Configuration files come in two syntactic flavors: static text and python.
In static mode, configuration directives are listed as lines in a plain text
file. This mode is the most readable and intuitive of the two, but it lacks
flexibility. The python mode has been introduced to circumvent this
inflexibility by allowing the configuration file author to specify the
configuration directives as a function of the setup variables with a python
procedure. This allows the content of each directive and the number of
directives in total to be amenable to general programming.
The rule the setup script uses for deciding which flavor of configuration
file it's dealing with is simple. Python configuration files have as their
first line ##python:genLines. If the first line does not match
this string, then static mode is assumed and each line of the file is
interpreted verbatim as a directive.
If python mode is triggered, then the entire file is considered as valid
python source code (as if it were a .py). From this python code, a
function of the form def genLines(setupvars) is located and
executed to generate the configuration directives as an array (or any
iterable collection) of strings. The sole argument to genLines is a
dictionary that maps setup variable names to their corresponding string
As an example, here is a configuration file in python mode that registers
runtime parameters named indexed_parameter_x where x ranges from 1 to NP
and NP is a setup line variable.
# We define genLines as a generator with the very friendly "yield" syntax.
# Alternatively, we could have genLines return an array of strings or even
# one huge multiline string.
def genLines(setupvars):
# emit some directives that dont depend on any setup variables
yield """
REQUIRES physics/Hydro
REQUIRES physics/Eos
# read a setup variable value from the dictionary
np = int(setupvars("NP")) # must be converted from a string
# loop from 0 to np-1
for x in xrange(np):
yield "PARAMETER indexed_parameter_%d REAL 0." % (x+1)
When setting up a problem with NP=5 on the setup command line, the
following directives will be processed:
- # comment
A comment. Can appear as a separate line or at the end of a line.
- DEFAULT sub-unit
Every unit and sub-unit designates one implementation to be the
“default”, as defined by the keyword DEFAULT in its
Config file. If no specific implementation of the unit or its
sub-units is selected by the application, the designated default
implementation gets included. For example, the Config file for
the EosMain specifies Gamma as the default. If no specific
implementation is explicitly included (i.e., INCLUDE
physics/Eos/EosMain/Multigamma), then this command instructs setup to
include the Gamma implementation, as though INCLUDE
physics/Eos/EosMain/Gamma had been placed in the Units file.
- EXCLUSIVE implementation...
Specifies a list of implementations that cannot be included together. If no
EXCLUSIVE instruction is given, it is perfectly legal to
simultaneously include more than one implementation in the code. Using
“EXCLUSIVE *” means that at most one implementation can be
- CONFLICTS unit1[/sub-unit[/implementation...]] ...
Specifies that the current unit, sub-unit, or specific implementation
is not compatible with the list of units, sub-units or other
implementations that follows. setup issues an error if the user
attempts a conflicting unit configuration.
- REQUIRES unit[/sub-unit[/implementation...]] [
OR unit[/sub-unit...]]...
Specifies a unit requirement. Unit requirements can be general, without
asking for a specific implementation, so that unit dependencies are not
tied to particular algorithms. For example, the statement
REQUIRES physics/Eos in a unit's Config file indicates to
setup that the physics/Eos unit is needed, but no particular equation
of state is specified. As long as an Eos implementation is included,
the dependency will be satisfied. More specific dependencies can be
indicated by explicitly asking for an implementation. For example, if
there are multiple species in a simulation, the Multigamma equation
of state is the only valid option. To ask for it explicitly, use
REQUIRES physics/Eos/EosMain/Multigamma. Giving a complete set of unit
requirements is helpful, because setup uses them to generate the units
file when invoked with the -auto option.
- REQUESTS unit[/sub-unit[/implementation...]]
Requests that a unit be added to the Simulation. All requests are upgraded
to a “REQUIRES” if they are not negated by a "-without-unit" option from the
command line. If negated, the REQUEST is ignored. This can be used to
turn off profilers and other “optional” units which are included by default.
- SUGGEST unitname unitname ...
Unlike REQUIRES, this keyword suggests that the current unit be
used along with one of the specified units. The setup script will
print details of the suggestions which have been ignored. This is
useful in catching inadvertently omitted units before the run starts,
thus avoiding a waste of computing resources.
- PARAMETER name type [CONSTANT] default
Specifies a runtime parameter. Parameter names are unique up to 20 characters and
may not contain spaces. Admissible types include REAL, INTEGER,
STRING, and BOOLEAN. Default values for REAL and INTEGER
parameters must be valid numbers, or the compilation will fail. Default
STRING values must be enclosed in double quotes (").
