The FLASH Code

The Flash Center Code Group is pleased to announce the release of an updated version of the FLASH code: FLASH v4.8!

The FLASH code is a publicly available, high performance computing, multi-physics application code. FLASH consists of inter-operable modules that can be combined to generate different applications. The FLASH architecture allows arbitrarily many alternative implementations of its components to co-exist and interchange with each other. A simple and elegant mechanism exists for customization of code functionality without the need to modify the core implementation of the source. A built-in unit test framework combined with regression tests that run nightly on multiple platforms verify the code.


Physics Solvers:
  • Hydrodynamics: Unsplit PPM, WENO, PCM, GP; Split PPM; 2T+Radiation, Interface Capturing Hydrodynamics
  • Magnetohydrodynamics: Unsplit Staggered Mesh; Split 8 wave
  • Full Braginskii Extended-MHD: Hall, Nernst, Seebeck, Cross-field Term, Biermann Battery, and Anisotropic Resistivity
  • Equation of State: Ideal Gas; Degenerate Ionized Plasma; Multimaterial Tabular (IONMIX, PROPACEOS, SESAME)
  • Radiation Transfer: Multigroup Flux-limited Diffusion
  • Diffusion and Anisotropic Thermal Conduction: Implicit with AMR and UG
  • Diffusion and Anisotropic Resistivity: Implicit with UG
  • Laser Energy Deposition: Geometric Optics with Inverse Bremsstrahlung
  • Current Drive and Circuit Models for Pulsed-power Drivers
  • Opacity: Constant; Multimaterial Tabular (IONMIX, PROPACEOS, TOPS)
  • Particles: Tracer; Massive; Sink; Charged
  • Nuclear Burning
  • Gravity: Constant; PointMass; Planar; Self Gravity
  • Cosmology
  • Transport Coefficients for Magnetized Plasmas: Magnetic Resistivity, Thermal Conductivity, Viscosity, thermoelectric transport
  • Primordial Chemistry
  • Simulated Diagnostics: Proton Radiography; Thomson Scattering; X-Ray Imaging

  • Driver: Unsplit; Split
  • Grid: Uniform Grid; AMR (PARAMESH); AMR (Chombo)
  • GridParticles: Lagrangian Framework
  • GridSolvers: Multigrid; Multipole; Barnes-Hut Tree; PFFT; Direct Solvers for Uniform Grid
  • IO: HDF5 ; PnetCDF
  • Multispecies
  • RuntimeParameters
  • Monitor: MPI Timers; Hooks for TAU

Code Request: If you are an external user and you are interested in using the FLASH code in your project, you can request access to the code.
Download: If you have been through the request process, you can download current and prior versions of the FLASH code here.
QuickFlash-1.0.0.tar.bz2: Data analysis library for FLASH HDF5 files; see for more information.
FLASH3.1_framework.tar.gz Open source versions of the FLASH3 code; primarily includes inheritance structure and setup script.
FLASH4.2.2_supplementary_units.tar.gz Supplementary units, provided as-is for the FLASH4.2.2 release.
Contributed code: Find information and download links for other contributed code here.
Flash Test downloads: the framework for running unit and regression tests on FLASH, or other codes with similar build process.
Visualization downloads
FLASH-Interface: GUI binaries for configuring FLASH.


Documentation and User Support

  • FLASH Internal