9. IO Unit

Figure 9.1: The IO unit: IOMain subunit directory tree.
Image IOMain_pic

Figure 9.2: The IO unit: IOParticles subunit tree.
Image IOParticles_pic

FLASH uses parallel input/output (IO) libraries to simplify and manage the output of the large amounts of data usually produced. In addition to keeping the data output in a standard format, the parallel IO libraries also ensure that files will be portable across various platforms. The mapping of FLASH data-structures to records in these files is controlled by the FLASH IO unit. FLASH can output data with two parallel IO libraries, HDF5 and Parallel-NetCDF. The data layout is different for each of these libraries. Since FLASH3 we also offer direct serial FORTRAN IO, which can be used as a last resort if no parallel library is available. However, FLASH post-processing tools such as fidlr (Chp:FLASH IDL Routines (fidlr)) and sfocu (Chp:sfocu) do not support the direct IO format.

Note:: This release supports both HDF5 and Parallel-NetCDF, including particle IO for both implementations.

Various techniques can be used to write the data to disk when running a parallel simulation. The first is to move all the data to a single processor for output; this technique is known as serial IO. Secondly, each processor can write to a separate file, known as direct IO. As a third option, each processor can use parallel access to write to a single file in a technique known as parallel IO. Finally, a hybrid method can be used where clusters of processors write to the same file, though different clusters of processors output to different files. In general, parallel access to a single file will provide the best parallel IO performance unless the number of processors is very large. On some platforms, such as Linux clusters, there may not be a parallel file system, so moving all the data to a single processor is the only solution. Therefore FLASH supports HDF5 libraries in both serial and parallel forms, where the serial version collects data to one processor before writing it, while the parallel version has every processor writing its data to the same file.
