Restarting a FLASH run with flmake generates a new run directory and id. This is because for FLASH to restart the runtime parameter file (flash.par) must be changed. After many (or even one) restart it is sometimes useful to have all of the data from a run history to be collapsed into a single directory. The flmake merge command does exactly this in a way that is atomic with all runs. Therefore merges
Moreover runtime files, such as flash.par and flash_desc.json, from previous runs in history are renamed in the merge using the following convention: flash.{runid}.par.
flmake merge <leaf-dir|id> [<target-dir>]
Either the directory or the run id of the latest restart must be specified in order to merge. Optionally, a target directory to place the merge in may also be given. If omitted then the default run directory name is used.