Default BOOLEAN values must be .true. or .false. to
avoid compilation errors. Once defined, runtime parameters are available to the
entire code. Optionally, any parameter may be specified with the CONSTANT
attribute (e.g., PARAMETER foo REAL CONSTANT 2.2).
If a user attempts to set a constant parameter via the runtime parameter file,
an error will occur.
The range specification is optional and can be used to specify valid ranges
for the parameters. The range specification is allowed only for REAL,
INTEGER, STRING variables and must be enclosed in '[]'.
For a STRING variable, the range specification is a comma-separated
list of strings (enclosed in quotes). For a INTEGER, REAL variable,
the range specification is a comma-separated list of (closed) intervals
specified by min ... max, where min and max are the end points of
the interval. If min or max is omitted, it is assumed to be
respectively. Finally val is a shortcut for
val ... val. For example
PARAMETER pres REAL 1.0 [ 0.1 ... 9.9, 25.0 ... ]
PARAMETER coords STRING "polar" ["polar","cylindrical","2d","3d"]
indicates that pres is a REAL variable which is allowed to take
values between 0.1 and 9.9 or above 25.0. Similarly coords
is a string variable which can take one of the four specified values.
- D parameter-name comment
Any line in a Config file is considered a parameter comment
line if it begins with the token D. The first token after the
comment line is taken to be the parameter name. The remaining tokens
are taken to be a description of the parameter's purpose. A token is
delineated by one or more white spaces. For example,
D SOME_PARAMETER The purpose of this parameter is whatever
If the parameter comment requires additional lines, the &
is used to indicate continuation lines. For example,
D SOME_PARAMETER The purpose of this parameter is whatever
D & This is a second line of description
You can also use this to describe other variables, fluxes, species, etc.
For example, to describe a species called "xyz", create a comment
for the parameter “xyz_species”. In general the name should be followed by
an underscore and then by the lower case name of the keyword used to define the
Parameter comment lines are special because they are used by
setup to build a formatted list of commented runtime parameters
for a particular problem. This information is generated
in the file setup_params in the object directory.
- VARIABLE name [TYPE: vartype]
Registers variable
with the framework with name name and a variable type
defined by
vartype. The setup script collects variables
from all the included units, and creates a comprehensive list with no
duplications. It then assigns defined constants to each variable and
calculates the amount of storage required in the data structures for
storing these variables. The defined constants and the calculated sizes
are written to the file Flash.h.
The possible types for vartype are as follows:
This solution variable is represented in
conserved form,
i.e., it represents the density of a conserved extensive quantity.
The prime example is a variable directly representing mass density.
Energy densities, momentum densities, and partial mass densities
would be other examples (but these quantities are usually represented in
PER_MASS form instead).
This solution variable is represented in
i.e., it represents quantities whose nature is
Examples are specific energies, velocities of material (since
they are equal to momentum per mass unit), and abundances
or mass fractions (partial density divided by density).
This is the default vartype and need not be specified.
This type should be used for any variables that do not clearly belong
to one of the previous two categories.
In the current version of the
code, the TYPE attribute is only used to determine
which variables should be converted to conservative form
for certain Grid operations that may require
interpolation (i.e., prolongation, guardcell filling, and restriction)
when one of the runtime parameters
convertToConsvdForMeshCalls or
convertToConsvdInMeshInterp is set true.
Only variables of type PER_MASS are converted: values
are multiplied cell-by-cell with the value of the "dens"
variable, and potential interpolation results are converted
back by cell-by-cell division by "dens" values after
Note that therefore
An eosmap-spec has the syntax
EOSMAP: eos-role
( [EOSMAPIN: eos-role] [EOSMAPOUT: eos-role ]),
where eos-role stands for a role as defined in Eos_map.h.
These roles are used within implementations of the Eos_wrapped interface,
via the subroutines Eos_getData and Eos_putData,
to map variables from Grid data structures to the eosData array
that Eos understands, and back.
For example,
means that within Eos_wrapped, the EINT_VAR component of unk
will be treated as the grid variable in the “internal energy” role for the
purpose of constructing input to Eos, and
means that within Eos_wrapped, the GAMC_VAR component of unk
will be treated as the grid variable in the EOSMAP_GAMC role for the
purpose of returning results from calling Eos to the grid.
The specification
has the same effect as
Note that not all roles defined in Eos_map.h are necessarily
meaningful or actually used in a given Eos implementation.
An eosmap-spec for a VARIABLE is only used in an
Eos_wrapped invocation when the optional gridDataStruct
argument is absent or has a value of CENTER.
