15. Hydrodynamics Units

Figure 15.1: The Hydro unit directory tree.
Image Hydro_pic

The Hydro unit solves Euler's equations for compressible gas dynamics in one, two, or three spatial dimensions. We first describe the basic functionality; see implementation sections below for various extensions.

The Euler equations can be written in conservative form as

$\displaystyle {{\partial \rho} \over {\partial t}}
+ {\bf\nabla} \cdot \left ( \rho {\bf v} \right )$ $\displaystyle =$ 0 (15.1)
$\displaystyle {\partial \rho {\bf v} \over \partial t} +
{\bf\nabla} \cdot \left ( \rho {\bf v} {\bf v} \right ) +
{\bf\nabla} P$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \rho {\bf g}$ (15.2)
$\displaystyle {\partial \rho E \over \partial t} +
{\bf\nabla} \cdot \left [ \left ( \rho E + P \right ) {\bf v}
\right ]$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \rho {\bf v} \cdot {\bf g} ,$ (15.3)

where $ \rho $ is the fluid density, $ {\bf v}$ is the fluid velocity, $ P$ is the pressure, $ E$ is the sum of the internal energy $ \epsilon $ and kinetic energy per unit mass,

$\displaystyle E = \epsilon + {1 \over 2} \vert{\bf v}\vert^2 ,$ (15.4)

$ {\bf g}$ is the acceleration due to gravity, and $ t$ is the time coordinate. The pressure is obtained from the energy and density using the equation of state. For the case of an ideal gas equation of state, the pressure is given by

$\displaystyle P = (\gamma - 1) \rho \epsilon ,$ (15.5)

where $ \gamma$ is the ratio of specific heats. More general equations of state are discussed in Sec:Eos Gammas and Sec:Eos Helmholtz.

In regions where the kinetic energy greatly dominates the total energy, computing the internal energy using

$\displaystyle \epsilon = E - \frac{1}{2}\vert{\bf v}\vert^2$ (15.6)

can lead to unphysical values, primarily due to truncation error. This results in inaccurate pressures and temperatures. To avoid this problem, we can separately evolve the internal energy according to

$\displaystyle \frac{\partial \rho \epsilon}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \left [ \left (\rho \epsilon + P \right){\bf v} \right ] - {\bf v}\cdot \nabla P = 0 .$ (15.7)

If the internal energy is a small fraction of the kinetic energy (determined via the runtime parameter eintSwitch), then the total energy is recomputed using the internal energy from (15.7) and the velocities from the momentum equation. Numerical experiments using the PPM solver included with FLASH showed that using (15.7) when the internal energy falls below $ 10^{-4}$ of the kinetic energy helps avoid the truncation errors while not affecting the dynamics of the simulation.

For reactive flows, a separate advection equation must be solved for each chemical or nuclear species

$\displaystyle {{\partial \rho X_\ell} \over {\partial t}} + {\bf\nabla} \cdot \left ( \rho X_\ell {\bf v} \right ) = 0 ,$ (15.8)

where $ X_\ell$ is the mass fraction of the $ \ell$th species, with the constraint that $ \sum_\ell X_\ell = 1$. FLASH will enforce this constraint if you set the runtime parameter irenorm equal to 1. Otherwise, FLASH will only restrict the abundances to fall between smallx and 1. The quantity $ \rho X_\ell$ represents the partial density of the $ \ell$th fluid. The code does not explicitly track interfaces between the fluids, so a small amount of numerical mixing can be expected during the course of a calculation.

The hydro unit has a capability to advect mass scalars. Mass scalars are field variables advected with density, similar to species mass fractions,

$\displaystyle {{\partial \rho \phi_\ell} \over {\partial t}} + {\bf\nabla} \cdot \left ( \rho \phi_\ell {\bf v} \right ) = 0 ,$ (15.9)

where $ \phi_\ell$ is the $ \ell$th mass scalar. Note that mass scalars are optional variables; to include them specify the name of each mass scalar in a Config file using the MASS_SCALAR keyword. Mass scalars are not renormalized in order to sum to 1, except when they are declared to be part of a renormalization group. See Sec:ConfigFileSyntax for more details.
