The unitTest is setup like any other FLASH4 simulation. It can be run with any IO implementation as long as the correct Grid implementation is included. This unitTest writes a checkpoint file, a plotfile, and if particles are included, a particle file. Particles IO can be tested simply by including particles in the simulation. Variables needed for particles should be uncommented in the Config file.
Example setups:
#setup for PARAMESH Grid and serial HDF5 io ./setup unitTest/IO -auto #setup for PARAMESH Grid with parallel HDF5 IO (see shortcuts docs for explanation) ./setup unitTest/IO -auto +parallelIO (same as) ./setup unitTest/IO -auto -unit=IO/IOMain/hdf5/parallel/PM #setup for Uniform Grid with serial HDF5 IO, 3d problem, increasing default number of zones ./setup unitTest/IO -3d -auto +ug -nxb=16 -nyb=16 -nzb=16 (same as) ./setup unitTest/IO -3d -auto -unit=Grid/GridMain/UG -nxb=16 -nyb=16 -nzb=16 #setup for PM3 and parallel netCDF, with particles ./setup unitTest/IO -auto -unit=Particles +pnetcdf #setup for UG and parallel netCDF ./setup unitTest/IO -auto +pnetcdf +ug
Run the test like any other FLASH simulation:
mpirun -np numProcs flash3
There are a few things to keep in mind when working with the IO unit test: