from an ordered list of Configuration instances.
configs : sequence
Configuration instances.
partproplocs = {} # for err msg
speclocs = {} # dictionary storing which units define which species.
mscalarlocs = {} # for err msg
for config in configs:
# check if we have included any particle units.
# We only check for Particles subdirectories because the top level
# Particles directory (full of stubs) is included in ALL simulations.
if config.filename.startswith("Particles/"):
self.particles_unit_included = True
# self.library is a dictionary of lists of arguments
# In perfect world all entries of this list will be the same
for lib in config.library.keys():
if lib not in self.library:
self.library[lib] = []
_update_var_prop(self.scratchvar, config.scratchvar, "SCRATCHVAR")
_update_var_prop(self.scratchcentervar, config.scratchcentervar, "SCRATCHCENTERVAR")
_update_var_prop(self.scratchfacexvar, config.scratchfacexvar, "SCRATCHFACEXVAR")
_update_var_prop(self.scratchfaceyvar, config.scratchfaceyvar, "SCRATCHFACEYVAR")
_update_var_prop(self.scratchfacezvar, config.scratchfacezvar, "SCRATCHFACEZVAR")
_update_var_prop(self.facevar, config.facevar, "FACEVAR")
_update_var_prop(self.variable, config.variable, "VARIABLE")
for name, (group, eos1, eos2) in config.mass_scalar.items():
if name in self.mass_scalars:
currval = self.mass_scalars[name]
gotval = True
self.mass_scalars[name] = (group, eos1, eos2)
gotval = False
# different groups specified
if gotval and (currval != group):
msg = ['MASS SCALAR [{0}] has two groups '.format(name)]
msg.append(' {0} in {1}'.format(currval, config.unitname))
msg.append(' {0} in {1}'.format(group, mscalarlocs[name]))
raise ValueError("\n".join(msg))
# everything is fine now
mscalarlocs[name] = config.unitname # store where it was defined
if group:
self.mass_scalar_groups[group] = 1
# Check whether we have already encountered a species of the same
# name. If so, let the user know which Config files contain
# the same SPECIES definition. Otherwise, add the species to
# the main dictionary.
for (key_string, num_elec) in config.species.items():
if key_string in self.species:
# We have defined the same species in multiple Config files.
msg = ['SPECIES {0} defined twice'.format(key_string)]
msg.append(' {0} defines the species {1}'.format(config.name, config.species))
msg.append(' {0} defines the species {1}'.format(speclocs[key_string],
raise ValueError("\n".join(msg))
self.species[key_string] = num_elec # Copy species into main dictionary.
speclocs[key_string] = config.unitname # Store config name that defines species.
for ud in config.linkif:
if ud not in self.linkif:
if config.guardcells != None:
if self.guardcells == None:
self.guardcells = config.guardcells
self.guardcells = max(config.guardcells, self.guardcells)
for (prop, prop_type) in config.particleprop.items():
if config.particleprop.get(prop, prop_type) != prop_type:
msg = ['Integer/Real PARTICLEPROP MISMATCH with %s '.format(prop)]
msg.append(' has type %s in %s'.format(prop_type, config.name))
msg.append(' has type %s in %s'.format(self.particleprop[prop],
raise SetupError("\n".join(msg))
self.particleprop[prop] = prop_type
partproplocs[prop] = config.name
if config.particletype != None:
for particle_type in config.particletype.keys():
if particle_type in self.particletype:
raise SetupError('PARTICLETYPE {0} already declared'.format(particle_type))
#We've ensured we have no common keys, so copy the data across:
for prop, map in config.particlemap.items():
if config.particlemap.get(prop, map) != map:
msg = ['PARTICLEMAP mismatch with {0} '.format(prop)]
raise SetupError("\n".join(msg))
self.particlemap[prop] = map
def set_defaults(self):
if self.guardcells is None:
self.guardcells = 4
warn('number of guard cells not specified, using default GUARDCELLS 4',
[docs] def simplify(self):
"""Store stuff that can be computed from configuration info.
We'll use lowercase keys to separate things.
