
5.7 Files Created During the setup Process

When setup is run it generates many files in the object directory. They fall into three major categories:

(a) Files not required to build the FLASH executable, but which contain useful information,
(b) Generated F90 or C code, and
(c) Makefiles required to compile the FLASH executable.

5.7.1 Informational files

These files are generated before compilation by setup. Each of these files begins with the prefix setup_ for easy identification.

setup_call contains the options with which setup was called and the command line resulting after shortcut expansion
setup_libraries contains the list of libraries and their arguments (if any) which was linked in to generate the executable
setup_units contains the list of all units which were included in the current setup


contains a list of all pre-process symbols passed to the compiler invocation directly
setup_flags contains the exact compiler and linker flags


contains the list of runtime parameters defined in the Config files processed by setup
setup_vars contains the list of variables, fluxes, species, particle properties, and mass scalars used in the current setup, together with their descriptions.

5.7.2 Code generated by the setup call

These routines are generated by the setup call and provide simulation-specific code.

setup_buildstamp.F90 contains code for the subroutine setup_buildstamp which returns the setup and build time as well as code for setup_systemInfo which returns the uname of the system used to setup the problem
setup_buildstats.c contains code which returns build statistics including the actual setup call as well as the compiler flags used for the build
setup_getFlashUnits.F90 contains code to retrieve the number and list of flashUnits used to compile code
setup_flashRelease.F90 contains code to retrieve the version of FLASH used for the build
Flash.h contains simulation specific preprocessor macros, which change based upon setup unlike constants.h. It is described in Chp:Flash.h
Simulation_mapIntToStr.F90 contains code to map an index described in Flash.h to a string described in the Config file.
Simulation_mapStrToInt.F90 contains code to map a string described in the Config file to an integer index described in the Flash.h file.
Simulation_mapParticlesVar.F90 contains a mapping between particle properties and grid variables. Only generated when particles are included in a simulation.
Particles_specifyMethods.F90 contains code to make a data structure with information about the mapping and initialization method for each type of particle. Only generated when particles are included in a simulation.

5.7.3 Makefiles generated by setup

Apart from the master Makefile, setup generates a makefile for each unit, which is “included” in the master Makefile. This is true even if the unit is not included in the application. These unit makefiles are named Makefile.Unit and are a concatenation of all the Makefiles found in unit hierarchy processed by setup.

For example, if an application uses Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4.0, the file
Makefile.Grid will be a concatenation of the Makefiles found in

As another example, if an application does not use PhysicalConstants, then Makefile.PhysicalConstants is just the contents of PhysicalConstants/Makefile at the API level.

Since the order of concatenation is arbitrary, the behavior of the Makefiles should not depend on the order in which they have been concatenated. The makefiles inside the units contain lines of the form:  

Unit += file1.o file2.o ...

where Unit is the name of the unit, which was Grid in the example above. Dependency on data modules files need not be specified since the setup process determines this requirement automatically.