Registers pairs of variables with names MFA_name and MFB_name in the framework, intended to be used with the volume-of-fluid interface capturing scheme.
The setup script collects multifluid variables
from all the included units, and creates a comprehensive list with no
duplications. It then assigns defined constants to each variable and
calculates the amount of storage required in the data structures for
storing these variables. The defined constants and the calculated sizes
are written to the file Flash.h.
- FACEVAR name
This keyword has the same meaning for face-centered variables, that
VARIABLE does for cell-centered variables. It allocates space
in the grid data structure that contains face-centered physical variables
for “name”. See Sec:FlashHdimensions for more information
For eosmap-spec, see above under VARIABLE.
An eosmap-spec for FACEVAR is only used
when Eos_wrapped is called with an optional gridDataStruct
argument of FACEX, FACEY, or FACEZ.
- FLUX name
Registers flux variable
name with the framework. When using an adaptive mesh, flux
conservation is needed at fine-coarse boundaries. PARAMESH uses a data
structure for this purpose, the flux variables provide indices into that
data structure. See Sec:FlashHfluxes for more information.
- EDGE name
Registers an edge variable for use in the unit
that declarse it. This maps the the paramesh nvaredge variable
through the preprocessor variable FLASH_NEDGE_VAR in Flash.h. The
total number of edge variables is taken as the max over all units the total number of
requested edge variables from each individual unit.
This keyword is used in connection with the grid scope scratch space
for cell-centered data supported by FLASH. It allows the user to ask for scratch space with
“name”. The scratch variables do not participate in the process of
guardcell filling, and their values become invalid after a grid
refinement step. While users can define scratch variables to be
written to the plotfiles, they are not by default written to
checkpoint files. Note this feature wasn't available in FLASH2.
See Sec:FlashHscratch for more information.
This keyword is used in connection with the grid scope scratch space
for face-centered data, it is identical in every other respect to
This keyword is used for specifying instances of general purpose
grid scope scratch space. The same space can support cell-centered as
well as face-centered data. Like other scratch data structures, the
variables in this data structure can also be asked with “name” and
do not participate in guardcell filling.
For eosmap-spec, see above under VARIABLE.
An eosmap-spec for SCRATCHVAR is only used
when Eos_wrapped is called with an optional gridDataStruct
argument of SCRATCH.
- MASS_SCALAR name [RENORM: group-name]
If a quantity is defined with keyword MASS_SCALAR, space is created
for it in the grid “unk” data structure. It is treated like any other
variable by PARAMESH, but the hydrodynamic unit treats it
differently. It is advected, but other physical characteristics don't
apply to it. If the optional “RENORM” is given, this mass-scalar will be
added to the renormalization group of the accompanying group name.
The hydrodynamic solver will renormalize all mass-scalars in a given group,
ensuring that all variables in that group will sum to 1 within an individual
cell. See Sec:FlashHvariables
For eosmap-spec, see above under VARIABLE.
An eosmap-spec for a MASS_SCALAR may be used in an
Eos_wrapped invocation when the optional gridDataStruct
argument is absent or has a value of CENTER.
Avoid Confusion!:
It is inadvisable to name variables, species, and mass scalars with the same prefix,
as post-processing routines have difficulty deciphering the type of data from the
output files. For example, don't create a variable “temp” to hold
temperature and a mass scalar “temp” indicating a temporary variable.
Although the Flash.h file can distinguish between these two types of variables, many plotting routines cannot.
initialization-method MAPMETHOD
map-method ADVMETHOD time-advance-method
This keyword associates a particle type with mapping and
initialization sub-units of Particles unit to operate on this
particle type during the simulation. Here, map-method
describes the method used to map the particle properties to and from
the mesh (see Sec:Particles Mapping),
initialization-method describes the method used to
distribute the particles at initialization, and
time-advance-method describes the method used to advance the
associated particle type in time (see Sec:Particles Integration,
and in general Sec:ParticlesUsing).
This keyword has been introduced to facilitate inclusion of multiple
particle types in the same simulation. It imposes certain
requirements on the use of the ParticlesMapping and
ParticlesInitialization subunits.
Particles (of any type, whether called passive or anything else)
do not have default methods for initialization, mapping, or time integration,
so a PARTICLETYPE directive in a
Config file (or an equivalent -particlemethods= setup
option, see setupclf:particlemethods) is the only way to
specify the appropriate implementations of the Particles subunits to be
used. The declaration should be accompanied by appropriate
“REQUESTS” or “REQUIRES” directives to specify the paths of the
appropriate subunit implementation directories to be included.