In many cases self['UPPERCASE'] is a dictionary. We define
self['uppercase'] as its sorted list of keys. """
ppd = self.ppdefines # Speeds up lookup time
ppds = []
for x in ppd.keys():
if ppd[x]:
ppds.append("#define {0} {1}".format(x.upper(), ppd[x]))
ppds.append("#define {0}".format(x.upper()))
self.ppdefines_lines = ppds
# need this since order in which a dict returns it's keys is not determined.
self.variable_names = self.variable.keys()
tmp_list = [self.variable[name] for name in self.variable_names]
self.var_types = [x for (x, y, z) in tmp_list] # list of corresponding TYPES
self.eosmapin_unkvars = [y for (x, y, z) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles
self.eosmapout_unkvars = [z for (x, y, z) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles
self.nparticletypes = len(self.particletype)
# Add a quick sense check. Check that a simulation having 0 particle
# types really does not use particles.
particle_types_included = (self.nparticletypes > 0)
if (particle_types_included != self.particles_unit_included):
msg = ('ERROR! Particle conflict\nHave we included a particle config: {0}.\n'
'Have we included a particle type: {0}.')
msg = msg.format(self.particles_unit_included, particle_types_included)
raise ValueError(msg)
# When we define multiple particle types we must add a field named
# TYPE_PART_PROP so FLASH can distinguish between particle types.
if 'type' in self.particleprop:
raise SyntaxError('ERROR! TYPE_PART_PROP is a reserved definition\n')
if self.nparticletypes > 1:
self.particleprop['type'] = 'REAL'
self.intproperty = []
self.realproperty = []
pkeys = self.particleprop.keys()
# DEV: not using intproperty right now
self.intproperty = [x for x in pkeys if self.particleprop[x] == 'INTEGER']
if self.intproperty:
self.n_int_props = len(self.intproperty)
self.n_int_props = 1
self.realproperty = [x for x in pkeys if self.particleprop[x] == 'REAL']
if self.realproperty:
self.n_real_props = len(self.realproperty)
self.n_real_props = 1
# Provide a custom compare function to the list's sort method.
# Sorts list by the number of electrons (field 1) and then alphabetically (field 0).
# The second condition is only evaluated if the first condition is false.
list_tuples = self.species.items()
list_tuples.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x[1]), int(y[1])) or cmp(x[0], y[0]))
total_species = 0
self.species_names = []
for (element, num_electrons) in list_tuples:
#We must sum over all electrons in all species.
if num_electrons > 1:
total_species = total_species + (num_electrons + 1)
len_appended_number = len(str(num_electrons))
total_species += 1
len_appended_number = 0
# There is an inbuilt 4-character limit in Paramesh which truncates names.
# Warn the user if they have exceeded this limit.
# If there is only one ion for a particular element then we append no number.
if (len(element) + len_appended_number) > 4:
raise SetupError('Constructed element name for "{0}" will '
'exceed 4 character limit'.format(element))
# Place the unique name in the list.
if num_electrons > 1:
for electron in range(1, num_electrons + 1, 1):
self.species_names.append("{0}{1}".format(element, electron))
self.nspecies = total_species
self.nmassscalars = len(self.mass_scalars)
self.massscalars = self.mass_scalars.keys()
tmp_list = [self.mass_scalars[var] for var in self.massscalars]
self.eosmapin_ms = [y for (x, y, z) in tmp_list]
self.eosmapout_ms = [z for (x, y, z) in tmp_list]
msg = self.mass_scalar_groups.keys()
self.massscalars_map = {}
self.massscalars_group_map = {}
for name, (group, eos1, eos2) in self.mass_scalars.items():
if not group:
# index return 0 based, our groups start at 1
self.massscalars_map[name] = msg.index(group) + 1
# index return 0 based, our groups start at 1
self.massscalars_group_map[group] = msg.index(group) + 1
# now masscalars_map is a dictionary mapping scalar to its group number
# only mass_scalars which need to be renormed appear in this map
# mass_scalars_group_map maps group names to numbers
self.nfacevars = len(self.facevar)
self.facevar_names = self.facevar.keys()
#self.eos_facevars = [ self.facevar[var] for var in self.facevar ] # list of Eos_map roles.
tmp_list = [self.facevar[var] for var in self.facevar_names]
self.eosmapin_facevars = [x for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.eosmapout_facevars = [y for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.flux_names = self.flux.keys()
self.scratchvar_names = self.scratchvar.keys()
#self['eos_scratchvars'] = [ self.scratchvar[var] for var in self.scratchvar ] # list of Eos_map roles.
