Configuration Language

This module contains code to pre-process text files, code for a FalshUnit class which parses Config files, code for FlashUnitUnion class to merge FlashUnits, and a FlashUnitList class which contains a list of unit names together with methods to manipulate them.

class flash.dsl.configuration.Configuration(conffile=None, top_unit=False, usevars=None, ignore_pp=False, unitname='', unitpath='', without_units=None)[source]

Encapsulates FLASH Unit information as expressed in Config files.

Data is accessed through the appropriate attributes:

Parameters :

conffile : str or file object or None

path to the config file, None for clean instance.

top_unit : bool, optional

whether the configuration file is for a top-level FLASH unit.

usevars : dict or None, optional

dictionary of initial values for attributes. Often given as flmake.gvars.setup_vars.vars for setting up actual problems.

ignore_pp : bool, optional

Igonore pre-processing for documentation purposes.

unitname : str, optional

Name of the unit, if applicable

unitpath : str, optional

Absolute path to the unit, if applicable. Useful for when conffile doesn’t exist.

without_units : dict or None, optional

Units to not allow, in the case of requests. Bool valued.


Processes the config file.


Returns parent unit’s full name, empty string if we’re orphans


proccess file such that exceptions go all the way to the top.

class flash.dsl.configuration.ConfigurationUnion(configs)[source]

Container for collation of Configuration instances.

Simply takes a list of config files.

Parameters :

configs : sequence

Configuration instances.


Collates info from an ordered list of Configuration instances.

Parameters :

configs : sequence

Configuration instances.


Store stuff that can be computed from configuration info. We’ll use lowercase keys to separate things.

In many cases self[‘UPPERCASE’] is a dictionary. We define self[‘uppercase’] as its sorted list of keys.

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