
5.5 Config Files

Information about unit dependencies, default sub-units, runtime parameter definitions, library requirements, and physical variables, etc. is contained in plain text files named Config in the different unit directories. These are parsed by setup when configuring the source tree and are used to create the code needed to register unit variables, to implement the runtime parameters, to choose specific sub-units when only a generic unit has been specified, to prevent mutually exclusive units from being included together, and to flag problems when dependencies are not resolved by some included unit. Some of the Config files contain additional information about unit interrelationships. As mentioned earlier, setup starts from the Config file in the Simulation directory of the problem being built.

5.5.1 Configuration file syntax

Configuration files come in two syntactic flavors: static text and python. In static mode, configuration directives are listed as lines in a plain text file. This mode is the most readable and intuitive of the two, but it lacks flexibility. The python mode has been introduced to circumvent this inflexibility by allowing the configuration file author to specify the configuration directives as a function of the setup variables with a python procedure. This allows the content of each directive and the number of directives in total to be amenable to general programming.

The rule the setup script uses for deciding which flavor of configuration file it's dealing with is simple. Python configuration files have as their first line ##python:genLines. If the first line does not match this string, then static mode is assumed and each line of the file is interpreted verbatim as a directive.

If python mode is triggered, then the entire file is considered as valid python source code (as if it were a .py). From this python code, a function of the form def genLines(setupvars) is located and executed to generate the configuration directives as an array (or any iterable collection) of strings. The sole argument to genLines is a dictionary that maps setup variable names to their corresponding string values.

As an example, here is a configuration file in python mode that registers runtime parameters named indexed_parameter_x where x ranges from 1 to NP and NP is a setup line variable.



# We define genLines as a generator with the very friendly "yield" syntax.
# Alternatively, we could have genLines return an array of strings or even
# one huge multiline string.
def genLines(setupvars):
    # emit some directives that dont depend on any setup variables
    yield """
REQUIRES physics/Hydro
REQUIRES physics/Eos
    # read a setup variable value from the dictionary
    np = int(setupvars("NP")) # must be converted from a string
    # loop from 0 to np-1
    for x in xrange(np):
        yield "PARAMETER indexed_parameter_%d REAL 0." % (x+1)

When setting up a problem with NP=5 on the setup command line, the following directives will be processed:  

REQUIRES physics/Hydro
REQUIRES physics/Eos
PARAMETER indexed_parameter_1 REAL 0.
PARAMETER indexed_parameter_2 REAL 0.
PARAMETER indexed_parameter_3 REAL 0.
PARAMETER indexed_parameter_4 REAL 0.
PARAMETER indexed_parameter_5 REAL 0.

5.5.2 Configuration directives

The syntax of the configuration directives is described here. Arbitrarily many spaces and/or tabs may be used, but all keywords must be in uppercase. Lines not matching an admissible pattern will raise an error when running setup.