[FLASH-USERS] Compilation Error in Sedov Example Problem
Charles Peterson
chippete at umich.edu
Wed Jul 31 16:06:33 EDT 2024
Hi Ryan,
I ended up being able to run the Sedov example by setting up the problem
and compiling from a login node (making the corresponding login node
directories to store the Makefile.h in as you suggested). I then used the
command srun flash4 in my batch script instead of the mpirun command, and
it ran smoothly! Thank you for the help!
On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 5:23 PM Ryan Farber <rjfarber at umich.edu> wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> Thank you for attaching your SLURM submission script, as well as your
> stdout.
> Note the following lines from your stdout:
> checking sites Aliases file
> site directory for site gl3048.arc-ts.umich.edu not found;
> using prototype Linux
> So the setup command generates a Makefile based on the Makefile.h in the
> sites/Prototypes/Linux directory.
> You then copied your Makefileh.h from sites to the object directory -- but
> setup already ran so it's probably not used at all.
> You should instead either place your Makefile.h inside of
> Sites/Prototypes/Linux (to overwrite the default), create a directory sites/
> gl3048.arc-ts.umich.edu (as well as one per compute node and login node,
> gulp...), or modify the Aliases file.
> Best wishes,
> --------
> Ryan
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 12:04 PM Charles Peterson <chippete at umich.edu>
> wrote:
>> Hi Ryan,
>> Thanks for the quick response! The error I posted above is the entire
>> stream from the returned .err file. Below I've also attached the .out file
>> and the Makefile.h that I used. I also reached out to UM HPC support and am
>> currently waiting on a response from them. Thank you for the suggestion!
>> Best,
>> Chip
>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 8:21 PM Ryan Farber <rjfarber at umich.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi Chip,
>>> Your specific error I don’t believe I’ve encountered unfortunately. It
>>> would be helpful if you can attach the full stderr stream (combined with
>>> stdout is fine).
>>> Other useful information might be in your Makefile.h and your batch
>>> script (if you’re compiling with “make -j” it’s possible the cluster is
>>> killing your job for using too many resources if that’s running on a login
>>> node.
>>> If you’re compiling on a computer node, that should be fine but might
>>> depend on your cluster. If you’re on Great Lakes the note UM’s support is
>>> pretty great, and should have some experience supporting new FLASH users.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Ryan
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 16, 2024, at 5:45 PM, Charles Peterson <chippete at umich.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi flash users,
>>> I am a new user to FLASH and have been trying to run FLASH on my
>>> University's HPC cluster (I'm also very new to using HPC's). The batch
>>> script that I've been working with first loads the following modules:
>>> <image.png>
>>> It then calls for the setup, compilation, and running of the Sedov
>>> example problem. After running this batch script, the setup process is
>>> successful, while an error is run into with running make:
>>> <image.png>
>>> Would anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? Any and all help
>>> is greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Chip
>>> --
>>> *Charles (Chip) Peterson*
>>> University of Michigan '25
>>> Engineering Physics
>>> Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
>>> chippete at umich.edu - (253)-255-7090
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>> --
>> *Charles (Chip) Peterson*
>> University of Michigan '25
>> Engineering Physics
>> Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
>> chippete at umich.edu - (253)-255-7090
*Charles (Chip) Peterson*
University of Michigan '25
Engineering Physics
Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
chippete at umich.edu - (253)-255-7090
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