26.2 Runtime Parameters, Physical Constants, and Multispecies Data

The logfile also records which units were included in a simulation, the runtime parameters, physical constants, and any species and their properties from the Multispecies unit. The FLASH3 logfile keeps track of whether a runtime parameter is a default value or whether its value has been redefined in the flash.par file. The [CHANGED] symbol will occur next to a runtime parameter if its value has been redefined in the flash.par. Note that the runtime parameters are output in alphabetical order within the Fortran datatype - so integer parameters are shown first, then real, then string, then Boolean. The snippet below shows the this portion of the logfile; omitted sections are indicated with “...".


  FLASH Units used:

algebra                     =          2 [CHANGED]
bndpriorityone              =          1
bndprioritythree            =          3
cfl                         =                 0.800E+00
checkpointfileintervaltime  =                 0.100E-08 [CHANGED]
cvisc                       =                 0.100E+00
derefine_cutoff_1           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_2           =                 0.200E+00
zmax                        =                 0.128E+02 [CHANGED]
zmin                        =                 0.000E+00
basenm                      = cellular_                      [CHANGED]
eosmode                     = dens_ie
eosmodeinit                 = dens_ie
geometry                    = cartesian
log_file                    = cellular.log                   [CHANGED]
output_directory            =
pc_unitsbase                = CGS
plot_grid_var_1             = none
plot_grid_var_10            = none
plot_grid_var_11            = none
plot_grid_var_12            = none
plot_grid_var_2             = none
yr_boundary_type            = periodic
zl_boundary_type            = periodic
zr_boundary_type            = periodic
bytepack                    =  F
chkguardcells               =  F
converttoconsvdformeshcalls =  F
converttoconsvdinmeshinterp =  F
useburn                     =  T [CHANGED]
useburntable                =  F


Known units of measurement:

Unit                          CGS Value                Base Unit
  1                  cm                     1.0000                           cm
  2                   s                     1.0000                            s
  3                   K                     1.0000                            K
  4                   g                     1.0000                            g
  5                 esu                     1.0000                          esu
  6                   m                     100.00                           cm
  7                  km                    0.10000E+06                       cm
  8                  pc                    0.30857E+19                       cm
 Known physical constants:

Constant Name       Constant Value   cm        s         g         K         esu
  1              Newton    0.66726E-07   3.00     -2.00     -1.00      0.00      0.00
  2      speed of light    0.29979E+11   1.00     -1.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
 15               Euler    0.57722       0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

Multifluid database contents:

Initially defined values of species:
Name     Index          Total   Positive  Neutral   Negative  bind Ener Gamma
ar36        12       3.60E+01  1.80E+01 -9.99E+02 -9.99E+02  3.07E+02 -9.99E+02
c12         13       1.20E+01  6.00E+00 -9.99E+02 -9.99E+02  9.22E+01 -9.99E+02
ca40        14       4.00E+01  2.00E+01 -9.99E+02 -9.99E+02  3.42E+02 -9.99E+02
ti44        24       4.40E+01  2.20E+01 -9.99E+02 -9.99E+02  3.75E+02 -9.99E+02