... most.1.1
The Chombo grid in FLASH has had limited testing, and supports only a limited set of physics units. At this time the use of Chombo within FLASH for production is not recommended.
... running.5.1
if a machine has multiple hostnames, setup tries them all
... directory5.2
Formerly, (in FLASH2) it was located in the FLASH root directory
... True5.3
All non-integral values not equal to True/False/Yes/No/On/Off are considered to be string values
... scalars6.1
See (14.9) for more information about mass scalars
... use.8.1
Note that the term processor, as used here and elsewhere in the documentation, does not necessarily correspond to a separate hardware processor. It is also possible to have several logical “processors” mapped to the same hardware, which can be useful for debugging and testing; this is a matter for the operating environment to regulate.
... 1.8.2
The gr_createDomain function also can remove certain blocks of this initial mesh, if this is requested by a non-default Simulation_defineDomain implementation.
... time.8.3
Particles and Physics units may make additional use of interpolation as part of their function, and the algorithms may or may not be different. This subsection only discusses interpolation automatically performed by the Grid unit on the fluid variables in a way that should be transparent to other units.
... ...17.1
Note that we typically assume a cubic box with side length $ L_\mathrm{box}={\tt xmax}-{\tt xmin}={\tt ymax}-{\tt ymin}={\tt zmax}-{\tt zmin}$
... solver20.1
Even though it is possible to do so, see Particles_computeDt, one does not in general wish to let particles integration dictate the time step of the simulation.
... results20.2
They can be considered “predicted” positions and velocities.