8.4 Boundary Conditions
Much of the FLASH3 code within the Grid unit that deals with
implementing boundary conditions has been organized into a separate
subunit, GridBoundaryConditions.
Note that the following aspects are still handled elsewhere:
- Recognition of bounday condition names as strings (in runtime parameters)
and constants (in the source code); these are defined in
RuntimeParameters_mapStrToInt and in constants.h,
- Handling of periodic boundary conditions; this is done within the underlying
GridMain implementation. When using PARAMESH,
the subroutine gr_createDomain is responsible for setting the
neighbors of top-level blocks (to either other top-level
blocks or to external boundary conditions) at initialization,
after Nblockx
root blocks have been created.
periodic (wrap-around) boundary conditions are initially configured in
this routine as well. If periodic boundary conditions are set in the
-direction, for instance, the first blocks in the
-direction are
set to have as their left-most neighbor the blocks that are last in
-direction, and vice versa. Thus, when the guard cell
filling is performed, the periodic boundary conditions are
automatically maintained.
- Handling of user-defined boundary conditions; this should be implemented
by code under the
Simulation directory.
- Low-level implementation and interfacing, such as are part of the PARAMESH code.
- Behavior of particles at a domain boundary. This is based on the boundary types
described below, but their handling is implemented
in GridParticles.
Although the GridBoundaryConditions subunit is included in a
setup by default, it can be excluded (if no Config file
“REQUIRES” it) by specifying
-without-unit=Grid/GridBoundaryConditions. This will generally
only make sense if all domain boundaries are to be treated as
periodic. (All relevant runtime parameters
xl_boundary_type etc. need to be set to "periodic" in that
Boundary conditions
are determined by the physical problem.
Within FLASH, the parallel structure of blocks means that each
processor works independently. If a block is on a physical boundary,
the guard cells are filled by calculation
since there are no neighboring blocks from which to copy
values. Boundaries are selected by setting runtime parameters such as
xl_boundary_type (for the `left'
-boundary) to
one of the supported boundary types (Table 8.4.1) in
flash.par. Even though the runtime parameters for specifying
boundary condition types are strings, the Grid unit understands them as
defined integer constants defined in the file
constants.h, which contains all global constants for
the code. The translation from the string specified in
“flash.par” to the constant understood by the Grid unit is done by the
routine RuntimeParameters_mapStrToInt.
Table 8.1:
Hydrodynamical boundary conditions supported by FLASH. Boundary type ab may be
replaced with
={x,y,z} for direction and
={l,r} for left/right edge.
All boundary types listed except the last (user) have an implementation in GridBoundaryConditions.
ab_boundary_type |
periodic |
Periodic (`wrap-around')
reflect,reflecting |
Non-penetrating boundaries; plane symmetry,
the normal vector components change sign
outflow |
Zero-gradient boundary conditions; allows shocks
to leave the domain
diode |
like outflow, but fluid velocities are never allowed to
let matter flow into the domain: normal velocity components are
forced to zero in guard cells if necessary
axisymmetric |
like reflect, but both normal and toroidal vector components change sign.
Typically used with cylindrical geometry (R-Z) for the Z symmetry axis.
eqtsymmetric |
like reflect for velocities but the magnetic field components, poloidal and toroidal,
change sign. The sign of the normal magnetic field component remains the same.
Typically used with cylindrical geometry (R-Z) for the R axis to emulate equatorial
hydrostatic-f2 |
Hydrostatic boundary handling as in FLASH2. See remark in text.
Variants of hydrostatic-f2, where the normal velocity
is handled specially in various ways, analogous to
reflect, outflow, and diode boundary conditions, respectively. See remark in text.
The user must implement the desired boundary behavior; see text.
To use any of the hydrostatic-f2* boundary conditions, the setup must
include Grid/GridBoundaryConditions/Flash2HSE. This must
usually be explicitly requested, for example with a line
REQUIRES Grid/GridBoundaryConditions/Flash2HSE
in the simulation directory's Config file.
Note that the grav_boundary_type runtime parameter is
used by some implementations of the Gravity unit
to define the type of boundary for solving a self-gravity (Poisson) problem;
see Gravity_init. This runtime parameter is
separate from the ab_boundary_type ones interpreted
by GridBoundaryConditions, and its recognized values are
not the same (although there is some overlap).
Table 8.2:
Additional boundary condition types recognized by FLASH. Boundary type ab may be
replaced with a={x,y,z} for direction and b={l,r} for left/right edge.
These boundary types are either reserved for implementation by users and/or future
FLASH versions for a
specific purpose (as indicate by the remarks), or are for special uses
within the Grid unit.
ab_boundary_type |
Constant |
Remark |
isolated |
-- |
used by Gravity only for grav_boundary_type |
-- |
used for multigrid solver |
-- |
for use by multigrid solver |
-- |
(for use by multigrid solver) |
hydrostatic |
Hydrostatic, other implementation than FLASH2 |
hydrostatic+nvrefl |
Hydrostatic variant, other impl. than FLASH2 |
hydrostatic+nvout |
Hydrostatic variant, other impl. than FLASH2 |
hydrostatic+nvdiode |
Hydrostatic variant, other impl. than FLASH2 |
The initial coarse grid of root blocks can be modified by removing certain blocks.
This is done by providing a non-trivial implementation of
Simulation_defineDomain. Effectively this creates
additional domain boundaries at the interface between blocks removed
and regions still included. All boundary conditions other than
periodic are possible at these additional boundaries, and
are handled there in the same way as on external domain boundaries.
This feature is only available with PARAMESH.
See the documentation and example in Simulation_defineDomain
for more details and some caveats.
Users may need to implement boundary conditions
beyond those provided with FLASH3, and the GridBoundaryConditions subunit
provides several ways to achieve this.
Users can provide an implementation for the user boundary type;
or can provide or override an implementation for one of the other
recognized types.
The simple boundary condition types reflect,
outflow, diode are implemented in the
Grid_bcApplyToRegion.F90 file in
Grid/GridBoundaryConditions. A users can
add or modify the handling of some boundary condition
types in a version of this file in the simulation directory,
which overrides the regular version. There is, however, also
the interface Grid_bcApplyToRegionSpecialized
which by default is only provided as a stub and is
explicitly intended to be implemented by users.
A Grid_bcApplyToRegionSpecialized implementation
gets called before Grid_bcApplyToRegion
and can decide to either handle a specific combination
of boundary condition type, direction, grid data structure, etc.,
or leave it to Grid_bcApplyToRegion.
These calls operate on a region of one block's cells at a time.
FLASH will pass additional information beyond that needed
for handling simple boundary conditions to
Grid_bcApplyToRegionSpecialized, in particular
a block handle through which an implementation can
retrieve coordinate information and access
other information associated with a block and its cells.
The GridBoundaryConditions subunit also provides
a simpler kind of interface if one includes
Grid/GridBoundaryConditions/OneRow in the setup.
When using this style of interface, users can implement
guard cell filling one row at a time. FLASH passes
to the implementation one row of cells at a time,
some of which are interior cells while the others
represent guard cells outside the boundary that are
to be modified in the call.
A row here means a contiguous set of cells along a line perpendicular
to the boundary surface.
There are two versions of this interface:
Grid_applyBCEdge is given only one fluid
variable at a time, but can also handle data structures
other than unk; whereas Grid_applyBCEdgeAllUnkVars
handles all variables of unk along a row in one call.
Cell coordinate information is included in the call arguments.
FLASH invokes these functions through an implementation
of Grid_bcApplyToRegionSpecialized in
Grid/GridBoundaryConditions/OneRow which acts as a wrapper.
GridBoundaryConditions/OneRow also provides a default
implementation of Grid_applyBCEdge (which implements
the simple boundary conditions) and Grid_applyBCEdgeAllUnkVars
(which calls Grid_applyBCEdge) each.
Another implementation of Grid_applyBCEdgeAllUnkVars
can be found in
this one calls Grid_applyBCEdge or, for FLASH2-type
hydrostatic boundaries, the code for handling them.
