
After many runs, restarts, merges, moves, and removes it may not be clear which directories in a project relate are a FLASH run. The flmake ls-runs command searches through all local subdirectories for flash_desc.json files. If this file exists for a dir and contains a run id, then this directory is determined to be a flash run. This command also searches through the history of all runs. After collecting all runs it displays the graph of all runs and their associated dirs. Restarts are printed on lower branches than their parents.


flmake ls-runs


A project with a healthy number of runs:

+-20a5b5b4 (hllc3/)
+-29d6ffc5 (run-29d6ffc5/)
| +-84fcbe22 (run-84fcbe22/)
+-537929ea (run-537929ea/)
| +-f2735654 (run-f2735654/)
+-72eea7ee (fl0.1/)
| +-79488699 (run-79488699/)
+-7d1d4564 (run-7d1d4564/)
+-9407f646 (run-9407f646/)
| +-78268113 (run-78268113/)
+-a2818bcf (run-a2818bcf/)
+-a4795c1f (run-a4795c1f/)
+-ab708fbf (run-ab708fbf/)
| +-e438bb3d (run-e438bb3d/)
+-d99156a7 (run-d99156a7/)
| +-ae82120a (run-ae82120a/)
+-eff4bd0c (run-eff4bd0c/)

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