[FLASH-USERS] beam target out of domain problem

Norbert Flocke flocke at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Apr 11 10:40:48 EDT 2016

Hi Fang Li,

I will try to explain as best as I can, but it will be a bit messy. Let us 
reduce the view from 3D to 2D and I will choose the z=0.0 plane. Then you
have the following picture (the lines are the domain boundaries):

               0.006  -------------------------------------
                     |                                     |
                     |                                     |
                     |             D O M A I N             |
                     |                                     |
                     |                                     |
                     |              *                      |
                     |                  *                  |
               0.002 |                      T              |
                     |                      |a  #          |
                     |                      |       #      |
                0.000  ----------------------------------------- x
  (-0.05,-0.1)  L --------------------------

When you work out the value of the angle (a) next to the target 
using the position of the lens L and the target T, you find that it is 
equal to approx 59.534 deg. Your given target circular area has a radius 
of 0.004 (the value of ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_1). When you then calculate 
the y coordinate of the outermost # point of the target you get a value of
0.002 - cos (59.534) * 0.004 = -0.000028..With other words, a tiny bit of 
your target area is outside the y dimension of the domain.

Now if you change the x coordinate of the target from 0.01 to 0.001, then
your new angle (a) is approx 63.435, in which case you get for the y 
coordinate of outermost # point of the target a value of 0.002 - cos 
(63.435) * 0.004 = +0.000211.., which is still in the domain.

I hope this explains what you are seeing.


On Mon, 11 Apr 2016, Àî·¼ wrote:

> Dear All,
In the LaserSlab 3D example, I'm trying to set up the laser beams at some angle (based on the example3d.par). However, the following parameters generated the beam target outof domain error:
ed_lensX_1 = -0.05
ed_lensY_1 = -0.1
ed_lensZ_1 = 0.0
ed_targetX_1 = 100.0e-04
ed_targetY_1 = 20.0e-04
ed_targetZ_1 = 0.0
ed_targetSemiAxisMajor_1 =4.0e-03
sim_targetRadius = 800.0e-04
sim_targetHeight = 40.0e-04
sim_vacuumHeight = 20.0e-04
xmin = -400.0e-04
xmax= 400.0e-04
ymin = 0.0e-04
ymax = 60.0e-04
zmin = -100.0e-04
zmax = 100.0e-04
when I reduced the ed_targetX_1 to  10.0e-04, the error was disappeared. But I can't understand why the present parameters generate the above error, as I have set up a large value for the X-dims? I think there are some misunderstandings for me to these parameters. thanks in advance for any help!

Best wishes,
Fang Li
The institute of Physics, Chinese academy of sciences

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