The FLASH code has been extended with numerous capabilities to allow
it to simulate laser-driven High Energy Density Physics (HEDP)
experiments. These experiments often require a multi-temperature
treatment of the plasma where the ion temperature,
and the electron temperature
are not necessarily
equal. Thermal radiation effects are also important in many High
Energy Density (HED) plasmas. If the radiation field has a total
energy density given by
then the
radiation temperature is defined as
. The radiation field is not in equilibrium
with the plasma and thus
. We refer to this treatment, where these three
temperatures are not necessarily equal, as a 3T treatment. This
chapter is intended to describe the basic theory behind FLASH's 3T
implementation to direct users to other parts of the manual and
simulations which provide further details on how to use these new
capabilities in FLASH.
The term “3T” is not meant to imply in any way that a gray treatment of the radiation field is being assumed. The radiation temperature is only used to represent the total energy density, which is integrated over all photon frequencies. The radiation temperature never directly enters the calculation. Thus, 3T refers to the fact that FLASH is being run in a mode where 3 independent components (ions, electrons, radiation) are being modeled. The radiation field is usually treated in a frequency dependent way through multigroup radiation diffusion as described below and in chp:RadTrans.
The equations which FLASH solves to describe the evolution of an unmagnetized 3T plasma are:
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(14.2) |
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(14.3) |
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(14.4) |
Since the plasma is not assumed to have a single temperature, additional equations must be evolved to describe the change in specific internal energies of the ions, electrons, and radiation field. For the electrons and ions these equations are:
The 3T equation of state in FLASH connects the internal energies, temperatures, and pressures of the components. Many different equations of state options exist in FLASH. These are described in Sec:3TEos. A full-physics HEDP simulation using FLASH will solve equations (Eqn:3TFull) and (Eqn:3TSpecies) using the 3T equation of state. These equations are somewhat redundant since (Eqn:3TFullEnergy) can be written as a sum of the other equations. These equations are also not yet complete, since it has not been described how many of the terms above are defined and computed in FLASH. The remainder of this chapter will describe this and direct readers to the appropriate sections of the manual where examples and further information can be found.
A series of operator splits is used to solve (Eqn:3TFull) and (Eqn:3TSpecies) in FLASH. First, all of the terms on the left hand sides of these equations are split off and solved in various code units. The remaining equations:
The electron, ion, and radiation internal energy equations in the absence of the hydrodynamic terms are shown in (Eqn:3TNoHydro). The density is updated in the hydrodynamic update so for the remaining equations the density is assumed to be constant, and we remove the density from the time derivatives.
The first term on the right hand side of (Eqn:3TNoHydroIon) and (Eqn:3TNoHydroEle) describes the exchange of internal energy between ions and electrons through collisions. This term will force the ion and electron temperatures to equilibrate over time. The Heatexchange unit, described in Sec:HeatexchangeSpitzer, solves for this part of (Eqn:3TNoHydro). Specifically, it updates the ion and electron temperatures according to:
The second term on the right hand side of (Eqn:3TNoHydroEle) represents the transport of energy through electron thermal conduction. Thus the heat flux is defined as:
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(14.9) |
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(14.10) |
The remaining terms describe radiation transport. FLASH incorporates
radiation effects using multigroup diffusion (MGD) theory. The total
radiation flux, emission, and absorption terms which appear
in (Eqn:3TNoHydro) contain contributions from each energy
group. For group , where
, the total quantities
can be written as summations over each group:
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(14.11) |
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(14.13) |
The RadTrans unit is responsible for solving the radiation diffusion equations for each energy group. The RadTrans unit solves these diffusion equations implicitly by using the Diffuse unit. While the work term for the total radiation energy is computed in the Hydro unit, the distribution of that work amongst each energy group is performed in the RadTrans unit. chp:RadTrans describes in detail how the multigroup radiation diffusion package in FLASH functions. The group radiation flux, emission, and absorption terms are all defined in that chapter. These terms are functions of the material opacity which is computed by the Opacity unit and is described in Sec:Opacity.
The only remaining term in (Eqn:3TNoHydro) is
which represents the deposition of energy by lasers into the
electrons. The Laser implementation in the
EnergyDeposition unit is responsible for computing
. The geometrics optics approximation to laser energy
deposition is used in FLASH. Sec:EnergyDeposition describes
the theory and usage of the laser ray-tracing model in FLASH in
As has been described above, the HEDP capabilities in FLASH are divided amongst many units including:
Several simulations are included with FLASH which demonstrate the usage of the HEDP capabilities and, taken together, exercise all of the units listed above. These simulations are described briefly below. Sec:The supplied problems describes all of the simulations in detail. Below, the relevant simulations listed with brief descriptions.