tmp_list = [self.scratchvar[var] for var in self.scratchvar_names]
self.eosmapin_scratchvars = [x for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.eosmapout_scratchvars = [y for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.scratchcentervar_names = self.scratchcentervar.keys()
tmp_list = [self.scratchcentervar[var] for var in self.scratchcentervar_names]
self.eosmapin_scratchcentervars = [x for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.eosmapout_scratchcentervars = [y for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.scratchfacexvar_names = self.scratchfacexvar.keys()
tmp_list = [self.scratchfacexvar[var] for var in self.scratchfacexvar_names]
self.eosmapin_scratchfacexvars = [x for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.eosmapout_scratchfacexvars = [y for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.scratchfaceyvar_names = self.scratchfaceyvar.keys()
tmp_list = [self.scratchfaceyvar[var] for var in self.scratchfaceyvar_names]
self.eosmapin_scratchfaceyvars = [x for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.eosmapout_scratchfaceyvars = [y for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.scratchfacezvar_names = self.scratchfacezvar.keys()
tmp_list = [self.scratchfacezvar[var] for var in self.scratchfacezvar_names]
self.eosmapin_scratchfacezvars = [x for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.eosmapout_scratchfacezvars = [y for (x, y) in tmp_list] # list of Eos_map roles.
self.nvar = self.nspecies + self.nmassscalars + len(self.variable)
self.nflux = self.nspecies + self.nmassscalars + len(self.flux)
self.max_plot_vars = self.nvar # + (self.nfacevars*3) + self.nflux
self.particle_type = []
self.init_method = []
self.mapmethod = []
self.advmethod = []
# We create a sorted temporary list "tmp_list", which we then copy into
# a new list "particle_list" with passive particles at the start.
tmp_list = self.particletype.items()
tmp_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0])) # Sort by particle type.
i = 0
particle_list = []
for (particle_type, (init_method, map_method, adv_method)) in tmp_list:
if (particle_type.upper() == "PASSIVE"):
del tmp_list[i]
i = i + 1
for (particle_type, (init_method, map_method, adv_method)) in particle_list:
# build separate lists for the different grid-variable typed particle maps
pmkeys = self.particlemap.keys()
self.particlemaps_variable = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'VARIABLE']
self.particlemaps_species = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'SPECIES']
self.particlemaps_mscalar = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'MASS_SCALAR']
self.particlemaps_facex = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'FACEX']
self.particlemaps_facey = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'FACEY']
self.particlemaps_facez = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'FACEZ']
self.particlemaps_scratchvar = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'SCRATCHVAR']
self.particlemaps_scratchcentervar = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'SCRATCHCENTERVAR']
self.particlemaps_scratchfacexvar = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'SCRATCHFACEXVAR']
self.particlemaps_scratchfaceyvar = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'SCRATCHFACEYVAR']
self.particlemaps_scratchfacezvar = [(x, self.particlemap[x][1]) for x in pmkeys \
if self.particlemap[x][0] == 'SCRATCHFACEZVAR']
self.nparticlemaps_variable = len(self.particlemaps_variable)
self.nparticlemaps_facex = len(self.particlemaps_facex)
self.nparticlemaps_facey = len(self.particlemaps_facey)
self.nparticlemaps_facez = len(self.particlemaps_facez)
self.nparticlemaps_scratchvar = len(self.particlemaps_scratchvar)
self.nparticlemaps_scratchcentervar = len(self.particlemaps_scratchcentervar)
self.nparticlemaps_scratchfacexvar = len(self.particlemaps_scratchfacexvar)
self.nparticlemaps_scratchfaceyvar = len(self.particlemaps_scratchfaceyvar)
self.nparticlemaps_scratchfacezvar = len(self.particlemaps_scratchfacezvar)
#check the consistency of the particle maps
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_variable:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.variable_names.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {0}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_species:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.species.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_mscalar:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.massscalars.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_facex:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.facevar.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_facey:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.facevar.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_facez:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.facevar.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_scratchvar:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.scratchvar.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_scratchcentervar:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.scratchcentervar.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_scratchfacexvar:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.scratchfacexvar.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_scratchfaceyvar:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.scratchfaceyvar.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
for part_var, grid_var in self.particlemaps_scratchfacezvar:
if (self.realproperty.count(part_var) != 1):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such property'
msg = msg.format(part_var)
raise ValueError(msg)
if (self.scratchfacezvar.count(grid_var) == 0):
msg = 'fatal: bad particle map for {0}; no such variable {1}'
msg = msg.format(part_var, grid_var)
raise ValueError(msg)