For clarity, our technique has been to include this
information in the simulation directory Config files only. All
the currently available mapping and initialization methods have a
corresponding identifier in the form of preprocessor definition in
Particles.h. The user may select any particle-type
name, but the map-method, initialization-method
and time-advance-method must correspond to existing
identifiers defined in Particles.h. This is necessary to
navigate the data structure that stores the particle type and its
associated mapping and initialization methods. Users desirous of
adding new methods for mapping or initialization should also update
the Particles.h file with additional identifiers and their
preprocessor definitions. Note, it is possible to use the same
methods for different particle types, but each particle type name
must only appear once. Finally, the Simulations Config file is
also expected to request appropriate implementations of mapping and
initialization subunits using the keyword REQUESTS, since
the corresponding Config files do not specify a default implementation
to include. For example, to include passive particle
types with Quadratic mapping, Lattice initialization,and
Euler for advancing in time the following code segment should
appear in the Config file of the Simulations directory.
REQUIRES Particles/ParticlesMain
REQUESTS Particles/ParticlesMain/passive/Euler
REQUESTS Particles/ParticlesMapping/Quadratic
REQUESTS Particles/ParticlesInitialization/Lattice
- PARTICLEPROP name type
This keyword indicates that the particles data structure will allocate space for a
“NAME_PART_PROP.” For example if the Config file contains
then the code can directly access this property as
particles(DENS_PART_PROP,1:localNumParticles) = densInitial
type may be REAL or INT, however INT is presently unused.
See Sec:FlashHparticles for more information and examples.
- PARTICLEMAP TO partname FROM vartype varname
This keyword maps the value of the particle property partname to
the variable varname.
vartype can take the values VARIABLE, MASS_SCALAR, SPECIES,
These maps are used to generate Simulation_mapParticlesVar, which takes
the particle property partname and returns varname and vartype.
For example, to have a particle property tracing density:
or, in a more advanced case, particle properties tracing some face-valued function Mag:
Additional information on creating Config files for particles is obtained
in Sec:Particle Properties.
- SPECIES name [TO number of ions]
An application that uses multiple species uses this keyword to define
them. See Sec:FlashHvariables for more information. The
user may also specify an optional number of ions for each element,
name. For example, SPECIES o TO
8 creates 9 spaces in unk for Oxygen, that is, a
single space for Oxygen and 8 spaces for each of its ions. This is
relevant to simulations using the ionize unit. (Omitting the
optional TO specifier is equivalent to specifying TO 0).
- DATAFILES wildcard
Declares that all files matching the given wildcard in the unit directory should
be copied over to the object directory. For example,
will copy all the “.dat” files to the object directory.
- KERNEL [subdir]
Declares that all subdirectories must be recursively included. This
usually marks the end of the high level architecture of a unit.
Directories below it may be third party software or a highly optimized
solver, and are therefore not required to conform to FLASH architecture.
Without a subdir, the current directory (i.e., the one containing
the Config file with the KERNEL keyword) is marked as
a kernel directory, so code from all its subdirectories (with the exception
of subdirectories whose name begins with a dot) is included.
When a subdir is given, then that subdirectory must exist,
and it is treated as a kernel directory in the same way.
Note that currently the setup script can process only one KERNEL directive
per Config file.
- LIBRARY name [target]
Specifies a library requirement. Different FLASH units require different
libraries, and they must inform setup so it can link the libraries into the
executable. Some valid library names are HDF5, MPI. Support
for external libraries can be added by modifying the site-specific
Makefile.h files to include appropriate Makefile macros. It is
possible to use internal libraries, as well as switch libraries at
setup time. To use these features, see
target is used when building with cmake to specify a target that will be linked to the
FLASH executable.
- LINKIF filename unitname
Specifies that the file filename should be used only when the
unit unitname is included. This keyword allows a unit to have
multiple implementations of any part of its functionality, even down
to the kernel level, without the necessity of creating children for every
alternative. This is especially useful in Simulation setups where
users may want to use different implementations of specific functions
based upon the units included. For instance, a user may wish to supply
his/her own implementation of Grid_markRefineDerefine.F90,
instead of using the default one provided by FLASH. However, this function
is aware of the internal workings of Grid, and has different implementations for
different grid packages. The user could therefore specify different versions of
his/her own file that are intended for use with the different grids. For example,
LINKIF Grid/GridMain/UG
LINKIF Grid_markRefineDerefine.F90.pmesh Grid/GridMain/paramesh
to the Config file ensures that if the application is built with
UG, the file will be linked
in as Grid_markRefineDerefine.F90, whereas if it is built with
Paramesh2 or Paramesh4.0 or Paramesh4dev,
then the file Grid_markRefineDerefine.F90.pmesh will be
linked in as Grid_markRefineDerefine.F90. Alternatively,
the user may want to provide only one implementation specific to,
say, PARAMESH. In this case, adding
LINKIF Grid_markRefineDerefine.F90 Grid/GridMain/paramesh
to the Config file ensures that the user-supplied file is included
when using PARAMESH (either version), while the default FLASH file is
included when using UG.