These can be used as templates for overriding implementations
under Simulation.
It is not recommended to try to mix both Grid_bcApplyToRegion*-style
and Grid_applyBCEdge*-style overriding implementations in
a simulation directory, since this could become confusing.
Note that in all of these cases, i.e., whether boundary guard
cell filling for a boundary type is implemented in
Grid_applyBCEdge, or
Grid_applyBCEdgeAllUnkVars, the implementation
does not fill guard cells in permanent data storage (the
unk array and similar data structures) directly,
but operates on buffers. FLASH3 fills some parts of the buffers
with current values for interior cells before the
call, and copies updated guardcell data from some (other) parts
of the buffers back into unk (or similar) storage
after the handling routine returns.
All calls to handlers for boundary conditions are for one face in a given
dimension at a time. Thus for each of the
IAXIS, JAXIS, and KAXIS dimensions there can be up to
two series of calls, once for
the left, i.e., “LOW,” and once for the right, i.e.,
“HIGH,” face. PARAMESH 4 makes additional calls
for filling guard cells in edge and corner regions of blocks,
these calls result in additional Grid_bcApplyToRegion* invocations
for those cells that lie in diagonal directions from the block interior.
The boundary condition handling interfaces described so far can
be implemented (and will be used!) independent of the Grid
implementation chosen. At a lower level, the various implementations
of GridMain have different ways of requesting that
boundary guard cells be filled. The GridBoundaryConditions subunit
collaborates with GridMain implementations to provide to user code
uniform interfaces that are agnostic of lower-level details.
However, it is also possible -- but not recommended -- for users to
replace a routine that is located
deeper in the Grid unit. For PARAMESH 4, the most relevant
routine is amr_1blk_bcset.F90, for PARAMESH 2 it is
tot_bnd.F90, and for uniform grid UG it is
Boundary condition handling has become significantly more complex in FLASH3.
In part this is so because PARAMESH 4 imposes requirements on
guard cell filling code that do not exist in the other GridMain
- In other Grid implementations, filling of domain boundary guard cells
is under control of the “user” (in this context, the user of the grid implementation,
i.e., FLASH): These cells can be filled for all blocks at a time that is predictable to the user
code, as a standard part of handling Grid_fillGuardCells, only.
With PARAMESH 4, the user-provided amr_1blk_bcset routine can be called
from within the depths of PARAMESH on individual blocks (and cell regions, see below)
during guard cell filling and at other times when the user has called a PARAMESH
routine. It is not easy to predict when and in which sequence this will happen.
- PARAMESH 4 does not want all boundary guard cells filled in one call,
but requests individual regions in various calls.
- PARAMESH 4 does not let the user routine amr_1blk_bcset operate on
permanent storage (unk etc.) directly, but on (regions of) one-block
- PARAMESH 4 occasionally invokes amr_1blk_bcset to operate on
regions of a block that belongs to a remote processor (and for which
data has been cached locally). Such block data is not associated with
a valid local blockID, making it more complicated for user
code to retrieve metadata that may be needed to implement the
desired boundary handling.
Some consequences of this for FLASH3 users:
- User code that implements boundary conditions for the grid inherits
the requirement that it must be ready to be called at various times
(when certain Grid routines are called).
- User code that implements boundary conditions for the grid inherits
the requirement that it must operate on a region of the cells of
a block, where the region is specified by the caller.
- Such user code must not assume that it operates on permanent data (in unk etc.).
Rather, it must be prepared to fill guardcells for a block-shaped buffer
that may or may not end up being copied back to permanent storage.
User code also is not allowed to make certain PARAMESH 4 calls while
a call to amr_1blk_bcset is active, namely those that
would modify the same one-block buffers that the current call
is working on.
- The user code must not assume that the block data it is acting on belongs to
a local block. The data may not have a valid blockID.
The code will be passed a “block hande” which can be used
in some ways, but not all, like a valid blockID.
Caveat Block Handles:
See the README file in Grid/GridBoundaryConditions
for more information on how a block handle can be used.