[FLASH-USERS] Problem with Fidlr3.0

Georgi Pavlovski gbp at phys.soton.ac.uk
Wed May 7 08:13:34 EDT 2008


it might not be something you are willing to do, but what about using 
fildr2, which uses c library bindings for reading flash hdf5 into IDL? 
Otherwise, I would suggest using pytables or hlhdf and python to do data 

- Georgi

James Guillochon wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use the loaddata routine in fidlr3, and I get the 
> following error message when I try to load data sets that are above 
> ~50mb per variable in size:
> % Array dimensions must be greater than 0.
> % Execution halted at: READ_AMR          409 
> /FLASH3.0/tools/fidlr3.0/read_amr.pro
> %                      LOADDATA           56 
> /FLASH3.0/tools/fidlr3.0/loaddata.pro
> The segment of code it refers to is the following:
>    404   ;***********coordinates**************
>    405   dataset = H5D_OPEN(file_identifier, "coordinates")
>    406   dataspace = H5D_GET_SPACE(dataset)
>    407   H5S_SELECT_HYPERSLAB, dataspace, start_2d, count_2d, 
> STRIDE=stride_2d, /RESET
>    408   memspace = H5S_CREATE_SIMPLE(count_2d)
>    409   coord = H5D_READ(dataset, FILE_SPACE=dataspace, 
> MEMORY_SPACE=memspace)
>    410   H5D_CLOSE, dataset
>    411   H5S_CLOSE, memspace
>    412   H5S_CLOSE, dataspace
> I have checked and the dataset, dataspace, and memspace variables have 
> reasonable values. This bug does not occur if the dump file I am reading 
> from is small enough in size. I am using IDL 7.0, have HDF5 1.8.0 
> installed, and FLASH 3.0. I have tried downgrading to HDF5 1.6.7 and 
> also tried IDL 6.3 on another machine but that didn't solve the problem. 
> Any ideas guys?

   Dr Georgi B. Pavlovski        School of Physics and Astronomy
   Tel: +44-(0)-23-8059-2089     University of Southampton
   Fax: +44-(0)-23-8059-3910     Southampton SO17 1BJ, U.K.
   Email: gbp at phys.soton.ac.uk   Web: www.astro.soton.ac.uk/~gbp

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