
The flmake run command executes a FLASH simulation from a binary generated by the build command and a runtime parameters flash.par file. The runtime parameters file is initialize by the setup command but may be altered by the run control file. This is a Python file which is located within the project directory. If this file contains a parameters dictionary, the original flash.par is updated with these items. If the run control file instead contains a parameters function which returns a dictionary, this return value is used to update flash.par.

The run command automatically generates a universally unique id for this specific run of FLASH. This id ensures that runs from various systems may be placed correctly identified and is needed for ensuring total reproducibility. The run is executed within a new directory within the project that is named by concatenating the run_dir_prefix with the run id.


flmake run [options]

All supplemental options are passed down to MPIRUN_CMD as specified with is flmake metadata. This allows you to, among various other options, change the number of processors to run FLASH with. See flmake help run for a full listing of these options.


A sample file that changes the runtime parameters present in the <rundir>/flash.par file:

import numpy as np

default_laser_power = np.array([[0.0, 4.69724771e+11, 3.22935780e+11, 4.69724771e+10, 0.0]])

parameters = {
    # Use HLLC Riemann Solver
    "RiemannSolver": "HLLC",
    "order": 3,
    "slopeLimiter": "mc", # mc or limited
    "cfl": 0.4,

    # adjust laser power
    "ed_power": default_laser_power * 0.5,

    # Always use
    "addThermalFlux": False,
    "plot_var": ["dens", "depo", "tele", "tion", "ye  ", "sumy", "pele", "targ"],

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