Most flash.par parameters relevant to the Grid unit will continue to work; the differences are described later in this section. There are some important restrictions to be aware of when using this Grid implementation.
FLASH does not include the source code for Chombo library and so Chombo must be independently downloaded and then built using the instructions given in Section 5.9. Please also see the restrictions in Hydro Section 15.1.6 and I/O Section 9.12.
Our integration of FLASH with Chombo is slightly unusual because we do not use the higher-level Chombo classes for solving time-dependent problems on an AMR mesh. The reason is that these higher level classes also "drive" the simulation, that is, control the initialization and evolution of simulations. These are tasks that already happen in a FLASH application in the Driver unit. Our approach is therefore to use the lower-level Chombo classes so that Chombo library is only responsible for Grid related tasks.
The actual patch-based mesh is allocated and managed in Chombo library. Each individual patch is stored in contiguous memory locations with the slowest varying dimension being the solution variable. This has allowed us to create a Grid_getBlkPtr that builds a 4D Fortran pointer object from the memory address of the first element of a specified patch. The patch is treated as a standard FLASH block in the physics units of FLASH. The Grid unit obtains the memory address and other metadata such as patch size, coordinates, index limits, cell spacing and refinement level through non-decorated C++ function calls which query Chombo objects.
This is a Grid implementation that operates in the same way as the standard FLASH uniform grid mode in which there is one block per MPI process. The parameters accepted are identical to those described for a non fixed blocksize uniform grid in Section 8.5.2. The only difference is that the checkpoint file is written in Chombo file layout rather than FLASH file layout. Setup a simulation using:
./setup Sedov -auto +chombo_ug -parfile=test_chombo_ug_2d.par
The real motivation for integrating Chombo into FLASH is for its adaptive mesh which is patch-based rather than an oct-tree like Paramesh. It has several desirable features including:
A major difference in the generated meshes is that there is no longer the concept of “LEAF” blocks which cover the global domain. This was useful in Paramesh because a union of the space covered by the children of a block cover is exactly equal to the space covered by the parent block. It is therefore possible to evolve solution only on leaf blocks. Such complete overlap is not guaranteed in Chombo, in fact it rarely happens. Therefore, to be compatible with Chombo, physics units must evolve a solution on all blocks. For reference, the LEAF definition in Flash.h for FLASH-Chombo application now means all blocks.
A FLASH application with Chombo uses the refinement criteria similar
to the one described in Section 8.6.3. The slight
modification is that the -th cell is tagged when
exceeds a threshold value. Recall that in the
Paramesh, the entire block
is tagged for refinement when the error estimator of any of
cells within a block exceeds a given threshold. As a further
extension to this cell tagging procedure we also tag all cells within
a small radius of a given tagged cell. The tagging radius is set
using the runtime parameter tagradius; a value of 1 means
that 1 cell to the left and right of a tagged cell in each dimension
is also tagged. Values below the default value of 2 may cause
problems because of introduction of fine-coarse interfaces in regions
of the domain where there are steep gradients. For example, a Sod
problem does not converge in Riemann solver when the value is 0.
The runtime parameters are described below:
Set convertToConsvdForMeshCalls runtime parameter to .true. to interpolate mass specific solution variables (see Section We have not yet added code for convertToConsvdInMeshInterp runtime parameter and so it should not be used.
Setup a simulation using:
./setup Sedov -auto +chombo_amr -parfile=test_chombo_amr_2d.par