
7.1 Driver Routines

The most important routines in the Driver API are those that initialize, evolve, and finalize the FLASH program. The file Flash.F90 contains the main FLASH program (equivalent to main() in C). The default top-level program of FLASH, Simulation/Flash.F90, calls Driver routines in this order:


program Flash

implicit none

call Driver_initParallel()
  call Driver_initFlash()
  call Driver_evolveFlash( )
  call Driver_finalizeFlash ( )

end program Flash

Therefore the no-operation stubs for these routines in the Driver source directory must be overridden by an implementation function in a unit implementation directory under the Driver or Simulation directory trees, in order for a simulation to perform any meaningful actions. The most commonly used implementations for most of these files are located in the Driver/DriverMain unit implementation directory, with a few specialized ones in either Driver/DriverMain/Split or Driver/DriverMain/Unsplit.

7.1.1 Driver_initFlash

The first of these routines is Driver_initParallel, which initializes the parallel environment for the simulation. New in FLASH4 is an ability to replicate the mesh where more than one copy of the discretized mesh may exist with some overlapping and some non-overlapping variables. Because of this feature, the parallel environment differentiates between global and mesh communicators. All the necessary communicators, and the attendant meta-data is generated in this routine. Also because of this modification, runtime parameters such as iProcs, jProcs etc, which were under the control of the Grid unit in FLASH3, are now under the control of the Driver unit. Several new accessor interface allow other code units to query the driver unit for this information. The Driver_initFlash, the next routine, in general calls the initialization routines in each of the units. If a unit is not included in a simulation, its stub (or empty) implementation is called. Having stub implementations is very useful in the Driver unit because it allows the user to avoid writing a new driver for each simulation. For a more detailed explanation of stub implementations please see Sec:Unit Architecture. It is important to note that when individual units are being initialized, order is often very important and the order of initialization is different depending on whether the run is from scratch or being restarted from a checkpoint file.

7.1.2 Driver_evolveFlash

The next routine is Driver_evolveFlash which controls the timestepping of the simulation, as well as the normal termination of FLASH based on time. Driver_evolveFlash checks the parameters tmax, nend and zFinal to determine that the run should end, having reached a particular point in time, a certain number of steps, or a particular cosmological redshift, respectively. Likewise the initial simulation time, step number and cosmological redshift for a simulation can be set using the runtime parameters tmin, nbegin, and zInitial. This version of FLASH includes versions of Driver_evolveFlash for directionally-split and unsplit staggered mesh operators. Strang Split Evolution

The code in the Driver/DriverMain/Split unit implementation directory has been the default time update method up to FLASH4.3, and can still be be used for many setups that can be configured with FLASH. The routine Driver_evolveFlash implements a Strang-split method of time advancement where each physics unit updates the solution data for two equal timesteps - thus the sequence of calls to physics and other units in each time step goes something like this: Hydro, diffusive terms, source terms, Particles, Gravity; Hydro, diffusive terms, source terms, Particles, Gravity, IO (for output), Grid (for grid changes). The hydrodynamics update routines take a “sweep order” argument since they must be directionally split to work with this driver. Here, the first call usually uses the ordering $ x-y-z$, and the second call uses $ z-y-x$. Each of the update routines is assumed to directly modify the solution variables. At the end of one loop of timestep advancement, the condition for updating the mesh refinement pattern is tested if the adaptive mesh is being used, and a refinement update is carried out if required. Unsplit Evolution

The driver implementation in the Driver/DriverMain/Unsplit directory is the default since FLASH4.4. It is required specifically for the two unsplit solvers: unsplit staggered mesh MHD solver (Sec:usm_algorithm) and the unsplit gas hydrodynamics solver (Sec:unsplit hydro algorithm). This implementation in general calls each of the physics routines only once per time step, and each call advances solution vectors by one timestep. At the end of one loop of timestep advancement, the condition for updating the adaptive mesh refinement pattern is tested and applied. Super-Time-Stepping (STS)

A new timestepping method implemented in FLASH4 is a technique called Super-Time-Stepping (STS). The STS is a simple explicit method which is used to accelerate restrictive parabolic timestepping advancements ( $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_para}}\approx \Delta x^2$) by relaxing the CFL stability condition of parabolic equation system.