- PPDEFINE sym1 sym2 ...
Instructs setup to add the PreProcessor symbols SYM1 and
SYM2 to the
generated Flash.h. Here SYM1 is sym1
converted to uppercase.
These pre-process symbols can be used in the code to distinguish
between which units have been used in an application. For example,
a Fortran subroutine could include
ug specific code
pm3+ specific code
By convention, many preprocessor symbols defined in Config
files included in the FLASH code distribution
start with the prefix “FLASH_”.
- USESETUPVARS var1, var2, ...
This tells setup that the specified “Setup Variables” are being used
in this Config file. The variables initialize to an empty
string if no values are specified for them. Note that commas
are required if listing several variables.
- CHILDORDER child1 child2 ...
When setup links several implementations of the same
function, it ensures that implementations of children override that
of the parent. Its method is to lexicographically sort all
the names and allow implementations occurring later to override
those occurring earlier. This means that if two siblings
implement the same code, the names of the siblings determine which
implementation wins. Although it is very rare for two siblings to
implement the same function, it does occur. This keyword permits the
Config file to override the lexicographic order by one
preferred by the user. Lexicographic ordering will prevail as usual
when deciding among implementations that are not explicitly listed.
Allows an application to choose the stencil size for updating
grid points. The stencil determines the number of guardcells
needed. The PPM algorithm requires
guardcells, hence that is the
default value.
If an application specifies a smaller value, it will probably not
be able to use the default monotonic AMR Grid interpolation;
see the -gridinterpolation setup flag for additional
- SETUPERROR error message
This causes setup to abort with the specified error message. This
is usually used only inside a conditional IF/ENDIF block (see below).
A conditional block is of the following form:
IF cond
where the ELSEIF and ELSE blocks are optional. There
is no limit on the number of ELSEIF blocks. “...” is any sequence
of valid Config file syntax. The conditional blocks may be nested.
“cond” is any boolean valued Python expression using the setup variables
specified in the USESETUPVARS.
- NONREP unktype name localmax globalparam
Declares an array of UNK variables that will be partitioned across the
replicated meshes. Using various preprocessor macros in Flash.h each copy of
the mesh can determine at runtime its own subset of indexes into this global
array. This allows an easy form of parallelism where regular "replicated"
mesh variables are computed redundantly across processors, but the variables in
the "non-replicated" array are computed in parallel.
- unktype: must be either MASS_SCALAR or VARIABLE
- name: the name of this variable array. It is suggested that it be
all capital letters, and must conform to what the C preprocessor will consider as
a valid symbol for use in a #define statement.
- localmax: a positive integer specifying the maximum number of elements
from the global variable array a mesh can hold. This is the actual number of
UNK variables that are allocated on each processor, though not all of
them will necessarily be used.
- globalparam: the name of a runtime parameter which dictates the size
of this global array of variables.
- ioformat: a string representing how the elements of the array will
be named when written to the output files. The question mark character ? is
used as a placeholder for the digits of the array index. As an example, the format
string x??? will generate the dataset names x001, x002,
x003, etc. This string must be no more than four characters in length.
The number of meshes is dictated by the runtime parameter meshCopyCount. The
following constraint must be satisfied or FLASH will fail at runtime:
The reason for this restriction is that localmax is the maximum number of
array elements a mesh can be responsible for, and meshCopyCount is the number of
meshes, so their product bounds the size of the array.
Config file:
flash.par file:
meshCopyCount = 3
numA = 11
numB = 15
In this case two non-replicated mass-scalar arrays are defined, A and
B. Their lengths are specified by the runtime parameters numA and
numB respectively. numB is set to its maximum value of
but numA is one less than its maximum value of
so at runtime
one of the meshes will not have all of its UNK variables in use. The
dataset names generated by IO will take the form a001 ...a011 and
b001 ...b015.
The preprocessor macros defined in Flash.h for these arrays will have the
prefixes A_ and B_ respectively. For details about these macros and
how they will distribute the array elements across the meshes see Sec:FlashHnonrep.