25.4 Performance Data

Finally, the logfile records performance data for the simulation. The Timers unit (see Sec:Timers Unit) is responsible for storing, collecting and interpreting the performance data. The Timers unit calls the API routine Logfile_writeSummary to format the performance data and write it to the logfile. The snippet below shows the performance data section of a logfile.


 perf_summary: code performance summary
                      beginning : 04-19-2006  16:40.43
                         ending : 04-19-2006  16:41.06
   seconds in monitoring period :               23.188
         number of subintervals :                   21
        number of evolved zones :                16064
               zones per second :              692.758
 accounting unit                       time sec  num calls   secs avg  time pct
 initialization                          1.012      1           1.012     4.366
  guardcell internal                     0.155     17           0.009     0.669
  writeCheckpoint                        0.085      1           0.085     0.365
  writePlotfile                          0.061      1           0.061     0.264
 evolution                              22.176      1          22.176    95.633
  hydro                                 18.214     40           0.455    78.549
   guardcell internal                    2.603     80           0.033    11.227
  sourceTerms                            0.000     40           0.000     0.002
  particles                              0.000     40           0.000     0.001
  Grid_updateRefinement                  1.238     20           0.062     5.340
   tree                                  1.126     10           0.113     4.856
    guardcell tree                       0.338     10           0.034     1.459
     guardcell internal                  0.338     10           0.034     1.458
    markRefineDerefine                   0.339     10           0.034     1.460
     guardcell internal                  0.053     10           0.005     0.230
    amr_refine_derefine                  0.003     10           0.000     0.011
    updateData                           0.002     10           0.000     0.009
    guardcell                            0.337     10           0.034     1.453
     guardcell internal                  0.337     10           0.034     1.452
   eos                                   0.111     10           0.011     0.481
   update particle refinemen             0.000     10           0.000     0.000
  io                                     2.668     20           0.133    11.507
   writeCheckpoint                       0.201      2           0.101     0.868
   writePlotfile                         0.079      2           0.039     0.340
   diagnostics                           0.040     20           0.002     0.173
 [ 04-19-2006  16:41.06 ] LOGFILE_END: FLASH run complete.