The STS has been proposed by Alexiades et al., (1996), and used in computational astrophysics and sciences recenly (see Mignone et al., 2007; O'Sullivan & Downes, 2006; Commerçon et al., 2011; Lee, D. et al, 2011) for solving systems of parabolic PDEs numerically. The method increases its effective time steps $ \Delta t_{\mbox{sts}}$ using two properties of stability and optimality in Chebychev polynomial of degree $ n$. These properties optimally maximize the time step $ \Delta t_{\mbox{sts}}$ by which a solution vector can be evolved. A stability condition is imposed only after each time step $ \Delta t_{\mbox{sts}}$, which is further subdivided into smaller $ N_{\mbox{sts}}$ sub-time steps, $ \tau_i$, that is, $ \Delta t_{\mbox{sts}}=\sum^{N_{\mbox{sts}}}_{i=1} \tau_i$, where the sub-time step is given by

$\displaystyle \tau_i=\Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_para}}\big[ (-1+\nu_{\mbox{sts}}) cos\big(\frac{\pi(2j-1)}{2N_{\mbox{sts}}} + 1+\nu_{\mbox{sts}} \big)\big]^{-1},$ (7.1)

where $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_para}}$ is an explicit time step for a given parabolic system based on the CFL stability condition. $ \nu$ (nuSTS) is a free parameter less than unity. For $ \nu \rightarrow 0$, STS is asymptotically $ N_{\mbox{sts}}$ times faster than the conventional explicit scheme based on the CFL condition. During the $ N_{sts}$ sub-time steps, the STS method still solves solutions at each intermediate step $ \tau_i$; however, such solutions should not be considered as meaningful solutions.

Extended from the original STS method for accelerating parabolic timestepping, our STS method advances advection and/or diffusion (hyperbolic and/or parabolic) system of equations. This means that the STS algorithm in FLASH invokes a single $ \Delta t_{sts}$ for both advection and diffusion, and does not use any sub-cycling for diffusion based on a given advection time step. In this case, $ \tau_i$ is given by

$\displaystyle \tau_i=\Delta t_{\mbox{CFL}}\big[ (-1+\nu_{\mbox{sts}}) cos\big(\frac{\pi(2j-1)}{2N_{\mbox{sts}}} + 1+\nu_{\mbox{sts}} \big)\big]^{-1},$ (7.2)

where $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL}}$ can be an explicit time step for advection ( $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_adv}}$) or parabolic ( $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_para}}$) systems. In cases of advection-diffusion system, $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL}}$ takes ( $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_para}}$) when it is smaller than ( $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_adv}}$); otherwise, FLASH's timestepping will proceed without using STS iterations (i.e., using standard explicit timestepping that is either Strang split evolution or unsplit evolution.

Since the method is explicit, it works equally well on both a uniform grid and AMR grids without modification. The STS method is first-order accurate in time.

Both directionally-split and unsplit hydro solvers can use the STS method, simply by invoking a runtime parameter useSTS = .true. in flash.par. There are couple of runtime parameters that control solution accuracy and stability. They are decribed in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Runtime parameters for STS
Variable Type Default Description
useSTS logical .false. Enable STS
nstepTotalSTS integer 5 Suggestion: $ \sim$ 5 for hyperbolic; $ \sim$ 10 for parabolic
nuSTS real 0.2 Suggestion: $ \sim$ 0.2 for hyperbolic; $ \sim$ 0.01 for parabolic. It is known that a very low value of $ \nu$ may result in unstable temporal integrations, while a value close to unity can decrease the expected efficiency of STS.
useSTSforDiffusion logical .false. This setup will use the STS for overcoming small diffusion time steps assuming $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_adv}} > \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_para}}$. In implementation, it will set $ \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL}}=\Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_para}}$ in Eqn. 7.2. Do not allow to turn on this switch when there is no diffusion (viscosity, conductivity, and magnetic resistivity) used.
allowDtSTSDominate logical .false. If true, this will allow to have $ \tau_i > \Delta t_{\mbox{CFL\_adv}}$, which may result in unstable integrations. Runtime Parameters

The Driver unit supplies certain runtime parameters regardless of which type of driver is chosen. These are described in the online Runtime Parameters Documentation page.

FLASH3 Transition: The Driver unit no longer provides runtime parameters, physical constants, or logfile management. Those services have been placed in separate units. The Driver unit also does not declare boolean values to include a unit in a simulation or not. For example, in FLASH2, the Driver declared a runtime parameter iburn to turn on and off burning.  
if(iburn) then
    call burning ....
end if
In FLASH4 the individual unit declares a runtime parameter that determines whether the unit is used during the simulation e.g., the Burn unit declares useBurn within the Burn unit code that turns burning on or off. This way the Driver is no longer responsible for knowing what is included in a simulation. A unit gets called from the Driver, and if it is not included in a simulation, a stub gets called. If a unit, like Burn, is included but the user wants to turn burning off, then the runtime parameter declared in the Burn unit would be set to false.

7.1.3 Driver_finalizeFlash

Finally, the the Driver unit calls Driver_finalizeFlash which calls the finalize routines for each unit. Typically this involves deallocating memory and any other necessary cleanup.

7.1.4 Driver accessor functions

In FLASH4 the Driver unit also provides a number of accessor functions to get data stored in the Driver unit, for example Driver_getDt, Driver_getNStep, Driver_getElapsedWCTime, Driver_getSimTime.

FLASH3 Transition: In FLASH4 most of the quantities that were in the FLASH2 database are stored in the Grid unit or are replaced with functionality in the Flash.h file. A few scalars quantities like dt, the current timestep number nstep, simulation time and elapsed wall clock time, however, are now stored in the Driver_data FORTRAN90 module.

The Driver unit API also defines two interfaces for halting the code, Driver_abortFlash and
Driver_abortFlashC.c. The 'c' routine version is available for calls written in C, so that the user does not have to worry about any name mangling. Both of these routines print an error message and call MPI_Abort.

7.1.5 Time Step Limiting

The Driver unit is responsible for determining the time step $ \Delta t$ that is used to advance the solution from time $ t=t^{n-1}$ to $ t^n$. At startup, a tentative $ \Delta t$ is chosen based in runtime parameters, in particular dtinit. The routine Driver_verifyInitDt (usually invoked from Driver_initFlash) is used to check and, if necessary, modify the initial $ \Delta t$. Subsequently, the routine Driver_computeDt (usually invoked from Driver_evolveFlash at the end of an iteration of the main evolution loop) is used to recompute $ \Delta t$ for the next evolution step.

The implementation of Driver_computeDt can lower or increase the time step. It takes various runtime parameters into consideration, including dtmin, dtmax, and tstep_change_factor. For the most part, however, Driver_computeDt calls on UNIT_computeDt routines of various code units to query those units for their time step requirements, and usually chooses the smallest time step that is acceptable to all units queried.

The code units that participate in this negotiation return a $ \Delta t$, and usually some additional information about which location in the simulaton domain caused the reequired step to be as low as returned. A unit's time step requirement can depend on the current state of the solution as well as on further runtime parameters. For example, the dt returned by Hydro_computeDt depends on the state of density, pressure, and velocities (and possibly additional variables) in the cells of the domain, as well as on the runtime parameter cfl. Generic time step limiting for positive definiteness

A generic method for limiting time steps, based on a requirement that certain (user-specified) variables should never become negative, has been added in FLASH4.5. To understand the basic idea, think of each variable that this limiter is applied to as a density of some quantity $ q$. (Variables of PER_MASS type are actually converted to their PER_VOLUME counterparts in the implementation of the method.)

The algorithm is based on examining the distribution of $ q$ in neighboring cells, and making for each cell a near-worst-case estimate of the rate of depletion $ \dot q$ based on projected fluxes of $ q$ out of the cell over its faces. This can be applied to any variable, it is not required that the variable represents any quantity that is actually advected as described. See Table 7.2 for how to use. This feature may be particularly useful when applied to "eion" in multidimensional 3T simulations in order to avoid some kinds of “negative ion temperature” failures, as an alternative to lowering the Hydro runtime parameter cfl.

Table 7.2: Runtime parameters for positive definiteness.
Parameter Type Default Description
dr_usePosdefComputeDt boolean .false. Set to .true. to turn positive-definite time step limiter on.
dr_numPosdefVars integer 4 Number of variables for which positive definiteness should be enforced
dr_posdefVar_N string "none" Name of Nth variable for positive-definite dt limiter
dr_posdefDtFactor real 1.0 Scaling factor for dt limit from positive-definite time step limiter. Similar to CFL factor. If set to -1, use CFL factor from Hydro.